Hi, AMoura, thats me again. I think that the main problem with computer 
languages is not lack of features. My major concern about computer languages is 
that most of them do not keep backward compatibility. I liked the _Yi_ text 
editor, which happened to be written in Haskell. Do you know why I quit using 
the _Yi_ editor? Because I could not compile it anymore.

There are many pieces of software around that people stopped using simply 
because developers were not able to build the applications anymore. Consider 
the Daisy Model, which is so important in The Gaia Hypothesis and _global warm 
studies_. I wrote to the author, and he sent me the source code in Basic. The 
difficulty is that no Basic compiler available can build the thing.

Lisp is not a popular language by any means. However, there are many impressive 
Lisp applications. Here is a short list:

1 -- ACL2 -- a system developed by Boyer and Moore to prove the correction of 
hardware and applications. It is one of the most impressive programs that I 


2 -- Maxima, Computer Algebra System:


3 -- PTC Creo CAD/CAM allows you to design and manufacture from clothes and 
shoes to complex machines. It seems that the Jarvis butler in the film Iron Man 
was inspired on PTC. My students have a complimentary copy of PTC and, believe 
me, the thing is amazing, specially the programs in Lisp. Here is a link:


4 -- PVS. You probably saw PVS in the film The Marcian. Yes, that strange 
language that appears in the film is Lisp, doped with an overdose of macros:



5 -- Cyc is probably the most accomplished Artificial Intelligence program ever:


The list could go on and on, Mirai, Orbitz, Robot Motion Grammar, Biobike, 
Grammarly, Scream, Dendral, ... How could Lisp programmers write such beautiful 
pieces of software? I have a theory: They had time. Simple as that, they have 
time. Lisp programmers took years to create Cyc and Maxima. Such a lengthy 
effort was possible because Lisp does not change with time. You can still use 
the very Lisp programs that Svyatoslav Lavrov and Rifat Appazov used to launch 
artificial satellites and interplanetary probes.

What about Nim? I believe that Lisp does not become obsolete due to its high 
content of Mathematics. As you probably noticed, Mathematics does not change 
either. When I was a student at Cornell, my professor of Mathematics used a 
book written by Gauss, and except for being written in Latin, the book was by 
no means obsolete. Mathematics is optimized, it has a minimum of entities. 
Optimization is minimizing or maximizing a utility function. Lisp grammar is 
the smallest possible, therefore you cannot change it. Any change would make it 
larger, which is against the principles that govern Lisp evolution.

I hope that Nim finds a guiding principle that keeps it backward compatible 
with the work of the generations of programmers that will keep science moving. 

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