Re: 1.0.0 is here

2019-09-24 Thread zolern
Great day for all of us that love Nim! And the big good news for our Nim are yet to come! Cheers to all Nimsters!

Re: Nim v0.20.0 is here (1.0 RC)

2019-06-07 Thread zolern
Great news (1.0 RC) and thanks to all that made this possible. Horay! horay! - Nim 1.0 is near!

Re: Con/IO terminal library for dummies

2019-04-13 Thread zolern
Really nice console, like it

Re: Printing Unicode characters (Runes) and UTF8 Strings

2019-04-12 Thread zolern
Yes, Windows console is set by default to regional (non unicode) code page. Anyway it is good practice if you change codepage then restore it on exit, you never know what legacy (but very very important to somebody) software depends on it :)

Re: nimpretty non installed by choosenim stable

2019-04-11 Thread zolern
Or just compile nimpretty yourself: cd nim c -d:release -o:./bin/nimpretty.exe ./nimpretty/nimpretty.nim Run

Re: Printing Unicode characters (Runes) and UTF8 Strings

2019-04-11 Thread zolern
You can, but string literal for unicode is "u" (exactly four hex digits), not "x"

Re: getch() vs Cyrillic on Windows.

2019-04-07 Thread zolern
I would not say that Nim has perfect support for Unicode in Windows console because it hasn't. Neither input, nor output of unicode chars works out of the box in any version of Windows from WinXP x32 ANSI to Windows 10 x64 Unicode. But actually it is not Nim fault, but creepy Windows/MSDOS

Nim-lang is added as supported language in!

2019-03-16 Thread zolern
Thanks to all supporters that voted for adding Nim in hip, hip, horay, [it is done](! [Try it](

Re: Nim nightly builds

2019-01-17 Thread zolern
Unfortunately for the last two builds only Windows x64 was built

Re: Nim nightly builds

2019-01-15 Thread zolern
Very strange and sad: several last 19.9 nightlies ([v0.19.9-9e68b2c]( \- 10 hours ago, [v0.19.9-f5cc2e2]( \- two days ago,

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-01-12 Thread zolern
My bad, I am using 32-bit Nim only and never tested wAppbar under 64-bit. I will be glad to receive your pull requests

Re: Nim nightly builds

2019-01-05 Thread zolern
Great job!

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-01-04 Thread zolern
://]( \--- * wAppbar is Nim/wNim implementation of Windows Desktop Appbar (custom bar that stays on top of other applications, like a Windows Taskbar)

Re: Version 0.19.0 is out

2018-09-30 Thread zolern
Great work! And one big step closer to Nim 1.0.0

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-10 Thread zolern
Awesome work! I will try it in my next project

Re: Nim partners with

2018-08-08 Thread zolern
Great news for Nim, for the Nim developers and for us all that love Nim. Kudos!

Re: Passing data prom one thread to another

2018-03-22 Thread zolern
It is not Nim specific problem, you know, it is in general GUI "problem". In my practice the best way to send some data (and when I say "data" I mean "more than DWORD value") to UI is to save that data in some temporary container and use "message to ui" just to say "Hi, here is some data for

Re: VS Code integration is great

2018-01-24 Thread zolern
VSCode rulez! I tried almost every Windows-based editor that supports Nim and VSCode is my favorite. VScode is great in so many ways! And many thanks to Kostya Zaitzev, Nim plugin's author, for awesome work.

Re: Editor profiles fo Nim

2017-08-31 Thread zolern
Notepad++ from version 7.5 has embedded support for .nim files (syntax highlighting and code folding). NB: in release notes for 7.5 Nim still is called Nimrod

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-15 Thread zolern
@LeuGim I mean that LLVM/clang's pow is much faster than gcc's pow and not just in this particular case pow(-1, n), but is faster in general.

Re: Nim in Action is now officially in print!

2017-08-14 Thread zolern
Wow, final "ready for print" edition is pretty awesome. Great work!

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread zolern
I am pretty sure that Julias's POW takes care that first argument is -1 and optimized it with something like MOD You can check it, I suppose that modified Julia code with MOD will take pretty same time as code with POW.

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread zolern
Well, my 10 cents import times, math proc leibniz(terms: int): float = var res = 0.0 for n in 0..terms: res = res + (if n mod 2 == 0: 1.0 else: -1.0) / float(2 * n + 1) return 4*res let t0 = cpuTime()

Re: Winim - Nim's Windows API and COM Library

2017-06-29 Thread zolern
Good job. I just needed nim module that works with COM

Re: Its a simple fix.

2017-06-21 Thread zolern
I am just curious why chrome and doc procedures return strings. If you not need result of these procedures just not set type of return value. And yes, if you need these strings you should use them or discard them. And if you want to echo result of procedures I can suggest a variant with "case"

Re: Specify directory for binary

2017-06-02 Thread zolern
I am afraid -o option doesn't set directory for binary. I tried it when I set my VisualStudioCode to save compiled binaries from all my projects in one folder, but -o expects also filename.

Re: Version 0.17.0 released!

2017-05-18 Thread zolern
Hooray, nimers!

Re: Nim added to the CSV Game benchmark

2017-05-01 Thread zolern
Wow! I knew that Nim is fast, but SO FAST? Nice

Re: New website released!

2017-04-19 Thread zolern
New site is just great! Wow, my lovely Nim becomes better and better in every aspect!

Re: Alternative comment syntax

2017-03-29 Thread zolern
Actually, I like it. But not sure about //- -//; for me it is much more logical to be //[ ]// (as direct equivalent of #[ ]#)

Re: Nim core developer wanted

2017-03-01 Thread zolern
Greetings and respect for Zahary (BG rules!) I am sure the best with Nim is yet to come

Re: Nim GC Performance

2016-12-06 Thread zolern
Nim CG also is thread independent

Re: Code page 65001

2016-10-25 Thread zolern
And only when compiled with MinGW. When compiled with vcc - no problem. Very strange :(

Re: Code page 65001

2016-10-25 Thread zolern
May be it was good to refine that this happens on Windows (I tested it on Windows XP, Windows 2003 and Windows 10)

Re: Code page 65001

2016-10-25 Thread zolern
frwite works perfect in local codepages (non 65001). fwrite works perfect in files. fwrite outputs incorrect only when non ASCII symbols are outputed to stdout. Example: proc getConsoleOutputCP(): cint {. importc: "GetConsoleOutputCP", stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32" .} proc