Re: I'd like to offer some suggestions re: Nim documentation. Github? This forum?

2019-11-06 Thread edu500ac
I run on the same problems you listed in your intervention. What I did was to create a group for writing a book on Nim. Here is our github page: []( If you want to collaborate with proofreading or even writing a

Re: I'd like to offer some suggestions re: Nim documentation. Github? This forum?

2019-11-05 Thread miran
> I'd like to offer various suggestions or fixes (where I can). Ideally, you can immediately send pull requests with the documentation improvements, no need to discuss it or open issues. > (...) inconsistent organization. (...) Is creating issues on Github the > preferred mechanism for

I'd like to offer some suggestions re: Nim documentation. Github? This forum?

2019-11-05 Thread pmags
As I'm trying to learn Nim I'm running into lacunae in the documentation -- both in terms of missing information as well as inconsistent organization. I'd like to offer various suggestions or fixes (where I can). Is creating issues on Github the preferred mechanism for initiating such

Re: Nim documentation like Go

2019-08-29 Thread miran
> If you type `go doc fmt Println` in terminal you can get a small peace of > information (...) right there in terminal. [This nim plugin for Neovim]( gives you even better functionality, IMO. You don't have to type any special command in terminal, as you

Re: Nim documentation like Go

2019-08-28 Thread miran
> written by hand? Yes.

Re: Nim documentation like Go

2019-08-28 Thread jiyinyiyong
curious how the types and snippets in the docs was created, written by hand? [](

Nim documentation like Go

2019-08-28 Thread SebastianM
Hi guys, Is anyone familliar with Golang documentation? If you type go doc fmt Println in terminal you can get a small peace of information: func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) Println formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to standard output. Spaces

Re: Nim documentation like Go

2019-08-28 Thread Araq
I don't think we have such a tool.

Re: Nim documentation

2017-08-24 Thread jlp765
On the [Nim docs page]( there is [the Searchable Index](

Nim documentation

2017-08-24 Thread jzakiya
Is there an available list of all the current Nim methods, functions, etc, similar to what Ruby provides, as below? [](

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-09-14 Thread vega
@Araq, can the search be optional? For example, I don't need it here: [](

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-09-13 Thread honhon
Thanks for the update Araq!

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-09-10 Thread Araq
For the upcoming 0.15.0 I have generated documentation here (still subject to change and yes I know the version says 0.14.3): [](

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-09-08 Thread federico3
Issue created for the edit button: [](

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-09-08 Thread honhon
+1 For the edit button idea à la

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-09-07 Thread endragor
The "Edit" button idea is actually **very** nice. I often see issues in documentation, but am too lazy to go to terminal, cd Nim, create branch, make change, push branch, create PR (or do the same from GitHub UI) for a small change. If there is a button on each page that goes straight to

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-09-07 Thread Krux02
If you look on how []( did the editing, it is just a button to do a fork and pull request on github, with the github internal editor. This shouldn't bee to hard to implement, as long as the site is not documentation embedded in nim code. I

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-09-07 Thread dom96
I agree, we need to do a better job of getting feedback from the readers of our documentation. I bet we could create a simple web service for that. Easily editing documentation is more difficult, but something which would be nice too. We can definitely improve our documentation a lot.

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-09-07 Thread Krux02
I think the documentation could improve a lot, if it is easier for the community to contribute to it. For example in, every page has an edit button. This really simplifies the process for users to add something to the documentation as they read it. Additionally to that it would also

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-09-07 Thread honhon
@OderWat Any updates on this? I've noticed that the docgen tool has very limited support of field lists. It would be good to be able to add parameter descriptions via field list fields but at the moment this doesn't seem to work. Also if there was support for multiline comments for

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-06 Thread federico3
> Anyone can raise a PR, but my perception is that very few do so I think an "Edit me on GitHub" ribbon on the online copy of the docs could help. > a periodic "lets figure this out together moment". Some other projects are running monthly conference calls to improve communication across

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread euant
**@honhon**: Actually, GitBook the tool is open source, but GitBook the commercial hosted company is not. We would be self hosting the actual generated documentation rather than using their hosted service :) And yes, Django has some of the nicest documentation I've seen. I'd love to see

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread jlp765
I added some more comparisons to the `Nim for C programmers` if someone can sanity check it (Comments, var parameters to procs, simple casting). I looked at the `Nim for Python programmers` and wondered whether the tuple syntax example were correct (I thought it should be round brackets not

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread honhon
@euant Its great you want to contribute with documentation. Gitbook seems to be a locked in service. Django Framework is an example of fantastic documentation for an opensource project and it uses RestructuredText and Sphinx which are both opensource and self hosted. The documentation

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread euant
**@Kerp** Yep, you're correct, there are a couple of "Nim for X programmers" on GitHub in the Nim Wiki - they should probably be better surfaced: * [Nim for C programmers]( * [Nim for Python

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread Kerp
Being a someone who is kinda new to the terminology of computer science i find that in nim the documentation may be perfect for seasoned people who have a clue, but i did not at first. Till i started searching individual topics like, hygenic macros and such. So my suggestion to add to this is

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread jlp765
(Maybe the following should be a different thread?) To improve the documentation * Anyone can raise a PR, but my perception is that very few do so (given a lot of people think the doco is inadequate or can be improved?) * How do you enable getting many people to effectively contribute to

Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread euant
As was made clear in the [community survey results](, many see the Nim documentation as being an area for improvement. I recently started a project to work on this exact area, by creating a version of the Nim guide/tutorial as a [GitBook

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-07-21 Thread OderWat
I don't want to announce a time frame right now, because I also have a day job :) The idea is pretty simple: We collect all the docs from all the modules which are in nimble automatically and add the docs of the compiler and the manual itself. Those get indexed by the Nim compilers own

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-07-21 Thread vince
@OderWat Have you any information on the creation of the better documentation? I was planning a documentation site like for nim.

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-07-21 Thread JohnS
I like the idea of external but integrated example files. Dropping a 50+ line block right into the code base never seemed like the right idea.

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-07-21 Thread OderWat
Well. It could be as simple as creating PR where multiple people working in collaboration to add to the documentation. There is no need to extract them from the sources and re-inject them again. For some key modules there also could be some example.rst files which get included with the module

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-07-21 Thread federico3
I don't know about StackOverflow Documentation, but the GitHub wiki allows exporting pages. We could use it for collaborative editing and then extract good pages and merge them into the mainline doc at release time.

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-07-21 Thread wulfklaue
It looks interesting but i reserve some doubt about having a 3th party hosting the documentation. And it also raises questions about synchronizing the documentation in the code with stackoverflow...

Re: StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-07-21 Thread euant
@wulfklaue: I don't believe the intention is to replace the standard docs, but the StackOverflow docs would instead be more concentrated around providing examples, which I personally am all for.

StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal

2016-07-21 Thread JohnS
Based on some of the previous comments/concerns over Nim documentation, this seems like it might address some of the issues: []( Upvote if you're interested.