Am 30.08.2012 um 13:48 schrieb Malte Stien :
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a table with the following formatting:
> 1. The top left cell is divided in two by a diagonal line with separate text
> into each triangle
> 2. Another cell in the table body has a bulleted list
> I've had no succ
Hello there.
I get an internal error pointing the browser to :
> Internal error, please contact
I tried the address above, but it fails:
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.1.1 : Recipient address
rejected: User unknown in local rec
Hi Marcel,
As far as I know, margins end up directly next to columns: multiple
columns do not share one margin at the edge of the page. This answer
on comes tot the same conclusion:
If marg
the subfootnote feature is broken or changed the interface. Is there
a workaround or fix?
If your question is of interest to other
> Hi Malte,
> > 1. The top left cell is divided in two by a diagonal line with
> > separate text into each triangle
> This should get you started:
That solution is very hackish and the result ugly. Here is a more
clean solution. It has