Indeed this seems so for at least Great Shearwater. Thank you for that link to
the long-term study, Paul. Also, more study and surveying may be required on
the potential spread of H5N1 into N. America, which detection is mainly
quite-recent, and it is possible that the Anatidae (esp. certain du
* New York
* Syracuse
* June 20, 2022
* NYSY 06. 20. 22
Hotline: Syracuse Rare bird Alert
Dates(s): June 13, 2022 to June 20, 2022
to report by e-mail: brinjoseph AT
covering upstate NY counties: Cayuga, Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge
and Montezuma Wetlands Comp
While Avian Influenza is certainly ravaging seabird colonies in the North
Atlantic, I think the shearwater die off is not caused by this, at least I have
not heard of any of these birds testing positive for HPAI. I prepared an good
number of Great Shearwaters from the 2017 die off and they
Regarding **possible causes** of mortalities of dead (or dying) seabirds,
particularly shearwaters of at least several species seen just lately on the
Atlantic shores of (at least) New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and
possibly northward, which at-least anecdotally are now likely into the