Re: [Ogf-l] Ryan, reply-to problem

2005-09-05 Thread Scott Broadbent
This could just be a problem with your mail client. I use Firefox myself and for those people you mentioned (and a few others I've noticed), it sends a copy both to the reply-to entry ( and the original sender. I've not seen any situation though where it

Re: [OGF-L] Work=OGC+PI+nothing else?

2005-03-10 Thread Scott Broadbent
Regardless, the license specifically says it should be the copyright notice from your OGC which is included in the section 15. I never actually noticed it in the license (or atleast no one has emphasised it that much), but I do see where it says that the copyright notice is intended to

Re: [Ogf-l] Thematic Elements

2004-06-09 Thread Scott Broadbent
Is it just me, or does anyone else find this incredibly vague as a PI designation? All thematic elements are PI and everything else is OGC. I agree. Personally, if I was deriving off a product that used that PI/OGC declaration, I'd more or less ignore it. If you don't want to tell me what

Re: [Ogf-l] Re: Releasing a new system under the OGL

2004-04-13 Thread Scott Broadbent
Well, the Freedom of Contract seems to be more restricted in some EU countries compared to the US. As I have said before, the provisions made in the second sentence of section 7 have no legal validity in Sweden - period. This has nothing to do with thinking that the trade-off is not worth it

Re: [Ogf-l] Re: Releasing a new system under the OGL

2004-04-09 Thread Scott Broadbent
Other than the fact that the OGL expressly forbids you from doing what you talk about! Actually, the OGL doesn't forbid it, but depending on the content in the document, you may not be able to release the same content under the multiple licenses. For instance, content derived from the SRD

Re: [Ogf-l] How to go about releasing a system under the OGL

2004-04-06 Thread Scott Broadbent
The question I have is what specifically I have to do in order to release it under the Open Gaming Licence - is it simply a matter of copy and pasting the legal text into the RTF? What parts of it do I need to change? Simply attach the text of the OGL somewhere (usually the end of the

Re: [Ogf-l] Product Identity does not mean Everything that's not OGC

2004-02-23 Thread Scott Broadbent
Adding my own comments to the discussion. PI was made to keep us publishers happy who were worried about losting control over stuff in sections that were OGC. More to the point, one reason for PI was to make the work more aesthetically pleasing. A couple suggestions to mark what was OGC

Re: [Ogf-l] PI in summary...

2003-10-24 Thread Scott Broadbent
I can't remember if it was here or on OGF-D20-l, but i pointed out to just such a comment that it may not matter what WotC believes, if it is in conflict with the license. It was one of these two lists. Unlike the D20STL, they can't change it at a whim, so the actual written meaning matters,

Re: [Ogf-l] PI in summary...

2003-10-23 Thread Scott Broadbent
What is PI? We don't know. It's either stuff you're forbidden from using, or stuff that is functionally not in the source when reusing. Something I brought up before: Based on the 3.5 SRD I believe WotC interprets PI as being terms that are forbidden from any work that derives off of the