Re: Two LOINC codes for one lab-item

2017-02-17 Thread Eric Browne
Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma --6 hours post XXX challenge" "Creatinine [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma --7 days post XXX challenge" "Creatinine [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma --8 hours post XXX challenge" "Creatinine [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma -

Re: Alive vs Dead

2016-01-05 Thread Eric Browne
though perhaps that might, in some circumstances, be a good thing. “alive" or “dead" could also refer to the status of a registry case, rather than that of a person. “Is deceased” or “Has died” ? [ Using both supports future recording of post-cryogenic or other types of resurrections ;-

Re: Archetype publication question - implications for implementers [ long ]

2015-10-10 Thread Eric Browne
st common denominator ) trumps standards and quality, and even safety. regards, eric Eric Browne ph 0414 925 845 skype: eric_browne > On 2 Oct 2015, at 1:41 pm, Heather Leslie > wrote: > > Hi everyone, > > I’m seeking community in

New content review round for Adverse Reaction

2012-01-17 Thread Eric Browne
s and licensing rights/restrictions should be established. I agree that it is an international issue, but the clarification process may struggle with the vagaries of a multitude of individual states' laws. As for transportation to Oz, I would caution that some of we Australians have long

IHTSDO meeting - term binding presentation available

2010-05-06 Thread Eric Browne
Hi Sebastian, If I can give my own perspective on this, having been peripherally involved for some time.. 1. Unfortunately, the IHTSDO (, who is responsible for the ongoing management and development of SNOMED CT, is still a somewhat closed and traditional standards development

Detailed Clinical Modelling for EHR Development and deployment and for HL7 v3

2008-11-08 Thread Eric Browne
fundamental V3 principle that all knowledge is expressed in the foundation RIM components and cited vocabularies. regards, eric Browne --- > William, > ... > > Do you have an url where we can find your paper? > For now, can you provide 'real life' examples of what you mean

New article on Codes. was Re: Chief Complaint

2008-10-14 Thread Eric Browne
web pages in the 90s, and trying to fathom the madness of HL7 v3 codes this century. From this experience I have, perhaps, a different perspective. I assume that the article is biased by my experiences. I welcome others to contribute their perspectives or correct my errors. regards, eric

Insight into the choices to be made in standards for the electronic exchange of health record information

2008-10-08 Thread Eric Browne
Thomas, Strange you should malign the Russians so. In 1994 I was on a joint British-Russian expedition to investigate the mid-Atlantic ocean ridge, over 4km deep. The only submersibles to get to those depths as a pair, and photograph the "black smokers" and attendant sea creatures were Russia

Insight into the choices to be made in standards for the electronic exchange of health record information

2008-10-08 Thread Eric Browne
much more, that affect our own health and the health of others. Please reconsider taking your document to those meetings. regards, eric browne On 08/10/2008, at 7:05 PM, Stef Verlinden wrote: > Thomas. > Op 7-okt-2008, om 17:10 heeft Thomas Beale het volgende geschreven: > >&