missing Perl module dependency in CURRENT: Readonly

2007-05-07 Thread Steve Muskiewicz
Hi, It looks like perl-locale in CURRENT has a missing Perl module dependency. The Locale::KeyedText module appears to need the Readonly in order to load successfully. I discovered this when I couldn't get perl-dbi to rebuild: % openpkg rpmbuild -ba perl-dbi.spec snip

Can't get readline support working in latest sqlite3

2007-05-31 Thread Steve Muskiewicz
I'm having trouble getting readline support working in the latest sqlite3 (3.3.17-20070425 from CURRENT). Even though I have the with_readline option enabled in the spec, it does not appear to be finding the readline includes properly. I do have the readline RPM installed (5.2.4-20070507) and

outdated CGI::Application::Plugin modules in perl-www

2007-06-19 Thread steve muskiewicz
Hello, It appears that some of the CGI::Application::Plugin::* modules in perl-www in CURRENT are rather out of date. For example: cpan[1] m CGI::Application::Plugin::Session CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.15) Going to read /opkg25/RPM/TMP/.cpan/Metadata Database was generated on Tue, 19 Jun

CGI::FormBuilder in perl-www

2007-09-17 Thread steve muskiewicz
Hi, It looks like the CGI::FormBuilder module has changed its source file name (from .tar.gz to .tgz). As a result the version in the perl-www module is out of date (3.0302 vs. 3.0501). Any chance this can be updated? thanks! -steve

updated Spreadsheet::ParseExcel module in perl-ole?

2008-04-07 Thread steve muskiewicz
Hello, It looks like there is a newer release (0.32) of the Perl Spreadsheet::ParseExcel module on CPAN. Can the perl-ole package be updated to use the newer version? (currently still using 0.2603 which is a couple of years old.) thanks -steve

Re: gd package problems

2008-06-13 Thread steve muskiewicz
' \ -e 's;[ \t]*/usr/include/X11;;g' \ regards, -steve On Thu, 2008-06-12 at 14:49 +0200, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote: On Thu, Jun 12, 2008, steve muskiewicz wrote: In OpenPKG CURRENT, there are a couple of issues with some of the options to the gd package: If %option with_fontconfig

RPM macro substitutions by openpkg index

2008-08-06 Thread steve muskiewicz
Question concerning the openpkg index command. I have a local OpenPKG repository that includes a couple of my own internally developed RPM packages. In those packages spec files, I generally make use of an RPM macro in the Release: tag since I am building these packages for different projects or

Security advisories for OpenPKG?

2008-11-11 Thread steve muskiewicz
Hi, Are security advisories for OpenPKG still being published somewhere? I haven't seen any on this list in a long time and this page looks rather outdated: http://www.openpkg.com/security/advisories/ thanks -steve

missing Perl prereq for Data::Compare

2008-11-11 Thread steve muskiewicz
I tried to use the Data::Compare module from perl-util, but find that it is missing the pre-requisite module File::Find::Rule (as listed in META.yml/Makefile.PL for the Data::Compare module). Can this module be added to the appropriate perl-* package in OpenPKG CURRENT? thanks -steve

DateTime outdated in perl-time

2008-11-19 Thread steve muskiewicz
Hi, The DateTime module is currently at 0.45 however the version in the perl-time package is still at 0.4401, probably due to the regex in the track session that appears to be expecting 4 digits in the version number. Can this be fixed/updated? thanks -steve

Ghostscript 8.63 startup error

2009-02-04 Thread steve muskiewicz
There seems to be a problem with Ghostscript 8.63 in OpenPKG CURRENT. I get the same startup error on both Linux and Solaris. I'm not a ghostscript or postscript expert so I'm not even sure where to look for the source of the problem. Anyone seeing similar? Here's the output I get, as well as

perl-ole package has outdated Spreadsheet::ParseExcel

2009-02-11 Thread steve muskiewicz
FYI - the perl-ole package appears to have a significantly older version (0.32) of the Spreadsheet::ParseExcel module than the current one (0.49)

missing perl dep for Archive::Tar

2009-05-05 Thread steve muskiewicz
Hi, The latest Archive::Tar module (1.48) in perl-sys requires the Package::Constants module, which doesn't appear to be provided by any of the perl-* packages in openpkg CURRENT. Can this module be added to whichever perl-* package is appropriate? thanks -steve

outdated module in perl-devel

2009-05-07 Thread steve muskiewicz
Hi, The Devel::StackTrace module in perl-devel in CURRENT is outdated. Latest version is 1.20, the package still has 1.1902 thanks -steve

java-jdk16 update?

2009-06-08 Thread steve muskiewicz
Hi, The Sun Java 1.6 JDK is now on update 14, but the OpenPKG java-jdk16 package is still at Is it possible for this to get updated at some point? thanks! -steve

patch for top spec

2009-06-10 Thread steve muskiewicz
Hi, Looks like the current version of top now has a target in the Makefile to handle the installation. On Solaris this is necessary since it looks like it now creates platform specific (ie. sparcv9) subdirs in bin for the actual top executable. With the current shtool install method in the

perl-comp module fixes

2009-10-08 Thread steve muskiewicz
Hi, Looks like the perl-comp package is still pulling a bunch of older module versions, probably due to the fact that the Compress::Zlib and various IO::Compress::* modules seem to have now been rolled into a single distribution called IO::Compress http://search.cpan.org/~pmqs/IO-Compress-2.021/

Cannot download openpkg-2-20091231

2010-02-02 Thread steve muskiewicz
1. as announced, we have finally frozen the old RPM 4 based OpenPKG 2 CURRENT distribution (OpenPKG 3 actually was the commercial OpenPKG ENTERPRISE variant on which OpenPKG 4 now partly is based) and moved it from ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/current/SRC/ to