I'd like to verify a certificate chain with crl check.
This is the scenario:
A->B->C->D(end user)
a rootCA (A) signed a certificate for an other CA (B)
that signed a certificate for a third CA (C).
The last CA (C) signed an user certificate (D) used
authentication. Each CA has own crl, s
Hi everybody,
I need to extrect the list of CA sent from server to
client in
certificate_request message. I have a buffer with all
message (bytes) and I can extarct from it each single
field that
I need.
So I have extracted the bytes that rapresent DN of a
CA, but
I can't understand n
Take a look at:
--- Oliver Foden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> Hello as a new user of OpenSSL I've been trying to
> get
> the examples in the OpenSSL book to run.
> I currently have
In x509.h there are a lot of function prototypes and
data structures without comment:
I looked into and I suppose to understand that
something is
possible starting with a pointer to byte data of asn1
Is it correct? and if it is correct, what is the right
sequence of
things (i.e. function