Dear List,
I have Korn shell Script that show the date of
echo "`date` - Start shutdown of oracle DB."
Could any body tell me how to display this char `
the quotation for date.
I mean which key I have to press in Unix to get this
quotation character.
I'm working with Unixware7.1
Thanks for friends,
I found the reason of my rac down.There is a cron that runs daily to sync the
time with the time server. My sa added it without telling me.
And if i set the time back in one node, the instance on another node went
down, with the same trace information. I teste
Search the archive of this list. This has been discussed before.
You can use a trick such as this:
yesterday=$(TZ=EST26EDT date +%a)
but beaware that this is not a portable solution. You can write
your own script. E-mail me off line and I can send you mine yesterday
-Original Mes
The way we do it is by what you might call extreme brute force:
1. Capture all SQL from the applications (not just the stuff you've run
in the past month, but the stuff you'll run in the future too, like
period-end close processes, and so on).
2. Generate execution plans in production for
Not easily done in Unix. However, if you've got an Oracle db running on the
same server you might want to get yesterday's date from Oracle (within a
shell script).
YESTERDAY=`sqlplus -s / <<-EOF
set head off feed off pages 0
select trunc(sysdate - 1) from dual;
Dear List,
Firstly - Merry Christmas to those who have not already departed for the
holiday season.
I'm currently doing some investigation based around indexes and would like
everyone's opinion: What is everyone's preferred approach to identify
redundant (as in "never used by Oracle") indexes?
But how long did it take to wrap??? :-)
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 21/12/2002 0:03:50 >>>
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Speaking of house ... Congratulations !!
Yesterday my wife and I celebrated our 5th wedding annivers
I am facing lot of difficulties with out VB objective questions
and Answers and oracle objective questions and Answers.Can any one
help me by sending it
Its my humble request
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: guess
We have apps 11.5.6 and FS 6i patch 8 ( and
we have been using
mode=socket because Oracle recommended that. Now we
have another Oracle
support guy suggesting mode=http because we have some
users on our WAN in europe
who are saying the system is kind of slow.
Oracle says switching to htt
Thanks for your suggestion, i checked that article, but still unable to solve the
The same time the next day, another instance in the cluster died, with the same
reason. ora-29740, still with reason 2.
The cluster runs quite stable in the past month(since the patchset is installed, it is
What is "Bonnie's benchmark" ? Is it some standard test suite ?
At 08:09 AM 19-12-02 -0800, you wrote:
We have a Compaq AlphaServer 8400 with 8 GB RAM, 8 dual 625mhz CPUs and
two HSZ70 Array Controllers. Each Controller is connected to 24 36GB
10K rpm Ultr SCSI disk divers. In the
You would be getting the TNS protocol adapter error if the instance hasn't been
started -- it is configured to start as a service.
At 08:45 AM 19-12-02 -0800, you wrote:
Humm obivioiously Im missing a few brain cells here
Yes, I should know there isnt an exe called connect that would b
Correct -
I was sure that I had a set of test results to
prove my point, but I didn't - so I've just run
a series of tests on enqueue and buffer busy waits
on an system and you are absolutely right -
the seconds_in_wait does not reset as the wait
Jonathan Lewis
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