RE: HINTS , how to add correctly

2001-03-16 Thread bruce . taneja
rept_clmn_11_ds, c.cusm_sort_grp_cd, rept_clmn_15_ds, rept_clmn_08_ds, rept_clmn_01_qt thanks much in advance!! Bruce Taneja -- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: INET: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-

HINTS , how to add correctly

2001-03-15 Thread bruce . taneja
rept_clmn_01_dt <= '2/1/2001' and rept_clmn_28_ds = 'PRIMARY' order by rept_clmn_11_ds, c.cusm_sort_grp_cd, rept_clmn_15_ds, rept_clmn_08_ds, rept_clmn_01_qt thanks much in advance!! Bruce Taneja -- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: INE

Re: Backup and Recovery Question

2001-02-01 Thread bruce . taneja
Build a new database.. recover over there.. from backups+arch logs until table was dropped .. export there, import to the original database.. -bruce "Sanjay Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/01/2001 11:16:10 AM Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-01-31 Thread bruce . taneja
If I am not wrong, then you can use the alternate database if its replicated (while the data is being copied live) where as you can't write to DB if its standy.. -bruce "Richard Ji" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/31/2001 03:48:56 PM Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [

Re: OT ? for people who know other databases besides Oracle

2001-01-31 Thread bruce . taneja
Tools like the one you are building often use 3 tiers.. The middle application server is where the code runs that may substitute functionality of procs/ triggers etc.. The down side as paquette said is performance hit.. its either that or hiring extra programmers to make sure your code is compa

Init.ora .. OPTIMIZER parm: optimizer_index_cost_adj

2001-01-30 Thread bruce . taneja
Has any one messed with optimizer_index_cost_adj on 8.1.7 ?? The default is 100, but my boss thinks 10 is a better value for Cost based Opmtzr.. doesn't make any sense to me.. why would reducing the cost of using an optimizer make it more CBO or go faster.. what if its a large table? Is