Title: Implementing Stored Procedures
we do
have staging area (dba -directory) in production where all
the scripts ...(sql,forms,reports) are kept and with change request forms
they are implemented...
if any
problems with the scripts they willl go to owner of change requester. A
Just to be more specific, the product you'd look for is the "Oracle
Accelerator" for Kintana, see the URL here
Diana Duncan
TITAN Technology Partners
One Copley Parkway, Ste 540
Morrisville, NC 27560
VM: 9
Title: Implementing Stored Procedures
One option (and I'm not suggesting that this is the BEST option by any
means, but it IS an option =) might be to grant the developer(s) the 'CREATE ANY
PROCEDURE' role, and then have them create their procedures/functions/packages
etc as ., with being
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We put the code in a file on Unix (our server platform) and in the change
request form, provide the file name and location. The DBA will log in as the
schema owner and simply run the file. Any errors are reported back to
developer who requested the change. All the SQL code is archived using SCCS.
This is what we did in my last project:
1. Developers had access to the application schema where they created and
modified procedures/functions/triggers as needed
2. After their unit testing is done, the QA team would test it using the
front-end application.
3. Once QA team approves the