Title: Unbreakable, my buns. Upgrade to 9.2/w2k
For my OID testing I decided to go with
I installed (software only) and the upgraded
to with no problems.
Since I also documented the process so I will have all the
steps down when I will do it in production I did it
"Koivu, Lisa"
>recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> @Fairfieldresort cc:
> s.com> Subject: Unbreakable,
> my
> buns. Up
e, install 9.2, and clone the database in
> 9.2.
> OUI did not upgrade successfully.
> "Koivu, Lisa"
>recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
, and clone the database in 9.2.
OUI did not upgrade successfully.
"Koivu, Lisa"
@Fairfieldresort cc:
s.com> Subject: Unbreakable,
Title: Unbreakable, my buns. Upgrade to 9.2/w2k
don't know how much this is, but I've seen several comments on the
list stating that is the version to be at. I'm going to that patch
level from You are right, the docs are confusing.
Title: Unbreakable, my buns. Upgrade to 9.2/w2k
that's a good opportunity to repost a question before I apply
I actually planned on applying the Patchset to lift up to
But while downloading, I saw that came out on April, 7th, while
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Unbreakable, my buns. Upgrade to 9.2/w2k
and THAT is the reason NOT, repeat, NOT to use the OUI to do upgrades. Do
'em manually, I've had a very good success r
Title: Unbreakable, my buns. Upgrade to 9.2/w2k
I have
upgraded 16 databases ( manually using the scripts and procedures in metablink
as a guide ) with very few problems and only then on the 1st ones I
were going from 8174 ro 92021 on Win2k SP3.
-Original Message-From
"Koivu, Lisa"
@Fairfieldresort cc:
s.com> Subject: Unbreakable, my
buns. Upgrade to 9.2/w2k
Sent by: root
05/28/2003 12:25
ORACLE-LSubject: Unbreakable, my buns. Upgrade to
For those of you who have upgraded to 9.2 on
How many of you have ended up with such a hosed
server that you had to completely wipe Oracle off of it and start with a fresh
install (9.2)? It was spectacular! I ended up in this situation
s.com> Subject: Unbreakable, my buns. Upgrade
to 9.2/w2k
Title: Unbreakable, my buns. Upgrade to 9.2/w2k
For those of you who have upgraded to 9.2 on w2k:
How many of you have ended up with such a hosed server that you had to completely wipe Oracle off of it and start with a fresh install (9.2)? It was spectacular! I ended up in this
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