[OGD] snails and sllugs

2008-08-04 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi James I collect any visible snails about two hours after nightfall. Any further suggestions would be appreciated. Any advice on or off line would help me protect what remains of my sanity. Try spraying all your orchids with a mixture of one part household ammonia to 4 parts water. The


2006-11-14 Thread Tony Watkinson
Many thanks to Charles Bracker for a great explanation regarding his CO2 experiments. If it works for him, it should work for me and I shall give it a try. I have a dry ice retailer quite close to my home so supplies are no problem. I will report back in 3 months Tony


2006-11-12 Thread Tony Watkinson
Dr. Charles E. Bracker wrote For the supplemental CO2 to benefit the orchids, four factors must come together: 1. Closed environment 2. Large number of plants for the space included 3. Proper frequency of application of the CO2 (Determined by trial and error) 4. Proper amount of CO2 applied each

[OGD] Xanthopan morgani praedicta pictures

2006-02-24 Thread Tony Watkinson
From: danny lentz [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [OGD] Xanthopan morgani praedicta pictures? The members of the Species Orchid Society of Western Australia were fortunate enough to have a mounted specimen donated to the by Michelle ANDRIAMANAMIHAJA of Malala Orchids, Madagascar. Anyone who would

[OGD] Green Pod Time

2006-02-22 Thread Tony Watkinson
From: "Margaret Lomas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [OGD] Green Pod Time Good eveningCould anyone please tell me the green pod time for Trichopilia tortilis?I haven't been able to find information for this particular one so far.Many thanks,Margaret in Northland NZ Hi Margaret Barry's Orchid

[OGD] East is East, West is West

2006-01-31 Thread Tony Watkinson
Message: 4Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 15:58:30 +1000 (EST)From: Phil Diamond [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [OGD] East is East, West is West and never the twain shallmeetThe following gem of advice is to be found on a horticultural internetforum administered by the American Brugmansia and Datura

[OGD] Oceoclades spathulifera

2005-11-24 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi Linda and all While looking for some info on another Madagascan orchid species, I stumbled on this French web site. It mentions Oceoclades spathulifera but though doesn't give any specific cultural info for it, there is info on many other Oceoclades species. The site is in French but the

[OGD] Conservation

2005-08-02 Thread Tony Watkinson
I would be interested to know of collective efforts (by orchid societies, botanical gardens, government agencies in any country) with the same objective. Regards, Viateur The url below will take you to a presentation that I made to the Orchid Safari group in November 2003. This conservation

[OGD] Natural Hybrids

2005-05-08 Thread Tony Watkinson
I am wondering why we don't see more natural hybridization between orchid species. I'd appreciate an explanation and/or some guidance on which reference(s) might shed some light on this. Thanks Hi Many of the native orchids of Australia and particularly Western Australia, hybridise very

[OGD] Eating Orchids

2005-03-05 Thread Tony Watkinson
A long while back, someone posted a url for a French (I think) site that has recipes for dishes that included orchids. Does anyone remember it and if so do you know what the url was? Cheers Tony Tony's Orchid Page http://members.iinet.net.au/~emntee/ Wanneroo Orchid Society

[OGD] fire-grown orchids,

2005-03-03 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi Steve Someone tell me about these plants that are adapted to fire, and how burning them promotes population of the rare orchid species. Just curious. Here's a piece from the Orchid Safari archives http://www.orchidtrek.com/aussie/aussieconservation.html Tony

[OGD] Orchids Down Under

2005-01-24 Thread Tony Watkinson
NZ International Show. This will be held in Hamilton from Thursday 1st September to Sunday 4th September 2005. For further information check the Orchid Council of New Zealand website www.orchidcouncil.co.nz or you can email me off list. Margaret Lomas I will be there in Hamilton, NZ in early

[OGD] Euro Green Asia

2004-10-26 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi all I have been in contact with George Hample of Euro Green Asia Orchids from Thailand and he has given me permission to post his email on OGD as an explanation of his position re the damaging info that has been posted here recently. Perhaps this will clear matters up. This email was initially

[OGD] Fungus gnat

2004-09-13 Thread Tony Watkinson
Why don't you just hang up a few sticky fly paper? Works great for me. Tony Tony's Orchid Page http://members.iinet.net.au/~emntee/ Wanneroo Orchid Society http://members.iinet.net.au/~emntee/page2.html Wanneroo Newsletter http://members.iinet.net.au/~emntee/page49.html The Species Orchid

[OGD] Algae

2004-05-14 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi All This algae thing is interesting, in that I did ask, some time back, if algae was a good scout or a bad one, and Prof. Joseph Arditti, when he was still answering queries on this list, answered that green algae would fix nitrogen on roots. Since then, I have not worried too much about it.