CMR in EJB 2.0

2002-05-25 Thread Billy Rutledge
Hi All, I have written a simple test web app that has two EntityEJB's (Groups and Person, the relationship is 1-m) to learn more about using CMR with EJB 2.0 on Orion. All code compiles and archives fine using my usual Ant build scripts...but when I deploy my .ear file to Orion, it responds

Deploy Existing EJB's on Orion?

2002-02-01 Thread Billy Rutledge
Hi All...I am setting up Orion as an alternative to WebLogic and need help gettingstarted. Currently we run WebLogic 5.1 and it allows you deploy EJBsseparately from your web apps. So typically, we deploy the beans once andthen deploy many web apps that reference the deployed beans.Looking