RE: Clustering in Orion

2001-09-03 Thread Mikael Ståldal
Will my EJBs be replicated across the cluster? The documentation states the following. The HttpSession data (as long as it is Serializable or an EJB reference). Note that if the EJBs are located on a server that fails, the references might become invalid. The ServletContext data. Please

RE: Invoke a method on myself in a Stateful Session Bean.

2001-08-23 Thread Mikael Ståldal
Neat. I've been having similar problems trying to execute a findByPrimaryKey in the ejbCreate method of a bean. Errors, however, just come and go away randomly. The error I get seems to occur consistently.

Invoke a method on myself in a Stateful Session Bean.

2001-08-22 Thread Mikael Ståldal
When I try to do like the code below, I get this error: com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)].server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Recursive call to non-reentrant bean Is there any other way to do this? I don't want to invoke the methods directly, since I want to make use of container managed

This mailing list

2001-08-22 Thread Mikael Ståldal
Why is this mailing list hosted on such a lousy server?


2001-08-13 Thread Mikael Ståldal
Are you supposed to do PortableRemoteObject.narrow on the return value of SessionContext.getEJBObject()? /Micke

RE: Storing application scoped data in EJB

2001-07-24 Thread Mikael Ståldal
I eventually resorted to deploying all my global scope shared objects in a separate jar which is deployed on the server, not the ejb app, ie. I put it in /orion/lib/thing.jar. Make sure that any references to such objects are nulled before passivation or the ejb's won't serialize

SV: EJB, JDBC and transactions

2001-07-20 Thread Mikael Ståldal
U should manage the JDBC connections as u would do normally. And that is? Should I do like this in every method? { Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection(); // use the connection conn.close(); } Is it OK to close() a connection even if the transaction isn't

Storing application scoped data in EJB

2001-07-20 Thread Mikael Ståldal
How do I store application scoped data in the EJB tier? Like using setAttribute()/getAttribute() in ServletContext (application in JSP) in the web tier. Using instance attributes in Stateless Session Beans doesn't work, since there can be several instances, and you never know which one is used.

Stateless Session EJB

2001-07-19 Thread Mikael Ståldal
It doesn't seems like Orion (1.5.2) invokes ejbRemove() on Stateless Session EJB:s when Orion is shut down. Why not?

EJB, JDBC and transactions

2001-07-19 Thread Mikael Ståldal
Can I use container managed transactions in EJB:s which make explicit JDBC calls (BMP entity beans or session beans)? How should JDBC Connections be managed in that case? If several methods, possibly from several EJB:s are involved in a single transaction, do they all have to work on the same

Date and time format in the log

2001-04-17 Thread Mikael Ståldal
Is it possible to change the date and time format Orion uses in its log files? I hate the american date/time format it currently uses.

Xerces and Xalan

2001-04-12 Thread Mikael Ståldal
Why does Orion uses such old versions of Xerces and Xalan? It would be nice with JAXP 1.1 support.

JNDI problem

2001-04-10 Thread Mikael Ståldal
I'm trying to lookup an JNDI environment entry from a JSP page, but it doesn't work. I have this in my web.xml file: env-entry descriptionFoo entry/description env-entry-nameFoo/env-entry-name env-entry-valuethe Foo value/env-entry-value

HTTP persistent connection timeout

2001-03-14 Thread Mikael Ståldal
How do I configure the timeout for persistent HTTP connections in Orion? The default value seems to be 15 second, but I want it higher.