HOWTO: Debugging Orion with NetBeans

2000-08-17 Thread P. Taylor Goetz
Here are some basic instructions for reproducing the development environment I used to get NetBeans debugging working with Orion. The instructions are Windows-specific, but the conversion to UNIX/Linux should not be that difficult: Required Components: JDK 1.2.2 NetBeans (Latest stable build) JPD

Debuggin JSPs

2000-08-16 Thread P. Taylor Goetz
I've been hacking away, trying to figure out how to debug JSPs w/NetBeans & Orion, to no avail. Servlets and EJB's are no problem (using JPDA + NetBeans). Has anyone gotten any of the following to work? 1. Orion keeping the servlet code generated for a JSP compile? 2. Successfully debugged a JS