I would really appreciate that, thanks!
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osg-users mailing list
I'm using OSG in a small simulation program and I'm trying to use Simulink to
control the simulation. The code compiles into a MEX-file without any problems
and calling it from the MatLab command prompt runs it all right. The problem is
when I use OSG classes in an S-function, and only if I
I have a triangle mesh that contains vertex, triangle vertex index, and color
data. I used an osg::Geometry and it is rendered perfectly. Just two questions:
1. When I add the color data to the geometry, the application slows down. I
understand that per-primitive binding slows things down, b
How can I override the osgViewer camera so that it starts with the Z axis
pointing out from the screen and the Y axis pointing up (the almost global
standard), rather than Y in and Z up?
Thank you!
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