[osint] Rogue Guards tap spy center

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.insidebayarea.com/ci_2921495?rss Rogue Guards tap spy center Secret unit, created without orders or budget, infiltrated state's anti-terror operation Ian Hoffman and Sean Holstege, STAFF WRITERS Soon after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the California National Guard sent a captain

[osint] Convicted of Aiding Terrorist, Translator Prepares for Prison Cell, Still in Disbelief

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
Typical NYTimes sob story. Convicted of Aiding Terrorist, Translator Prepares for Prison Cell, Still in Disbelief By http://query.nytimes.com/search/query?ppds=bylLv1=JULIA PRESTONfdq=19960101td=sysdatesort=newestac=JULIA PRESTONinline=nyt-per JULIA PRESTON Published: August 7, 2005

[osint] Inside the sect that loves terror

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
AN undercover investigation has caught leaders of a radical Islamic group inciting young British Muslims to become terrorists and praising the Tube bombers as the fantastic four. A Sunday Times reporter spent two months as a recruit inside the Saviour Sect to reveal for the first time how the

[osint] London's Politically-Correct Policing

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
August 6, 2005 The sensitivity threat By MICHAEL COREN The British police and security agencies seem to have responded very quickly and, with one horrible exception, extremely efficiently to the recent terrorist campaign in London. But in spite of all this it seems that political

[osint] PAKISTAN: Intelligence agencies warn of terror attacks on 14th

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_7-8-2005_pg7_33 Intelligence agencies warn of terror attacks on 14th ISLAMABAD: Intelligence agencies have unearthed terrorists and banned militant organisations' plans to carry out terror attacks in major cities of the country on

[osint] All 7 Men Alive as Russian Submarine Is Raised

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
All 7 Men Alive as Russian Submarine Is Raised By C. J. CHIVERS and CHRISTOPHER DREW A small Russian submarine was freed on Sunday from its undersea entanglement by an unmanned British rescue vehicle. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/07/international/europe/07russia.html?themc= th By C. J.

[osint] Iran: Revolution, Unrealistic

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8853001/site/newsweek/ Iran: Revolution, Unrealistic Newsweek Aug. 15, 2005 issue - A classified analysis by the U.S. intelligence community warned top Bush administration officials last spring that the theocratic reign of Iranian mullahs could be entrenched for

[osint] California:State boosts domestic intelligence

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.insidebayarea.com/ci_2921461?rss State boosts domestic intelligence By Ian Hoffman, STAFF WRITER Security officials say California slowly is turning the corner on domestic intelligence, creating more useful information, moving it faster and focusing it on international terrorism.

[osint] Terrorists Turn to the Web as Base of Operations

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
Terrorists Turn to the Web as Base of Operations By Steve Coll and Susan B. Glasser Washington Post Staff Writers Sunday, August 7, 2005; A01 In the snow-draped mountains near Jalalabad in November 2001, as the Taliban collapsed and al Qaeda lost its Afghan sanctuary, Osama bin Laden biographer

[osint] UK: Intelligence chiefs warn Blair of 'UK insurgency'

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?c_id=2ObjectID=10339562 Intelligence chiefs warn Blair of 'UK insurgency' 07.08.05 5.00pm By Raymond Whitaker and Francis Elliott Intelligence chiefs are warning Tony Blair that Britain faces a full-blown Islamist insurgency, sustained by thousands of

[osint] Leak needs investigation, says Beazley

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.theage.com.au/news/National/Leak-needs-investigation-says-Beazley /2005/08/07/1123353196241.html?oneclick=true Leak needs investigation, says Beazley August 7, 2005 - 12:29PM A leak to a newspaper tipping it off to a major intelligence probe into a radical Muslim group should be

[osint] The Right Time for An Islamic Reformation

2005-08-07 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/05/AR2005080501 483_pf.html The Right Time for An Islamic Reformation By Salman Rushdie Sunday, August 7, 2005; B07 When Sir Iqbal Sacranie, head of the Muslim Council of Britain, admitted that our own children had perpetrated the


2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
Mike Lynn, a former researcher at Internet Security Systems, or ISS, said he was tipped off late Thursday night that the FBI was investigating him for violating trade secrets belonging to his former employer. Lynn resigned from ISS Wednesday morning after his company and Cisco threatened to sue


2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
In February, North Korea declared for the first time that it was a nuclear weapons state. It said it had re-processed 8,000 fuel rods, turning them into weapons fuel. There has long been a dispute about a second nuclear program, one the United States alleges that North Korea began in the 1990's,

[osint] The soldiers who took part in the surveillance operation that led to de Menezes’

2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
The soldiers who took part in the surveillance operation that led to de Menezes’s death included men from a secret undercover unit formed for operations in Northern Ireland, defence sources said. Known then as 14 Int or the Det, it is reported to have formed the basis of the Special


2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
No law regulates what sort of documents the Secret Service or any other domestic or foreign government agency is permitted to request for identification, not to mention how such a forensics tool could be developed and implemented in printers in the first place. With no laws on the books, there's

[no subject]

2005-08-07 Thread sentto-412809-58965-1123442697-archive=jab . org
THE GROWING LONDON-AFRICA CONNECTION Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82 X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster X-Originating-IP: X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:12:0 X-Yahoo-Post-IP: From: David Bier [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Yahoo-Profile: bafsllc Sender:


2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
If people flee to southern Africa, it is because there is an infrastructure there that can hide, move and protect them. One does not wander into Zimbabwe and Zambia in the hope of finding those things. The infrastructure exists as a safe harbor and arriving there is not an accident. Zambia has

[no subject]

2005-08-07 Thread sentto-412809-58967-1123443032-archive=jab . org
PENTAGON CONFIRMS IRAN-CONTRA FIGURE IN SENIOR JOB Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82 X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster X-Originating-IP: X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:12:0 X-Yahoo-Post-IP: From: David Bier [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Yahoo-Profile: bafsllc


2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
...the attacks in London suggest that a new generation of Salafi-Jihadists is emerging which do not belong to any recognizable networks and are not necessarily rooted in specific countries. There are two contentions here: first, unlike the earlier generation of Salafi-Jihadists, many of the new

[no subject]

2005-08-07 Thread sentto-412809-58969-1123444083-archive=jab . org
THE MUSLIM MIND IS ON FIRE Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82 X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster X-Originating-IP: X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:12:0 X-Yahoo-Post-IP: From: David Bier [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Yahoo-Profile: bafsllc Sender:


2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
I fear those naïve Muslims who think that they are beating the West have now achieved their worst crime of all. The West is now going to war against not only Muslims, but also, sadly, Islam as a religion. In this new cold and hot war, car bombs and suicide bombers here and there will be no match


2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
... Inspector General Glenn A. Fine said in a report. The FBI's collection of audio material continues to outpace its ability to review and translate all that mate-rial, Fine said. His findings were similar in a July 2004 audit, except that he said the FBI now does a bet-ter job prioritizing its

[no subject]

2005-08-07 Thread sentto-412809-58972-1123445057-archive=jab . org
WHEN A BRITON BLOWS UP A BRITON Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82 X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster X-Originating-IP: X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:12:0 X-Yahoo-Post-IP: From: David Bier [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Yahoo-Profile: bafsllc Sender:


2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
Israel is the immediate suspect in any mass terror attack in the world. Either it initiated the attack itself, as is commonly claimed in the Arab media, or it knew in advance but did not prevent it, as in the conspiracy theories that abounded after September 11, or its bad behavior in the


2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
There are enough indications, from a security perspective, to justify caution and greater Western involvement. However, the Sahel is not a hotbed of terrorist activity. A misconceived and heavy handed approach could tip the scale the wrong way; serious, balanced, and long-term engagement with the

[osint] Inquiry Into Lobbyist Sputters After Demotion

2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
In 2002, Abramoff was retained by the Superior Court in what was an unusual arrangement for a public agency. The Times reported in May that Abramoff was paid with a series of $9,000 checks funneled through a Laguna Beach lawyer to disguise the lobbyist's role working for the Guam court. No

[osint] Some Bombs Used in Iraq Are Made in Iran, U.S. Says

2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
These are among the most sophisticated and most lethal devices we've seen, said the senior officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the delicate intelligence reports describing the bombs. It's very serious. Note that no one is willing to blame the Iranian government even though

[osint] Al-Qaeda attack foiled

2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
...Turkish security forces arrested the members of an al-Qaeda cell, comprised mostly of Turkish citizens, in Alanya on Thursday. They also found a boat docked in the harbour and loaded with 400kg of TNT, which was to have been used against the Israeli tourists.

[osint] Families Learn of Recruiters' Lists -- and How to Opt Out

2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
Under the education bill signed by President Bush in 2002, military recruiters must be granted the same access to high school facilities as colleges and prospective employers †from setting up informational booths in the lunch room to handing out T-shirts to pique students' interest.

[osint] China and India bury hatchet

2005-08-07 Thread David Bier
India's response to fear of encirclement is evident in recent summit talks with the Chinese. First, it is boosting economic ties with China. Second, it is emphasising relations with the US. Third, it is stepping up ties with other east Asian countries to counter China's growing commercial reach.