Hi Greg,
Yes - it would be great to get support for elixir. I did try and engage with
the elixir community before to see how we could use the same tooling - but I
didn’t get much back. I’ll contact you off list…
> On 13 Oct 2021, at 06:53, Gregory Burd wrote:
> Rick,
> I
I've been following your work with rebar3 and considering adapting it into
distillery (https://github.com/bitwalker/distillery). I'd love to be able
to generate an image (AMI, or whatever format) that is the combination of
OSv, Elixir, BEAM, etc. in a single easy step. Thanks for digging i
Hello OSv-ers,
I'm a huge fan of ZFS, it's an amazing bit of work and I'm thrilled it's a
core component in OSv. That said, it's not a great choice in all cases,
the overhead of ZFS can outweigh the benefits. I've heard many references
to "adding another filesystem" into the mix in different con
I too have been a long time lurker and fan of OSv, thank you all for your
contributions and work. I have tried to get it deployed into a few
commercial companies because (a) of the fit for the use cases, but also (b)
in hopes that some company might just want to sponsor its continued
I can work with OSv scripts instead of capstan to build the VM image.
However, eventually I would like to be able to run that image using capstan
run *-p "vbox" -c 4 -m 1200M* ...
This is because I want to use the* --execute* option to pass (dynamic)
arguments to each app instance. Oth