Re: [otrs] AuthModule & AuthSyncModule w/ Zentyal LDAP help

2011-12-16 Thread Andy Graybeal
I found the issue in the syslog, my 'mail' attribute wasn't assigned. Thank you for your efforts! Andy On Friday, 12-16-2011 on 10:38 am Andy Graybeal wrote: > Greetings, > I'm new to OTRS and LDAP. > > I would like to implement OTRS with LDAP and have the &

[otrs] AuthModule & AuthSyncModule w/ Zentyal LDAP help

2011-12-16 Thread Andy Graybeal
Greetings, I'm new to OTRS and LDAP. I would like to implement OTRS with LDAP and have the 'agents' automatically created with AuthSyncModule. My LDAP server is the one that is packaged with Zentyal. I am running Ubuntu 10.04. I followed these instructions for the installation: http://wiki.ot

Re: [otrs] does AuthSyncModule automatically create users in OTRS that already exist in LDAP?

2011-12-16 Thread Andy Graybeal
Nils, Thanks for your response. Yes yes, in accompaniment with AuthModule, i should have said I was using that too. Andy On Thursday, 12-15-2011 on 10:07 pm Nils Leideck wrote: > Hi Andy, > > On 15.12.2011, at 20:56, Andy Graybeal wrote: > > > I'm wondering if AuthS

[otrs] does AuthSyncModule automatically create users in OTRS that already exist in LDAP?

2011-12-15 Thread Andy Graybeal
Greetings, I'm wondering if AuthSyncModule creates users that authenticate with LDAP but don't exist in OTRS? Or do I need to create the user manually in OTRS and simply use LDAP to auth. Thanks, Andy - OTRS mailing list: otrs

Re: [otrs] Prev. Maint. task scheduling for assets

2011-12-14 Thread Andy Graybeal
Nils, thank you for the response. I look forward to trying this software out! Andy On Tuesday, 12-13-2011 on 8:31 pm Nils Leideck wrote: > Hi Andy, > > On 13.12.2011, at 20:06, Andy Graybeal wrote: > > > I'm wondering if there is a way I can have a repeating task sche

[otrs] Prev. Maint. task scheduling for assets

2011-12-13 Thread Andy Graybeal
Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way I can have a repeating task schedule for any of my assets? Or if not directly done with the OTRS-ITSM software, maybe it has the ability to export ICAL stuff? The operations guy and myself would like help keeping track of his preventive maintenance on every