Re: [otrs] Change Stats Report Logo

2010-04-07 Thread João Zorro
Thanks Raphael Best Regards Cumprimentos, João Zorro Managed Services . Novabase Av. D. João II, Lote . Parque das Nações 1998-031 Lisboa - Portugal Tel. (+351) 213 836 300 . Fax

[otrs] Change Stats Report Logo

2010-03-31 Thread João Zorro
Hi All, Does anyone know where I can change the OTS Logo in the printed stats reports? I need to change the OTS logo by my client logo. And where can I change the URL that appears in the bottom of the report ( ? Thanks in advance, Best Regards João

Re: [otrs] make freetext mandatory depending on the theme chosen

2010-03-18 Thread João Zorro
Hi, There is an old post waiting for answers ,about the same issue Best Regards, João Zorro Managed Services . Novabase Av

Re: [otrs] TicketFreeFields as required

2010-03-17 Thread João Zorro
Hi, Define them as mandatory, see the link Best Regards, João Zorro Managed Services . Novabase Av. D. João II,

Re: [otrs] JS fuction to validade if a FreeTExtField is numeric

2010-02-26 Thread João Zorro
I found the solution, I can access the fields like this : document.compose.TicketFreeText1.value, just like any other filed. João Zorro Managed Services . Novabase Av. D. João II, Lote

Re: [otrs] Document Viewer

2010-02-26 Thread João Zorro
Hi, I´m not quite sure if is this what you are locking but, search B.1.4.1. MIME-Viewer###application/excel Best regards, João Zorro Managed Services

Re: [otrs] Additional Fields in Customer Interface

2010-02-26 Thread João Zorro
Hi, Did you try this, ? Best Regards João Zorro Managed Services . Novabase Av. D. João II, Lote . Parque

[otrs] JS fuction to validade if a FreeTExtField is numeric

2010-02-25 Thread João Zorro
Hi all, The scenarios is this, I have a freeTextField which needs to be a number, can anyone help me to write a Javasscript function to do this? My problem is not how to write the function, it is how do I get the freetextfiel value. Thanks in advance, João Zorro Managed Services

[otrs] Free Fieds in Tiket History

2010-02-23 Thread João Zorro
Hi All, Does anyone know if it is possible keep free fields his History? How can I do this? Thanks in advance João Zorro Managed Services . Novabase Av. D. João II, Lote

[otrs] dynamically define layout

2010-02-23 Thread João Zorro
different clients with different requisites. If anyone can give me an example, I will appreciate. Tanks in advance, João Zorro Managed Services . Novabase Av. D. João II, Lote

Re: [otrs] From Fiel like a dropdown

2010-02-17 Thread João Zorro
Hi, Thanks for your answer but, When I said users I mean agents not costumers, and can you give me a example? I´m quit new in OTRS and not very familiar with Perl. Best regards João Zorro Managed Services

[otrs] From Fiel like a dropdown

2010-02-15 Thread João Zorro
Hi, Anyone know that if it is possible to change the text field "From", in a Phone Ticket, to a drop-down which data source will be the users email? Just more a question, the "From" field could be the username instead of the email? I will appreciate any help. Thanks in

Re: [otrs] Tickets FreeText fields

2010-02-08 Thread João Zorro
It works :) Thanks a lot, João Zorro Managed Services . Novabase Av. D. João II, Lote . Parque das Nações 1998-031 Lisboa - Portugal Tel. (+351) 213 836 300 . Fax (+351) 213 836

[otrs] Tickets FreeText fields

2010-02-08 Thread João Zorro
Hi, I need to add some extra fields to tickets. I tried to use "TicketFreeText" fields but I need the input control to be a textbox and not a dropdown. It is possible to do this? Tanks in advance and I appreciate any help. João Zorro Manage