AW: RE: [otrs] Truncated upload

2007-03-05 Thread Kaiser Dr., Thomas (LfStaD)
Hello Luca, Have you checked the attachments in the file system under /OTRS_HOME/var/article ? We have seen this some problems with strange names of the attachments, like Ü Regards Thomas -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Luc

AW: [otrs] New ticket notification in cell phone as SMS

2006-10-19 Thread Kaiser Dr., Thomas \(LfStaD\)
Hi, We are using this with an email to sms-gw from our mobile provider. Hope this helps Thomas -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von BipinDas Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2006 16:10 An: User questions and discussions about OTRS.o

[otrs] AW: Change the length of Ticket ID

2006-07-12 Thread Kaiser Dr., Thomas (LfStaD)
Title: Nachricht Hi,   have a look at the configs for Ticket::NumberGenerator and Ticket::Hook . If there is no satisfiying method to generate the ticket number, you may write our own module as in and /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/Ticket/Number.   Thomas -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-Von:

AW: [otrs] second OTRS database

2006-04-13 Thread Kaiser Dr., Thomas (LfStaD)
Title: Nachricht Hi,   that can be easily done, but you need a different URL for the second OTRS system an a second installation/copy of OTRS and different settings in for SystemID and Database. Of course the settings of apache has to be adopted.     e.g OTRS1 http://otrs.mycompan

AW: [otrs] Delete old closed tickets

2006-03-22 Thread Kaiser Dr., Thomas (LfStaD)
Hi, We have a, which will do this für the create date. IMHO the easied way would be to add the changes to support TicketChangeTime or use TicketFreeTime Regards Thomas ... 'delete-old-ML' => { # get all tickets with these properties Queue => ['xxxs','xyyy'],

[otrs] 2.0.4 No Escalation after DBUpdate?

2006-01-17 Thread Kaiser Dr., Thomas (LfStaD)
Hi, We are doing an update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.4 and noticed on the test-system with the old DB, that old open tickets are no longer escalating. Is this intended to work so, or have we done some mistakes? Regards Thomas ___ OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webp

AW: [otrs] LDAP with Microsoft Acrive Directory (Global Catalog)

2005-12-20 Thread Kaiser Dr., Thomas (LfStaD)
Hi Martin, If you use the global catalog you can see all users. Maybe you are using not the right instance or the rigt base dn. For example our configuration is: Params => { # ldap host Host => '', # ldap base dn BaseDN => 'd

AW: [otrs] is it possible to connect two OTRS systems?

2005-06-16 Thread Kaiser Dr., Thomas (LfStaD)
Hello, IMHO it should be possible, if the TicketHook Values are different, like TicketNr: TN: We are investigating in an coupling with a commercial product. Has anybody experiences with HP CTS? Thomas -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Victor Rodriguez Cortes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

AW: [otrs] RT to OTRS migration

2005-02-08 Thread Kaiser Dr., Thomas (LfStaD)
Hello, We migrated about a year ago from RT to otrs 1.1. Unfortunately we haven't found any method for the migration of the database. Therefore we imported the backup of the emails from the RT-system by rereading the emails by the mechanismen. Regards Thomas Thomas Kai