[otrs] Notification on internal Note

2010-06-01 Thread Max Bidlingmaier
? Thank you Max - -- Max Bidlingmaier IT-Administration e.sigma Technology AG Ehrenbergstraße 11 98693 Ilmenau / Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 3677 668 230 Fax.: +49 (0) 3677 668 2333 e.sigma Technology AG, Ehrenbergstr. 11, 98693 Ilmenau Vorstand / General Manager: Detlef Mämpel

[otrs] Declare all mail coming from @mycompany.com to agent/internal-mail

2010-05-21 Thread Max Bidlingmaier
ent X-OTRS-ArticleType: email-internal The result is: mail is handled as email-internal, syslog says Sendertype is set to agent but in the ticket history the article is shown as customer-article. What is wrong? I'm using OTRS 2.4.7 Thank you ion advance Max Bidlingmaier - -- ______

[otrs] Ticket Subject Agent/Customer view ist different

2010-04-19 Thread Max Bidlingmaier
change the behaviour of the customer interface to the one in the agent interface to allways display the original ticket subject ? Greets max -- Max Bidlingmaier IT-Administration e.sigma Technology AG Ehrenbergstraße 11 98693 Ilmenau / Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 3677 668 230

[otrs] Articel shown in QueueView

2007-01-31 Thread Max Bidlingmaier
atest article should be shown. thanx max -- EasternGraphics - visualize your business Max Bidlingmaier Administration http://www.EasternGraphics.com phone: +49 3677 67820 EasternGraphics GmbH - Albert-Einstein-Strasse 1 - DE-98693 Il

[otrs] can's see queues on the customer.pl webinterface

2006-09-04 Thread Max Glanz
ur SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') OR st.customer_user_id = 'Max Otrstest1') AND sq.group_id IN (4, 1, 3, 2, 5' at line 1, SQL: 'SELECT DISTINCT st.id, st.tn, st.create_time_unix FROM ticke

RE: [otrs] Question abount Apache 2 e mod-perl-2

2005-05-04 Thread max
When i click on 'Package Manager', on browser i read: 'Require mod-perl 2' !!! O_O I'm crazy? :D -- Massimo Ardizzone -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christian Schoepplein Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 1:34 PM To: User questions and

RE: [otrs] Question abount Apache 2 e mod-perl-2

2005-05-04 Thread max
Ok i switched back to 1.3 but i lost the 'Package Manager' functionallity in admin interface, require mod-perl 2 There is an another way to install Packages? -- Massimo Ardizzone -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rene Jochum Sent: Wednesda

RE: [otrs] Question abount Apache 2 e mod-perl-2

2005-05-04 Thread max
I have Apache 2.0.54 and mod_perl 1.999.21 with Debian - Testing OTRS go up but Mozilla says: "Redirection limit for this url excedded." an other problem is if I try to use the interface admin when i click the link they do not run, but somtimes it works. I have used the Apache2* script in $HOME/