Re: [otrs] FW: PLEASE!!!!!!!! CAN ANYONE HELP ME!!!FW: You don't have permission to access /otrs/ on this server

2005-07-08 Thread Christian Schoepplein
Hi, also let me see your please. Thanks and best regards, Christian On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 03:52:21PM -0400, Jeremy Blain wrote: >This sounds like an apache configuration issue. >Read the part about configuring apache in the docs, >or attach your apache configuration and maybe we can

Re: [otrs] FW: PLEASE!!!!!!!! CAN ANYONE HELP ME!!!FW: You don't have permission to access /otrs/ on this server

2005-07-07 Thread Jeremy Blain
This sounds like an apache configuration issue. Read the part about configuring apache in the docs, or attach your apache configuration and maybe we can spot where it's wrong. Michael Belz wrote: Adding to this nightmare is the following….. 1. I created a directory named /opt/otrs to start

[otrs] FW: PLEASE!!!!!!!! CAN ANYONE HELP ME!!!FW: You don't have permission to access /otrs/ on this server

2005-07-07 Thread Michael Belz
Adding to this nightmare is the following…..   I created a directory named /opt/otrs to start things off. I then added a user to the system using “adduser –d /opt/  otrs” by default this created a home directory of “/opt/otrs”. I then placed the otrs-xxx.xx..x..x.t