Re: [otrs] Invalid Session Id

2006-10-12 Thread Tobias Lütticke
Hi, > But when I try to enter the system, I get the following : > SessionIDinvalid! Need user data! I face the same problem using the following config. Have you, Franck, in the meantime bean able to solve the issue? My config ist: * Suse Linux Enterprise 9 SP 2 * OTRS 2.0.4 I did some digging

[otrs] Invalid Session Id

2006-09-08 Thread franck . lamas
Hi all, I have configured OTRS 2.0 to use an Sybase database, using ODBC driver... But when I try to enter the system, I get the following : SessionIDinvalid! Need user data! So I have modified a little bit DB.PM just to have more explanations in my log file, see below.Apparently it seems that the