On Thu, 17 Jan 2008 20:48:01 +0100, LQ Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sorry, if I am being dense, but if you reject message w/o ID how are
customers going to open new issues?
I would guess that they would enter them using the OTRS provided web
I asked a question earlier w
to open new issues?
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:22 AM
Subject: [otrs] Reject emails without ticket ID
OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail
Sorry, if I am being dense, but if you reject message w/o ID how are
customers going to open new issues?
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:22 AM
> Subject: [otrs] Reject emails without ticket ID
OTRS mai
I know how it can be done:
Enable PostMaster::PreFilterModule###3-NewTicketReject: in Ticket -
$Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'3-NewTicketReject'} = {
'Match' => {
'From' => '@customer1.com',
'From' => '@customer2.co
Hi Marek.
MK> I would like to create rule to create auto-reply to my customers which
MK> write emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] without ticket ID..
I had the same wish some time ago:
Unfortunately it was set to invalid.
You could try to reopen it...
I would like to create rule to create auto-reply to my customers which
write emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] without ticket ID..
PostMaster::PreFilterModule###3-NewTicketReject: has ability to add
only one "From" but I want to add few rules for example
'@customer1.com', '@customer2.com' etc.