Michiel Beijen wrote :
The trick is, it does not. OTRS will keep the status in "Pending" and
keeps sending notifications until action is taken.
It's trivial to create a GenericAgent job that sets the status to
Open, if you'd like that.
Hi Michiel,
now I understand the mechanism, thanks a lot
Hi Alexander,
The trick is, it does not. OTRS will keep the status in "Pending" and
keeps sending notifications until action is taken.
It's trivial to create a GenericAgent job that sets the status to
Open, if you'd like that.
Michiel Beijen
Follow me on Twitter: @otrsnl [https:
Hi list,
how does OTRS change the state from "pending reminder" to "open" after
the pending time is reached ?
Occasionally we have tickets with high negative "pending till" values
like "-2 days 4 hours" and state "pending reminder" instead of state "open".
I tried /otrs/bin/PendingJobs.pl b