um, did I miss something?
Janet are you replying about the placenta accreta? or the timing of the
1st bath?
Im confused!
Can you please include more detail on yr posts so I know what you are
talking about?
Janet Ireland wrote:
the woman had 2 bouts of infection both treate
the woman had 2 bouts of infection both treated with abs iv she is now
pregnant and looking forward to no complications jan
- Original Message -
From: "sally" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 3:56 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Re: bathing babies
> Pardon my ignorance, bu
I agree Jo,
We have a VBAc model here that provides known midwife care especially to women that have had a traumatic experience with their past birth. We also have a team model available (5 midwives... not all women are fussed about 1 particular carer). One ob doesn't refer many VBAC women to us,
what are the implications re bleeding? Jan, are you talking about the
whole placenta being left in, or just a part of it?
Larissa Inns wrote:
Yes - this was the case at the hospital I am doing placement at. The
woman's placenta was removed as much as possible but a small bit was
Yes - this was the case at the hospital I am doing
placement at. The woman's placenta was removed as much as possible but a small
bit was left behind (obviously). Around 3 months later the remaining bit came
away on it's own - it had calcified and was like a small rock. I don't know if
she h
True accreta that is adhered to the uterine wall cannot be removed and the only choice is to remove the placenta and uterus or leave the placenta in situ. It will shrivel and be reabsorbed by the body or calcify and stay there without a problem. The problem is when it is only partly accreted
not till late and once engorment gone very limited and she tried and tried
no one told her why her lactation was tardy and unsucessful and she was so
relieved when i explained to her today jan
- Original Message -
From: "Joy Cocks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ozmidwifery"
Sent: Saturday, Jul
Re the placenta accreta which was left to come out on it's own. I'm
wondering what the effect on lactation was? Did this woman's milk "come in"
do you know, Jan?
Joy Cocks RN (Div 1) RM CBE IBCLC
BRIGHT Vic 3741
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