Have you a doll and pelvis model. I find that it really helps for the
women to see what it is they are tring to achieve and then they can
visualsie it better. I find many women that I see at the hospital ) not
having 1 to 1 care are holding everything quite tight in their pelvis.
Once I get the
In reply to Tania from what I have seen of the rebozo techniques I think the
idea is to do it as long as it takes for a change to take place perhaps
alternating techniques. I don't know that palps are the only way to tell.
Having had two OP babies I can tell for myself in any position. Even on all
One concern which has been raised about loss of fat during pregnancy, is the
release of toxins which are stored in fat. I would imagine it would be best
(perhaps not always possible) to lose weight well prior to conception so
that these toxins are out of mum's system.
One of the women I cared for last year decided to lose some
weight while she was pregnant and got hold of the weight
watchers diet (couldn't join officially because of pregnancy),
which, as most would know is just good balanced eating, and
combined it with lots of walking and lost about 6 kg while
Hi Megan,
Overnight when she needs to rest her legs try encouraging the woman into the
bath in the kneeling position with a car wash sponge under each knee if
required and leaning forward toward the end of the bath with a pillow
support to rest on at the edge of the bath. This leaning forward posit