It depends on how you are building your plugin. I use externally built
libraries all the time. 2 Things to remember here:
1: Compile time Includes - you will need to make sure that
include_directories(.. ) are called for each directory that needs to be
included. The "ITK_USE_FILE" should be se
Thanks for your help, Michael Jackson! I am a big fan of you. :-)
The problem was in my CMakeLists.txt file. Because I use ITK libraries in my
class, I include
in my CMakeList file.
After I delete those code in my CMakeList file, everything worked
Thanks Utkrash.
Is there a way to check if the StateLoader has a proxy with a given id ?
Currently am doing:
vtkSMProxy *proxy = myStateLoader->NewProxy(id);
if( ! proxy )
The problem is that vtkSMStateLoader::NewProxy(int id) will pop up an
error message if the proxy with the gi
Are you including the paths to the DICOMParser and DICOMAppHelper
header files? Can you do a "make VERBOSE=1" to see the entire compile
command? Maybe it is not getting included properly for some reason.
Mike Jackson
Camera manipulators are no longer in state files since it was decided
that that's a user-setting and hence the user's setting for
interaction will be used and not those specified from state files.
Look at vtkSMStateVersionController. It has code that convert state
files from old versions to new ver
If am right, the new Paraview state files contains less information
then the old ones. For example, I used to see "CameraManipulators"
proxy in the old paraview state files but I can't find it in paraview
3.4 state files.
Is there a reason for this ?
How can I find out witch information has b
Yes, I have done that in my .cxx file, but it doesn't work...
I also found a strange phenomenon. When I include the header files for
DICOMParser and DICOMAppHelper in the header file of my class, I got an
error said "it can't find those header files".
I am wondering if this is related to the parav
In your .cxx file add #include "vtkDICOMImageReaderVector.h" and the
other classes that are just forward declared in the header file.
Mike Jackson
Hi everyone. This might be a silly question, but I am really confused.
I am writing a class inherites from vtkDICOMImageReader. In the header file
of vtkDICOMImageReader class, there are some forward declaration of these
classes: vtkDICOMImageReaderVector, DICOMParser and DICOMAppHelper. The
Volume Rendering uses opacity to let you see through and inside the
data. Surface just shows the outermost surface. Volume rendering is
more compute intensive and thus often slower to render.
The two usually look very different.
I would have to have more details, like a stack trace or at least
When I load 3D data into Paraview, I first get shown the outline, then I change
this to "surface" to see the associated attribute data. What´s the difference
between "surface" and "volume"? It looks the same to me - just that I get an
segmentation fault when I apply the gradient filter to
Trying it out, I found that the XdmfReader does not work when Paraview is
started in parallel mode. How can I change that? Is it enough to compile the
parallel hdf5 - library as well (in the directory Paraview3.xx/Utilities/hdf5)
and then changing the XdmfReader in a way like
#ifdef Parav
You should only need to make sure that paraview is compiled with the
HDF5_ENABLE_PARALLEL flag set to ON, then the xdmf will pick up the
relevant flags and it should work.
(I stress should becuase there are still issues)
Trying it out, I found that the XdmfReader does not
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 7:01 AM, Steven Janzou wrote:
> I have a sqlite database that has many time based metric results and I
> would like to plot these and be able to do a comparison over different
> sqlite databases.
> So, what is the best way to get the query results into a format that
> can
The same thing happens with the vtkImageConstantPad filter.
I wrote a GUI and ServerManager xml file and added the plugin to
paraview. The output outline is shown correctly, but the extent and
dimensions displayed in the Information tab are incorrect -> they are
are the same as for the inpu
Another problem I get with the "partial solution" of setting the
update extent in the output, is that the update extent is sent through
the pipeline to the input. But it is too big for the input:
ERROR: In /Users/brynlloyd/pack/ParaView-CVS/VTK/Filtering/
I have been having trouble with writing image filter plugins. If the
extent of the output image is larger than the input image extent, I
get all sorts of problems.
I have tried using various parent classes, including
vtkImageAlgorithm. Currently I am using vtkDataSetAlgorithm (I thoug
I have a sqlite database that has many time based metric results and I
would like to plot these and be able to do a comparison over different
sqlite databases.
So, what is the best way to get the query results into a format that
can be displayed as an XYPlot?
Specifically, do use a vtkRowQueryToT
> On Fri, 6 Mar 2009 16:11:12 -0500
> "BG" == Berk Geveci wrote:
BG> I am afraid the answer is
>> - "That's an interesting one. Could you send us the
>> pvd/vtp-file, but we don't commit to fixing it" I've got a 3MB
>> pvd from the filter that can reproduce the problem
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