I managed to reproduce the problem. The difference between ParaView
4.3.1 and previous version
comes to the removal of vtkPVTrivialExtentTranslator in the pipeline.
Thus, the update extent requested by the extract filter may not be
updated correctly anymore.
It is a similar problem to
Dear ParaView Users,
I'm rendering a pseudo-2D data set of approx 7 million cells, running
'mpirun ... pvserver'.
I can connect remotely. The cluster does not have graphics cards
installed, so I'm using the '--use-offscreen-rendering' flag.
The client options for 'Remote Render Threshold' and 'L
With a lot of help from Utkarsh, I now know how to set custom color maps in
Python. Here is what I did, and the code, for coloring Sources/ Wavelet by the
blue to red rainbow. (And has been said, blue to red rainbow is a poor color
map for doing real work. It does create pretty pictures, howe
ParaView does not do anything special about the grains. It does not even
understand the concept of "grain."
You can ask ParaView to find all cells with a grain ID, for example 3732. You,
as a human, can then look at those cells, understand that collectively they are
a grain, and examine its nei
Hi Ken,
I am a little puzzled. For Steven’s VTI file, each cluster/grain has a unique
ID, for example: 3732, 3240, 4955, etc. When Paraview visualize this file, how
does it place one grain next to each other, or how does it determine one grain
is adjacent to another? Is there any algorithm in p
Dear All,
I suspect this question has been answered many times in this forum but I
had trouble finding the answer. Say I have generated several data sets from
a transient (multiple-time step) multiphysics simulation. Each one of my
data sets if of exactly the same geometry but it may vary in the p
The problem is that the arrays under "CellData" has duplicate names:
"fx", "fx_p", "fx_v", "mx", "mx_p" and "mx_v" appear twice.
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 6:17 AM, Stefano Zaghi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem with the VTS file attached. If I load it importing all cell
> variables
Hi Cory,
I never had more than one instance of Visual Studio 2013 running.
I am using CMake 3.1.0.
Am 23.03.2015 um 11:49 schrieb Cory Quammen:
Do you have more than one instance of Visual Studio 2013 running with
the ParaView solution file loaded (that might explain the writing to
Okay, makes sense. I wanted to make sure I understood every step. BW has a more
lenient policy on connections from the compute nodes because the VisIt
maintainer put in the hard work of getting them to change it.
From: David E DeMarle [mailto:dave.dema...@kitware.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2
you said you would rather use vtk directly to access raw data in xdmf files.
I tried to follow your advice, but I struggle with the vtkXdmfReader.
Basically, here is what I do:
import vtk
reader = vtk.vtkXdmfReader()
Do you have more than one instance of Visual Studio 2013 running with
the ParaView solution file loaded (that might explain the writing to
PDB warning in your first message).
Which version of CMake are you using?
- Cory
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 5:14 AM, Ian Krukow wrote:
> The build and so
The build and source directory are on the same drive, only it is not the
system drive (where VS lies). But I had them both on the system drive at
first, and it was the same.
Any other ideas?
Am 23.03.2015 um 05:01 schrieb Utkarsh Ayachit:
I think the real problem is the errors like this
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