Re: PESO: Summertime is here

2015-10-08 Thread David Mann
Interesting to see a mercury thermometer. We had 28 on Wednesday which was very pleasant. The reports are talking about a massive El Niño this year so the east of NZ is in for a bit of a scorcher. Don't think we'll get anything near that though, but to be honest I wouldn't mind a day or two j

Re: October PUGgery now up!!

2015-10-08 Thread Rick Womer
Thanks, Don and Ann; though Ann, I'm disappointed that you didn't pick up on the triple pun in the caption. Rick On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 7:27 PM, John wrote: > Goes to show how much good key-wording could help. I tried hard to think > of a good image I could take to

RE: vba guru needed

2015-10-08 Thread John Coyle
I'd suggest putting the "".Select" on a new line: I think you're actually destroying the With...End With construct HTH John in Brisbane -Original Message- From: PDML [] On Behalf Of Collin B Sent: Thursday, 8 October 2015 23:27 To: Subject: o

Re: GESO SCCA runoffs (68 photos)

2015-10-08 Thread Darren Addy
Some great shots there, Larry! I like the ones with some blur in them to communicate that speed. How low did you go in shutter speed on some of those pan shots? I skipped and watched the video in your last link and that was quite a last lap! Who ended up actually winning? I'm not sure how much the

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread John
I was thinking of "beyond reach" in terms of the Robert Browning quote you get at almost every graduation ceremony: “Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?” Call me naive, but FWIW, I don't know. On 10/8/2015 8:34 PM, ann sanfedele wrote: I like your vote John -

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread ann sanfedele
I like your vote John - except for "beyond reach" because ..well, you know :-) ann On 10/8/2015 7:45 PM, John wrote: My vote: * Golden Hour * In Silhouette * A Fork in the Road * Beyond Reach * Black and white * Iconic Places * Hands * History * Reflection * Rush Hour * Tranquillity * Up Wh

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread John
I thought we agreed last year not to have a "selfies" PUG theme? On 10/7/2015 10:56 PM, Darren Addy wrote: I think that "Butt-Ugly" would be an interesting theme. :) -- Science - Questions we may never find answers for. Religion - Answers we must never question. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail L

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread John
My vote: * Golden Hour * In Silhouette * A Fork in the Road * Beyond Reach * Black and white * Iconic Places * Hands * History * Reflection * Rush Hour * Tranquillity * Up Whatever is finally settled upon, I'll give it a go. Not that I expect I'll be any more able to get my act together in 2016

GESO SCCA runoffs (68 photos)

2015-10-08 Thread Larry Colen
Many thanks again to John Francis who loaned me a couple of lenses for the trip and gave me some very helpful feedback and pointers. I've finally had a chance to go through the zillions of frames that I took of the racing, winnow them down to a manageable number and put some effort into proces

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread ann sanfedele
We kinda did that once before Larry - but it was limited to other PDML'ers if I recall. although we may have done it for famous photogs too. send-ups could befun, tho ann On 10/8/2015 3:23 PM, Larry Colen wrote: Brian Walters wrote: G'day all Some suggested themes for 2016: -snip-

Re: Good thing no PDMLers from Norway submitted to the "Wind" PUG

2015-10-08 Thread ann sanfedele
Yup - I saw it on Tv but My computer wont let meplay the vid so cool ann On 10/8/2015 1:05 PM, Darren Addy wrote: Cool! You mean this one? On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 11:54 AM, ann sanfedele wrote: OK someone has got to post the shot of the whale pod and

Re: October PUGgery now up!!

2015-10-08 Thread John
Goes to show how much good key-wording could help. I tried hard to think of a good image I could take to represent "wind" and never thought of the Texas & Oklahoma windmills I'd already photographed in the last few years. On 10/6/2015 5:04 PM, Brian Walters wrote: G'day all, A smaller gallery

Re: PESO - Meet'n'greet'n'shoot [nsfw]

2015-10-08 Thread Bruce Walker
On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 5:59 PM, John wrote: > On 10/6/2015 9:52 AM, Bruce Walker wrote: >> >> I was partly responsible for a meet and greet that happened last week >> at the friendly nearby studio that I rent now and then for projects. >> One of the busiest glamour and fashion photographers in the

Re: PESO - Meet'n'greet'n'shoot [nsfw]

2015-10-08 Thread John
On 10/6/2015 9:52 AM, Bruce Walker wrote: I was partly responsible for a meet and greet that happened last week at the friendly nearby studio that I rent now and then for projects. One of the busiest glamour and fashion photographers in the area had expressed an interest in seeing my 645Z and we'

Re: ot: vba guru needed

2015-10-08 Thread steve harley
got curious because i used to do lots of weird field setups in Word, data-driven from Visual FoxPro … from my AppleScript experience, i like to avoid "selecting" objects because an object model should work without having to think of it as a robot user working through the interface also, i'm

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread Larry Colen
Brian Walters wrote: G'day all Some suggested themes for 2016: -snip- Let me know if any of those appeal (or not) and feel free to suggest others. Cheers Brian I finally made it to the local photo club last night. And it turned out that at dinner I was across the table from a coup

Re: Summertime is here

2015-10-08 Thread Larry Colen
Alan C wrote: Thanks Ann & Jack! I heard Tom Selleck had a spot of bother trying to save his avocado pear trees. It's "avocado", from the Nahuatl word āhuacatl, or "alligator pear". Alan C -Original Message- From: Jack Davis Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 5:31 PM To: Pentax-Di

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread Jack Davis
IOW, flattened "ugly butts" Igor? J - Original Message - From: "Igor PDML-StR" To: "PDML" Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2015 11:28:00 AM Subject: Re: PUG Themes for 2016 Can a copy machine [aka xerox] made by Ricoh be considered a Pentax camera? Jack Davis Thu, 08 Oct 2015 09:57:12

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread Igor PDML-StR
That's a fair point. (And that's one of the reasons why I cannot watch most sitcoms -- all that use the forced background "laughter". But at the same time, aren't all cuttens absolute? ;-) Cheers, Igor On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:00 AM, ann sanfedele wrote: Yeah yeah -- Make fun,... but se

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread Igor PDML-StR
Can a copy machine [aka xerox] made by Ricoh be considered a Pentax camera? Jack Davis Thu, 08 Oct 2015 09:57:12 -0700 wrote: I'd like to avoid the predictable bunch of ugly butts! J -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRI

Re: ot: vba guru needed

2015-10-08 Thread Darren Addy
No clue, but might this be of some assistance? On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 8:27 AM, Collin B wrote: > As previously observed I'm not much of a VBA guru. > Writing Excel macro. > Need to create Word document and write header wi

Re: Good thing no PDMLers from Norway submitted to the "Wind" PUG

2015-10-08 Thread Darren Addy
Cool! You mean this one? On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 11:54 AM, ann sanfedele wrote: > OK someone has got to post the shot of the whale pod and the NOrthern lights > - wonder if Jostein > knows the photog > > ann > > On 10/8/2015 12:41 PM, Darren Addy wrote: >>

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread Jack Davis
I'd like to avoid the predictable bunch of ugly butts! J - Original Message - From: "Darren Addy" To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2015 9:43:55 AM Subject: Re: PUG Themes for 2016 For the record, I wasn't making any commentary (photographic or otherwise) with m

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread ann sanfedele
I knnooowww ann On 10/8/2015 12:43 PM, Darren Addy wrote: For the record, I wasn't making any commentary (photographic or otherwise) with my "Butt-Ugly" theme suggestion. I just thought it had lots of possibilities. :) :) On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:00 AM, ann sanfedele wrote: Yeah yeah -- Mak

Re: Good thing no PDMLers from Norway submitted to the "Wind" PUG

2015-10-08 Thread ann sanfedele
OK someone has got to post the shot of the whale pod and the NOrthern lights - wonder if Jostein knows the photog ann On 10/8/2015 12:41 PM, Darren Addy wrote: I fear that they would have blown us all away: -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List htt

Re: Summertime is here

2015-10-08 Thread Jack Davis
A.. poor devil. I'll have to send condolences.;o) J - Original Message - From: "Alan C" To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2015 9:42:09 AM Subject: Re: Summertime is here Thanks Ann & Jack! I heard Tom Selleck had a spot of bother trying to save his avocado

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread Darren Addy
For the record, I wasn't making any commentary (photographic or otherwise) with my "Butt-Ugly" theme suggestion. I just thought it had lots of possibilities. :) :) On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:00 AM, ann sanfedele wrote: > Yeah yeah -- > Make fun,... but seriously - I think those adjectives should b

Re: Summertime is here

2015-10-08 Thread Alan C
Thanks Ann & Jack! I heard Tom Selleck had a spot of bother trying to save his avocado pear trees. Alan C -Original Message- From: Jack Davis Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 5:31 PM To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List Subject: Re: PESO: Summertime is here We central Californians suffered t

Good thing no PDMLers from Norway submitted to the "Wind" PUG

2015-10-08 Thread Darren Addy
I fear that they would have blown us all away: -- Life is too short to put up with bad bokeh. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and fol

Re: October PUGgery now up!!

2015-10-08 Thread ann sanfedele
Thanks, Don just getting to see your comment now andyour comment is an example ofwhy I don't think we should call something funny pre-viewing. I had taken other purely scenic shots from that spot but the reason for the one in the PUG was to me a comment on how severe but selective the wi

Re: PESO: Summertime is here

2015-10-08 Thread Jack Davis
We central Californians suffered through an equivalent temp. beating this past summer. Slowly enjoying a bit of merciful release. Recommend plenty of ice chilled liquids! J Sent from my iPhone > On Oct 8, 2015, at 8:02 AM, ann sanfedele wrote: > > Nice and comfortable here - high of 70 - but t

Re: ot: vba guru needed

2015-10-08 Thread steve harley
meant for a different list ("as previously observed")? … i've done some of that, but it was 20 years ago, and i don't have suitable environment to hack at it; just looking at it i wonder do you really need to select an object to operate on it (i.e. would it work without ".Select"?) On 201

Re: PESO: Summertime is here

2015-10-08 Thread ann sanfedele
Nice and comfortable here - high of 70 - but that is F not C Poor you ann (glad summer is over) On 10/8/2015 8:09 AM, Alan C wrote: On the stoep @ 13:43. If it's already this hot in October, we could be heading for record highs.

Re: PUG Themes for 2016

2015-10-08 Thread ann sanfedele
Yeah yeah -- Make fun,... but seriously - I think those adjectives should be applied by the viewer after they look at a photo, since those things (funny, cute) especially (along with Butt-ugly) are so much a matter of personal taste- in a group such as ours with widely different backgrounds - sp

ot: vba guru needed

2015-10-08 Thread Collin B
As previously observed I'm not much of a VBA guru. Writing Excel macro. Need to create Word document and write header with auto page numbers. (Office 365). Research has proven unfruitful. This is what I've come up with. On the.TypeText Text:="Page "line I get "object required" for some re

PESO: Summertime is here

2015-10-08 Thread Alan C
On the stoep @ 13:43. If it's already this hot in October, we could be heading for record highs. Alan C --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. --

Re: Fastpack 250 vs 350

2015-10-08 Thread Larry Colen
Even though the Fastpack 350 is no longer in production, I decided to do a quick search for New Old Stock, to see if there were any still around in stores. While they can still be found in American stores for the nominal $130, there are also quite a few available on ebay from dealers in China