Oops. Mea culpa. I am sorry! I must have read it somewhere - the local phot
zines are just full of crap!
Ok, that's good news! I had the wrong impression. True optical viewfinder
is of course much better, even with beamsplitter! I actually filmed few
times with Super-8 cameras with same thing, a
At 22:14 7.2.2001 -0600, you wrote:
>I heard a Pentax rep state about a month ago that the PZ-1p production was
stopped and Pentax did not plan to fill back orders on the camera, in favor
of the new MZ-S.
A pity :( I hoped I could get one cheaper if the price falls, but now doubt
it with
Frantisek wrote:
"It's quite new brochure, it has the not-so-old
EL-2000 (the digital pseudo-slr. Pseudo because it's
not mirror-pentaprism design, it just has a small LCD
in the viewfinder. KS! Phew)"
This is not exactly true. The camera has a true TTL
Wednesday, February 07, 2001 9:22 PM
Subject: RE: Discontinued FA 4/28-70 AL ?!? (RE: A 35-70 f3.5-4.5 - comments?)
> BTW haven't someone said that the PZ-1p will be discontinued as well (I'd
> like to get one more, if there is a "sale")?
> Jens
I think I read right here, that it was (or is going to be soon)
discontinued. I suppose the 24-90mm is going to take its place? Maybe I
misunderstood. However, I'm sure Pentax makes other very good zooms too -
the FA20-35mm for one!
BTW haven't someone said that the PZ-1p will be discontinued a
>I too have asked the PDML group. It's nothing compared to the very sharp,
>excellent (discontinued) FA 4.0/28-70mm! I use mine for travelling with my
^When was the FA 4/28-70 discontinued? I thought it was Pentax only good
zoom in this range except the horribly expensive 2.8/28-70
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