[PEIRCE-L] SQUARE'2020 - Leuven - Extended Deadline May 31

2020-05-06 Thread jean-yves beziau
We confirm that the 7th edition of the World Congress on the Square of Opposition will take place in Leuven, Belgium, September, 16-20, 2020. Extended Deadline to send a one page abstract is May 31. Organizing Committee - SQUARE 2020 https://www.square-of-opposition.org/

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Categories and Modes of Being (was Essay about categories and logical presuppositions)

2020-05-06 Thread robert marty
Gary, Jon Alan, Jon Awbrey, List *1 *-First I note that the formulation "3ns involves 2ns, which involves 1ns" is very dangerous car it forgets that 2ns has its autonomy and 1ns too. If you look at the podium on remains in the inner cylinder. It seems to me that Peirce's reproach to Hegel is: "*H

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] The Nature of the Sign itself, was, Different Semeiotic Analyses (was tree-structure)

2020-05-06 Thread Ben Novak
To JAS: I wish to inquire into the older seeming use of colors themselves as signs. For example, the color of roses given as a gift to a woman by a man has different meanings. Red= love or passion. See this link for the meaning of rose colors. https://www.dgreetings.com/valentine-love/meaning-of-

[PEIRCE-L] Re: Essay about categories and logical presuppositions

2020-05-06 Thread Jon Awbrey
Robert, All ... Re: https://list.iupui.edu/sympa/arc/peirce-l/2020-05/msg00054.html As it happens, I've been working on a comment about your first point below but I'll post it back on your original thread, when and if I manage to put it in respectable shape, since I'm finding this welter of indi

[PEIRCE-L] Aw: Re: Essay about categories and logical presuppositions

2020-05-06 Thread Helmut Raulien
Jon, List,   Thank you, Jon! I do have to say, that have had a concept of composition, of which Robert and Jon A.S. said it is not good, and it rather is all about determination and correlates. The concept of composition was, that a secondness would consist of two, and a thirdness of three parts,

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Categories and Modes of Being (was Essay about categories and logical presuppositions)

2020-05-06 Thread Edwina Taborsky
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }Robert, list Thanks for this post - which is delightful. First - a few comments: I very much agree that Peircean semiosis is relational and feel that this requirement for interactional networking tends to

[PEIRCE-L] Re: Essay about categories and logical presuppositions

2020-05-06 Thread Jon Awbrey
Re: > Does there exist a text for dummies? Once I was a dummy ... and then I read Peirce's 1870 Logic Of Relatives ... • https://oeis.org/wiki/Peirce%27s_1870_Logic_Of_Relatives_%E2%80%A2_Overview and I gradually became ... long time passing ... slightly less of a dummy ... There's a lot in P

Aw: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Essay about categories and logical presuppositions

2020-05-06 Thread Helmut Raulien
Jon, List,   Thank you! It will take some time for me to read and understand your wikipedia text, about the time it takes you to write 100 more texts. People have different capacities, I am looking forward to next life. Buuut, every effort will pay off, somehow, somewhen, and be it in the next li

[PEIRCE-L] Re: Essay about categories and logical presuppositions

2020-05-06 Thread robert marty
I do not see how we can talk here about an operative relationship that would be a triad relationship. It is not anything other than the composition of two morphisms and I do not ask for more. 3,2 and 1 are the "place names," and "involves" are arrow names that I usually call alpha and beta. Now i

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Categories and Modes of Being (was Essay about categories and logical presuppositions)

2020-05-06 Thread robert marty
Edwina, List I've been a repentant smoker for 40 years! On the other hand given the lack of criticism after 3 days of offering on the market of my "nicotine" I wonder if colleagues are all smokers or all non-smokers. I see you liked it but I don't know how to make such technical cartoons; I'm jus

Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Categories and Modes of Being (was Essay about categories and logical presuppositions)

2020-05-06 Thread Edwina Taborsky
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }Robert - Don't worry- I'm not going to get into a scenario of flinging quotations at you! Such actions in my view, don't accomplish a thing - They just set up non-dialogical Security Walls where we hide behind the quotatio

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] The Nature of the Sign itself, was, Different Semeiotic Analyses (was tree-structure)

2020-05-06 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Edwina, List: Peirce did not have *only one* outline. He used qualisign/sinsign/legisign in 1903, but by 1906 he had switched to tone/token/type, and in 1908 he suggested potisign/actisign/famisign. I understand that his 1903 taxonomy has turned out to be especially *useful *in many applications

Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] The Nature of the Sign itself, was, Different Semeiotic Analyses (was tree-structure)

2020-05-06 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Ben N., List: Thank you for providing another example to discuss. As I have acknowledged before, my brain seems to be wired for abstract thinking, but I am well aware of the importance and value of examining concrete applications; I just struggle to come up with them myself. I also want to point

Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] The Nature of the Sign itself, was, Different Semeiotic Analyses (was tree-structure)

2020-05-06 Thread Edwina Taborsky
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }JAS - I think it's irrelevant whether we call the Qualisign/Sinsign/Legisign ...tone/token/type...and so on. I'm not sure why you consider it important. As for your rejection of my using modern terminol

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Categories and Modes of Being (was Essay about categories and logical presuppositions)

2020-05-06 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Gary R., Robert, List: I take no exception to anything in Gary R.'s reply, and in light of his and Robert's comments along with Jon A.'s remark in the other thread, I am now persuaded to embrace the formulation that 3ns involves 2ns and 1ns, while 2ns involves 1ns. However, I would welcome some

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Aw: Re: Essay about categories and logical presuppositions

2020-05-06 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Helmut, List: What helped me first come to understand how a linear series of N trichotomies results in a total of (N+1)(N+2)/2 classes of signs was the attached diagram that appears on p. 46 of John K. Sheriff's 1994 book, *Charles Peirce's Guess at the Riddle: Grounds for Human Significance*. T

Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Essay about categories and logical presuppositions

2020-05-06 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Robert, Jon A., List: In CP 2.318 (1903), Peirce is discussing "the question whether every proposition has a Subject and a Predicate," and only brings up tricoexistence in the specific case of a *copulative *proposition. CSP: It predicates the genuinely Triadic relation of *tricoexistence*, "P a

Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] The Nature of the Sign itself, was, Different Semeiotic Analyses (was tree-structure)

2020-05-06 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Edwina, List: I explicitly *did not* reject "using modern terminology to refer to the Peircean framework." What I reject is using Peirce's *own *terminology in a way that is inconsistent with *his *usage thereof in most or all of his writings. In my view, that straightforwardly violates his clea