Agroecolgy Program

1994-03-21 Thread Mª de Lourdes Mendicuti
To everybody: Who knows the e-mail or something like that of the Agroecology Program Director in the University of California, Santa Cruz Thank's in advance MA. DE LOURDES MENDICUTI NAVARRO

LTV defense, digression

1994-03-21 Thread Allin Cottrell
LTV defense: interim responses == 1. There are still a few more instalments of my "LTV defense" to come, before the whole structure -- or at least a sketch of it -- is "on the table" for criticism. Nonetheless, it would be churlish to plough (plow) ahead without

re: economic strategy and the state

1994-03-21 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Marty Hart-Landsberg observes and asks: So, at the risk of oversimplyfing, one approach calls for building opposition to the mobility of capitalism on the basis of the nation state and projects a vision of greater national regulation of capitalist activity through a restructured and more

Re: appearances and GE

1994-03-21 Thread Jim Devine
Below, "" marks my original comment and "" marks Gil Skillman's reply. My counterpunch lacks any preliminary punctuation. On Fri, 18 Mar 1994 14:29:47 -0500 (EST) Gil said: I'm a little mystified by a contradiction that seems to appear in Gil Skillman's contributions to pen-l. On the one


1994-03-21 Thread Tom . Weisskopf
Yes, Jim Devine is quite right that Marty's dichotomy is much the same as between my PNP ("progressive nationalist position") and PIP ("progressive internationalist position") of last year. Acronymically, Tom Weisskopf

LTV defense, part 9

1994-03-21 Thread Allin Cottrell
Roemer and exploitation (first part of two on this topic) === [Note: LTV part 8 raised the subject of the 'specialness' of labor. This has several dimensions, but in this message and the next I focus on labor's specialness as it relates to *exploitation* -- hence getting

LTV: questions for the defense

1994-03-21 Thread FAC_BROSSER
To Allin Cottrell: If these are not dealt with in the main message, they should be saved for an epilogue response. 1) Normality of price dispersion presented in Farjoun and Machover is NOT a trivial assumption. Most asset prices (at least) have both seriously skewed and leptokurtotic

Re:LTV Digression

1994-03-21 Thread Steve . Keen
Allin comments that my approach via use-value and the one he has outlined don't give particularly differrent results. Up to the level we have thus far discussed it, they don't. But if you follow them further down the track, they do (you've yet to get there in your postings). What I wished to

AS-AD, the US $, etc.

1994-03-21 Thread FAC_BROSSER
To Peter Dorman: The effect of having Korea and Taiwan pegged to the $ was offset by having most of Latin America also pegged to the $. I agree with Tom Weisskopf's last posting (was going to make same point myself) about role of interest rates. Clearly that depends on MS constant and we

continuing on economic strategies

1994-03-21 Thread Martin Hart-Landsberg
I appreciate the responses to my posting on economic strategies and the state. I also hope that, whatever discussion we have, we can build upon rather than recreate our past discussion/debate of national versus international perspectives on strategy. More specifically, I think there is a need

Agroecolgy Program

1994-03-21 Thread Mª de Lourdes Mendicuti
To everybody: Who knows the e-mail or something like that of the Agroecology Program Director in the University of California, Santa Cruz Thank's in advance MA. DE LOURDES MENDICUTI NAVARRO

The National, International, Actual, Virtual and the Real

1994-03-21 Thread Sam Lanfranco
This is a short comment on the national vs. international, local vs. global, etc. debate. This strategy debate is as old as the first time two humaniods took a stick and drew a line in the sand. We have continued to draw the lines and fight over them. However, there is a new player on the horizon

LTV defense, digression

1994-03-21 Thread Allin Cottrell
LTV defense: interim responses == 1. There are still a few more instalments of my "LTV defense" to come, before the whole structure -- or at least a sketch of it -- is "on the table" for criticism. Nonetheless, it would be churlish to plough (plow) ahead without

re: economic strategy and the state

1994-03-21 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Marty Hart-Landsberg observes and asks: So, at the risk of oversimplyfing, one approach calls for building opposition to the mobility of capitalism on the basis of the nation state and projects a vision of greater national regulation of capitalist activity through a restructured and more

Re: appearances and GE

1994-03-21 Thread Jim Devine
Below, "" marks my original comment and "" marks Gil Skillman's reply. My counterpunch lacks any preliminary punctuation. On Fri, 18 Mar 1994 14:29:47 -0500 (EST) Gil said: I'm a little mystified by a contradiction that seems to appear in Gil Skillman's contributions to pen-l. On the one


1994-03-21 Thread Tom . Weisskopf
Yes, Jim Devine is quite right that Marty's dichotomy is much the same as between my PNP ("progressive nationalist position") and PIP ("progressive internationalist position") of last year. Acronymically, Tom Weisskopf

LTV defense, part 9

1994-03-21 Thread Allin Cottrell
Roemer and exploitation (first part of two on this topic) === [Note: LTV part 8 raised the subject of the 'specialness' of labor. This has several dimensions, but in this message and the next I focus on labor's specialness as it relates to *exploitation* -- hence getting

LTV: questions for the defense

1994-03-21 Thread FAC_BROSSER
To Allin Cottrell: If these are not dealt with in the main message, they should be saved for an epilogue response. 1) Normality of price dispersion presented in Farjoun and Machover is NOT a trivial assumption. Most asset prices (at least) have both seriously skewed and leptokurtotic

AS-AD, the US $, etc.

1994-03-21 Thread FAC_BROSSER
To Peter Dorman: The effect of having Korea and Taiwan pegged to the $ was offset by having most of Latin America also pegged to the $. I agree with Tom Weisskopf's last posting (was going to make same point myself) about role of interest rates. Clearly that depends on MS constant and we

continuing on economic strategies

1994-03-21 Thread Martin Hart-Landsberg
I appreciate the responses to my posting on economic strategies and the state. I also hope that, whatever discussion we have, we can build upon rather than recreate our past discussion/debate of national versus international perspectives on strategy. More specifically, I think there is a need

new book series on Latin America

1994-03-21 Thread JDIETZ
21 March 1994 Friends: I am posting an announcement of a new progressive book series to be published by Lynne Rienner Publishers and edited by me. I am posting this announcement to the Pen-L, IPE and Caribbean Economy lists. Please feel free to inform interested colleagues of the new series

S L references

1994-03-21 Thread rjp6
Apologies for bothering the list with this, but somebody posted a couple of S L references at the end of last week, which I seem to have inadvertently deleted. Is there any chance that they could please send them to me again? Thanks in advance. Rich Parkin, Case Western

Re: reply to Lerner

1994-03-21 Thread rjp6
On 19th March Paul Cockshott wrote: I have tended to argue against the proposal for a basic income on several grounds: 1) the advocates of a basic income seem to take as given the existing capitalistic organisation of our society in which a large part of the population are unable to find