NDP MP Lorne Nystrom has introduced a motion
in Parliament, M-239, that urges the Government
of Canada to implement a Tobin Tax.
That motion will be voted on in February, 1999
George Soros indicates below that a Tobin Tax
may not be effective.
Anyone have anything quirky and insightful to say on the IMF
report on world economic prospects? I have to go on South African tv
tomorrow morning at 5:30 GMT to chat about it with a bourgeois
economist. Any hints?
Patrick Bond
I feel a need to express some further observations on
this topic that came up in conjunction with the social
democracy thread. Why did regional inequalities get so bad
in Yugoslavia?
One aspect of this that is especially puzzling is that
there was quite a bit of regional redistribut
(excerpted from a review article by John Hess in the latest Monthly Review)
The New York Times Book Review summarized Todd's Albert Camus: A Life as a
"biography of the near-proletarian from Algeria who reached the top of the
literary pole in Paris, then fell silent when he could not defend the
In a message dated 12/18/1998 9:26:27 AM Eastern Standard Time,
<< On the plus side we have a somewhat smaller set of countries spending a
generation or two under the rule of Communist regimes of varying
quality--from Pol Pot or Mao or Kim Il Sung at the bottom end to
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No, unlike Bill's, my apology is sincere and as for close to Bill's, well you
know the rest..."close but no cigar".
But you know, reductio ad absurdum/nauseum as a instrument of rhetoric and
reasoning does not so much sugge
At 10:58 AM 12/22/98 -0800, Tom Walker wrote:
>What you get then is not some inexorable totalitarian argument leading from
>the market to the gas chamber, but a soppy mush of sycophantic string music
>that acts as recorded background for the arbitrary and seemingly
>uncontestable exercise of power
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To Jim Devine's reposne I have to agree. There is a real danger in
trivializing the most horrible with analogy overreach or fallcy of "proof" by
analogy. On the other hand, Auschwitz was an inexorable result--not a
Patrick Bond queries:
> Anyone have anything quirky and insightful to say on the IMF
> report on world economic prospects? I have to go on South African tv
> tomorrow morning at 5:30 GMT to chat about it with a bourgeois
> economist. Any hints?
Why not just challenge the clown to take a person
Stalinists Commemorate Dictator's Birthday
MOSCOW, Dec. 22, 1998 -- (Reuters) Several hundred Russian Communists
marched to Red Square on Monday to lay carnations at the Kremlin wall tomb
of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin on the 119th anniversary of his birth.
The solemn scene, amid a light drizz
I hate to be dredging up old threads but I am behind in my e-mail duties.
The discussion of the relative technological advantages of Europe vs. China
seems a bit
overly politicized, as Blaut tends to be, in asserting any "difference" that
gave Europe a leg
in its socio-technological competition w
At 02:58 PM 12/22/98 EST, you wrote:
>No, unlike Bill's, my apology is sincere and as for close to Bill's, well you
>know the rest..."close but no cigar".
>But you know, reductio ad absurdum/nauseum as a instrument of rhetoric and
>reasoning does not so much suggest analogy as to expore the inne
Jim Devine: >I think the problem is probably due to the fact that you're
using a
>networked computer. Networks are much stricter than stand-alone computer
>when it comes to these things -- because the risk of virus infection is
>much more serious with a network. (Stand-alones don't have system
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IMHO this is wonderfully argued and quite historically accurate--and an
excellent and concentrated metaphor. The libertarian "voluntarism" is the a
priori, hypothetico-deductivist or de jure coupled with no notion or
I'd like to point out a few weaknesses in the Auschwitz example:
1. 'the nazis' are definitively others -- "they're not like us" -- which
gives the student an escape hatch.
2. the nazis were presumably 'undone' both by the barbaric irrationality of
their ideology and by the forces of good ('us')
Flexible Dimensions of a Permanent Crisis: TNCs, Flexibility, and Workers
in Asia
Gerard Greenfield
Abstract What is the relationship between this crisis and labour
flexibility? The argument runs something like this: the destruction of jobs
and the deterioration in the livelihood and well-being
Brad De Long wrote:
>I'm not going to defend Lant Pritchett's inept and overwritten memo, or
>Lawrence Summers' signing it (although I would note that
>Summers-as-academic is known for giving credit to RAs and elevating them to
>co-author and lead-author status much more than most of his ilk).
At 04:36 PM 12/21/98 -0800, Ken Hanly wrote:
>This is quite a different situation than people voluntarily trading to an
>equilibrium in a market. No libertarian would approve of Auschwitz. It is
a clear
>violation of rights. Jews didn't voluntarily work in the labor camps or go
to the
The WTO, the World Food System, and the Politics of Harmonised Destruction
Gerard Greenfield
Education Programme Organiser (Indonesia)
IUF-A/P Globalisation Seminar II: Globalisation and the Future of Agri-Food
November 16-18, 1998, Ahmedabad, India
Valis, did you even read the article?
From: valis
> Vancouver (Washington State) Columbian, Sunday Dec. 20, 1998
> Clark College restricts professor's computer use
> E-mail feud with Canadian student trigg
Jim Craven writes: >The reason I see Auschwitz as an inexorable
metaphor/expression of
>libertarianism is on the plane of the sterile, cold, calculating, selfish
>calculus of maximization, "optimality", "efficiency" dog-eat-dog and rat-race
>individualism embodied in the libertarian perspective co
Queried Jeff "Deep Mole" Fellows of CDC:
> Valis, did you even read the article?
"Even"? I guess I should cop to your expectation that I read it
with a divided attention or not at all.
What did I miss or misinterpret?
> From: Rania Masri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [IAC] FROM Baghdad -- news release
> Date: Monday, December 21, 1998 9:33 AM
> =Iraq Action Coalition http://leb.net/IAC/ ===
> To subscribe, send an e-mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with
G'day all,
A lovely follow-up to the MUA story (remember the Ozzie wharfies' strike?) ...
The government, interest groups and Patrick Stevedores may yet be laid low!
But not by the union.
Nope. The spectre that haunts them is that of the scabs! These blokes are
suing for millions in compensa
G'day Brad,
Thanks for this:
>I think famines work better--they make the point that if your labor-time
>endowment has no value, then your utility has no weight in the social
>welfare function that the market maximizes, and so you starve to death: the
>market's equilibrium weighs each person's pr
G'day Jim,
You'd written:
"I do a little number in my Micro classes called "Pareto Optimality at
Auschwitz" ... "
Way back, I changed degrees half a semester into an education/economics
degree. Those who purported to teach how to teach couldn't teach, and
those who purported to explain human b
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On the comments blow, my own comments are:
a) I can think of a long list of "non-democratic"/anti-democratic regimes set
up and social systems engineered as non-democratic/anti-democratic regimes in
the service of US and ot
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