Implications of Surplus Tax Cut?

2001-01-08 Thread Barnet Wagman
When times gets tough, everybody becomes a Keynesian, apparently even GW, who's now selling his tax cut as means of stimulating the economy and averting recession (not the rationale he was using six months ago). Except on issues of timing (eg Laura D'Andrea Tyson's comments) , no one seems to

Re: Re: Implications of Surplus Tax Cut?

2001-01-08 Thread Barnet Wagman
Jim Devine wrote: it's the government _debt_ to the people (i.e., the peoples' asset) that's held as government bonds. The surplus leads to the reduction of this debt. This reduction is accomplished by using tax dollars, ie income, to buy bond on the open market. Ie the surplus (and the way

Re: Re: Implications of Surplus Tax Cut?

2001-01-08 Thread Barnet Wagman
Ellen Frank wrote: Since the surplus is currently being held as government bonds, I would expect a surplus-financed tax cut to raise interest rates. Why should this be so? Why is it all of a sudden conventional wisdom that interest rates are determined by the federal budget rather than

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Implications of Surplus Tax Cut?

2001-01-08 Thread Barnet Wagman
Ellen Frank wrote: Let's say I get a $50,000 tax refund thanks to Dubya, with which I buy shares in a bio-tech IPO. Remember that most of the money 'invested' in the stock market goes to buy existing stock, not new issues. Once current income starts whirling around in the speculative

Re: RE: Re: Implications of Surplus Tax Cut?

2001-01-08 Thread Barnet Wagman
David Shemano wrote: If crowding out is fallacious, and there is absolutely no link between budget deficits and interest rates, what is one to think of the efficacy of President Clinton's policies as a contributor to economic growth? That there was none. Much as I miss Clinton (even though

Re: Re: Re: Re: RE: Re: Implications of Surplus Tax Cut?

2001-01-08 Thread Barnet Wagman
Ellen Frank wrote: Doug writes: Ok, so what gave us the longest expansion in U.S. history, and a 42% rise in real GDP? Doug I really don't know. But the conventional wisdom really falls apart on close inspection. For example, real interest rates were high compared with earlier

Re: government debt purchase

2000-10-21 Thread Barnet Wagman
In today's LA TIMES, there's a story about the US government's purchase of its bonds (as part of the "paying down" of its debt). Because it can't always do so (since sellers must be willing to sell and will often wait until the bonds mature), the government needs somewhere to "park" its

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: beginning of the end?

2000-10-15 Thread Barnet Wagman
Iwonder if a flight to liquidity is still on the table. Are wealth holders willing to hold currency? Itend to think not. What do weatlth holders consider safe instruments these days? (If I were a wealth holder, I'd be moving money into (internationally diversified)govt securities but of course

Re: Re: Re: Re: beginning of the end?

2000-10-14 Thread Barnet Wagman
though looking at the foreign-exchange value of the dollar is important, I think that looking at aggregate demand is more important. There are two polar alternatives: 1) the US trade deficit pulls up the rest of the world, allowing a mutually-reinforcing demand-side boom amongst the

Re: Re: beginning of the end?

2000-10-13 Thread Barnet Wagman
As long as the dollar remains high, it indicates that the inflow of external finance is continuing to sustain US consumption. When the dollar drops (as it must, eventually), we are in a new era. I think Peter has it right. Until some other part of the world becomes more attractive to

Re: Re: Gas prices

2000-09-16 Thread Barnet Wagman
Our resident enviro economist Jim Barrett says it is supply problems in the U.S. -- failure to maintain refinery and pipeline capacity. The regulatory component is about five cents to the gallon. Certainly, but haven't gas prices risen in Europe as well? And haven't world crude prices

Re: housing

2000-08-21 Thread Barnet Wagman
but the cumulative gain over the last two decades has been just 1.2 percentage points. Why would you look over the last two decades? The important changes occurred in the 90s. Changes in down payment requirements have been enormous. I don't know if the Clinton administration had a hand in this.

NEGATIVE net issuance of equity since 1994?

2000-04-09 Thread Barnet Wagman
. (I realize that IPO's are a small fraction of the market, but still.) Does this reflect some idyosyncracy of the Fed's accounting? If not, how do we account for this? -- Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: the expression political economy

2000-04-08 Thread Barnet Wagman
The term 'international political economy' is/was used by international political scientists like Susan Strange - their use of the the term is almost entirely unrelated to its use by Smith or Marxians or Buchanan (in case things weren't confusing enought). Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sorry and statistics question

2000-04-02 Thread Barnet Wagman
) countries? Doug? Cheers, Rob. There's always the ERP ( I don't know how comparable its series are. -- Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current (heterodox) thinking on interest rates?

2000-04-02 Thread Barnet Wagman
on this subject. Thanks, Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

? Rentier's hoarding ? Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: U.S. Monetary Policy

2000-03-23 Thread Barnet Wagman
Ellen Frank wrote: ... rentiers hoarding funds and businesses looking to expand. I don't remember this bit. Why would rentiers want to hoard? -- Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: U.S. Monetary Policy

2000-03-23 Thread Barnet Wagman
g a recession when the economy is booming, and in an election year, yet? Barney -- Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ? Rentier's hoarding ?

2000-03-23 Thread Barnet Wagman
wrote: > >> ... rentiers hoarding funds and businesses looking >> to expand. > >I don't remember this bit. Why would rentiers >want to hoard? > >-- >Barnet Wagman > >email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > -- Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4853 N. Winchester Ave., Apt #2. Chicago, IL 60640-4006 773-275-4084

Re: Re: Re: ? Rentier's hoarding ?

2000-03-23 Thread Barnet Wagman
have to pay with cash. The longer you avoid paying, the more interest fees you have to pay. ^ That's certainly true. But with revolving credit, consumers don't have to hold cash very long. And being caught up short is a less pressing problem. -- Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RE: Re: Boeing Strike Agreement Reached: Why?

2000-03-20 Thread Barnet Wagman
What's N30? Lisa Ian Murray wrote: Condit and Co. were pissed 'cause they got their asses kicked on N30 :-) Ian -- Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: U.S. Monetary Policy; Operation Twist?

2000-03-19 Thread Barnet Wagman
best. Edwin (Tom) Dickens -- Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Boeing Strike Agreement Reached: Why?

2000-03-19 Thread Barnet Wagman
strategy? -- Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: Re: Brad on the air!

2000-02-25 Thread Barnet Wagman
Haven't BOTH the mean and median savings rates declined over the last decade? Brad De Long wrote: Which is one big reason that average (instead of median) savings rates are pretty worthless as indicators of what's going on; the averages are overwhelmingly influenced by the rich... -- -- Barnet

Query on Fed Flow of Funds data; is there documentation?

2000-02-06 Thread Barnet Wagman
Is there any document or book that fully defines the items in the Fed's "Flow of Funds" data? The data itself is available on the Fed's web page but I haven't found anything that specifies how they define things. Thanks, Barnet Wagman email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [PEN-L:10234] Query on CBOT

1999-09-03 Thread Barnet Wagman
of the billions that go through there are producers or consumers mitigating risk may be tracked somewhere. It would be interesting.>> (By "consumers" she means, e.g., General Mills managing its wheat needs.) Carrol ------- Barnet Wagman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chicago, IL 60622

Re: [PEN-L:9698] Gen. Equilibrium

1999-07-29 Thread Barnet Wagman
930s by brHicks and Samuelson as 'everybody's economics'" pThis isn't the story you get from Keynes or modern post-Keynesians; brwhat's up here? pDoug/blockquote pre ------- Barnet Wagman [EMAIL PROTECTED] /pre nbsp;/html

Re: [PEN-L:8841] So why the hike then?

1999-07-04 Thread Barnet Wagman
!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en" html Actually, I suspect that the markets would have reacted positively to iwhatever/i brthe Fed did.nbsp; If the rates had not been raised, it would have been taken as bran indication that the everything is wonderful.nbsp; The fact

Re: [PEN-L:8697] Re: Re: the right-wing ascendancy

1999-07-02 Thread Barnet Wagman
brspecific program that included financing academic research and establishing conservative research brinstitutions.nbsp; (Could this have been the origin of the American Enteprise Institute?)nbsp;nbsp; Someone may have brwritten a book on this - does that ring a bell with anyone? pre ----

[PEN-L:4409] Re: econometrics textboundary=------------633382320B18EC0892B3828D

1999-03-17 Thread Barnet Wagman
econometrics text. Any recommendations for something not too difficult, with exercises for the student to work on, etc? He will be taking a "real" metrics course next year in grad school, so all that's needed is the foundation. Thanks. Peter ------- Bar

[PEN-L:402] Re: Crash of '99?

1998-10-06 Thread Barnet Wagman
/economic woes yield further capital flight to the U.S. and a consequent stock market rebound, independent of what's happenning in the real U.S. economy. Barnet Wagman [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___

[PEN-L:199] Re: pen-l format: removing the prefix from the subject line

1998-05-23 Thread Barnet Wagman
That would be great. (I'm very big on threads - among other advantagous, using them let's me extinguish a whole series of flames and counter-flames with one push of the delete key.) Thanks __ Barnet Wagman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 773-645-8369 2118 W

[PEN-L:186] pen-l format: removing the prefix from the subject line

1998-05-22 Thread Barnet Wagman
Wagman __ Barnet Wagman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 773-645-8369 2118 W. Le Moyne St., 1st floor Chicago, IL 60622 __

Re: computers and productivity

1998-02-05 Thread Barnet Wagman
"g-deficient" ? What's that? Yours trying to stay abreast of all the buzzwords, ___ Barnet Wagman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 773-645-8369 2118 W. Le Moyne St., 1st floor Chicago, IL 60622 __

Re: Exotic genocide in early America

1998-01-04 Thread Barnet Wagman
of this excellent book). There may be more recent works on this subject, but I haven't kept up. __ Barnet Wagman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 773-645-8369 2118 W. Le Moyne St., 1st floor Chicago, IL 60622 __

Re: scale economies

1997-11-16 Thread Barnet Wagman
recall, Boeing employs nearly as many engineers as production workers; most of the former are involved in development. I'd guess that development costs are significant in the auto industry as well. Why is GM so damn big then? __ Barnet Wagman [EMAIL

Re: Goodbye ISDN: a cyber-earthquake?

1997-10-12 Thread Barnet Wagman
actually be important. Barnet Wagman Economics, U. of Northern B.C. __ Barnet Wagman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 773-645-8369 1st floor 2118 W. Le Moyne St. Chicago, IL 60622 __

Re: Is listproc working okay?

1997-10-05 Thread Barnet Wagman
Actually, I'd really appreciate NOT having 'PEN-Message Number' in the header. Without it, I can sort replies by subject, and keep a set of related replies together (the poor man's version of threaded messages). Actually, it's the message number that interfere's with sorting. Thanks, Barnet

[PEN-L:12661] Re: ethnic terminology

1997-09-29 Thread Barnet Wagman
, First Nations organizations and academics (we have a programme in 'First Nations Studies'), at least in British Columbia. But I don't think that either of these terms have come into common usage. Barnet Wagman Economics U. of Northern B.C.

[PEN-L:12451] Re: M-FEM: Role of Prostitutes Shoe-shiners union in Spain? (fwd)

1997-09-18 Thread Barnet Wagman
In his book on the war, _In Homage to Catalonia_, George Orwell talked about shoe shiners (I imagine he called them bootblacks) as being strong supporters of anarchism and - I think - as being unionized. Barnet Wagman

[PEN-L:10675] Re: What's driving the unemployment rate?

1997-06-08 Thread Barnet Wagman
growth accounts for only around 12% of the decline the unemployment rate (since Feb). Barnet Wagman Economics Programme University of Northern British Columbia in Chicago (i.e. I'm on leave)

[PEN-L:10649] What's driving the unemployment rate?

1997-06-07 Thread Barnet Wagman
of 'discouraged' workers. Unfortunately, the discouraged workers stats are not available from the BLS web site, so I haven't seen them. Does anyone have them for the last year or so? Barnet Wagman Economics Programme University of Northern British Columbia in Chicago (i.e. I'm on leave)

[PEN-L:10244] Query: readings on the (mis?) measurement of unemployment (U.S.)

1997-05-20 Thread Barnet Wagman
for underemployment and 'discouraged' workers. The question is whether this mis-mearsurement is getting worse. Any suggestions on what to read? Thanks, Barnet Wagman

[PEN-L:4100] Need help with SNA/OECD data on government spending by function

1996-05-02 Thread Barnet Wagman
nything about how these number are constructed (or where to find out), please let me know. Thanks, Barnet Wagman Economics Programme U. Northern B.C.

[PEN-L:3028] Re: Intnl Budget Deficits Data Request

1996-02-16 Thread Barnet Wagman
Do not assume that OECD's deficit numbers match up with those from the IMF. It would probably be best to stick with the OECD numbers for all years you are looking at. Barnet Wagman Economics U. of Northern B.C.

[PEN-L:2761] Re: intermediate macro

1996-02-05 Thread Barnet Wagman
Is this an intro text or an intermediate text? I used to use Colander's intermediate, which I thought was out of print. Thanks, Barnet Wagman Economics U. of Northern B.C. [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Mon, 5 Feb 1996, James Michael Craven wrote: Note: Take a look at Colander's Economics 2nd Ed

[PEN-L:5328] Re. Next recession

1995-06-07 Thread Barnet Wagman
macro-suicide. Of course, the effects of these cuts in macro (as opposed to human) terms aren't apparent yet. But it won't be long. Barnet Wagman Economics Programme U

[PEN-L:5360] Keynes is dead (Re. Next Recession

1995-06-07 Thread Barnet Wagman
. Barnet Wagman Economics Programme U. of Northern British Columbia

[PEN-L:4545] The Reserve Army of Prison Labor?

1995-03-30 Thread Barnet Wagman
est to respond to me directly.) Thanks, Barnet Wagman Economics Programme

In defense of the 'esoteric' (from the sidelines)

1994-04-12 Thread Barnet Wagman
Personally, I haven't read any of the recent discussion of the LTV (or of GE either for that matter). It's not at the top of my mental queue these days (and like everyone else, I'm short of time). BUT that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be on pen-l; on the contrary, there should be a place

Re: The New World Order/Running Shoes of Capitalism

1994-02-28 Thread Barnet Wagman
Ah, but there is only one Michael Jordan, and presumably his contract with Nike is exclusive. Economics has always underestimated the importance of advertising and marketing in defining preferences and stimulating demand. One of the great 'triumphs' of American business over the last

Re: The New World Order/Running Shoes of Capitalism

1994-02-28 Thread Barnet Wagman
Ah, but there is only one Michael Jordan, and presumably his contract with Nike is exclusive. Economics has always underestimated the importance of advertising and marketing in defining preferences and stimulating demand. One of the great 'triumphs' of American business over the last

Re: Doug Orr's Internet Comment's

1994-02-15 Thread Barnet Wagman
The Net's popularity and success (in linking many people and distributing information) resulted from the fact that it was paid for by the government, and made available to academics essentially for free. It is NOT at all obvious that a 'for-profit' network would be as widely used. Existing