[PEN-L:725] Re: Slave cul...

1995-10-09 Thread MScoleman
Sorry for three postings on the same thing -- just one more point in reference to the issue of "Yankee values." The values referred to, especially 'punctuality' were the values of the capitalists building the factories, not necessarily the values of the population in the factories. Further, the

[PEN-L:724] Re: Slave culture...

1995-10-09 Thread MScoleman
What is PUCT? maggie


1995-10-09 Thread MScoleman
lly not clear as to what part of my postings Michael Etchison is disagreeing with. I began with something to the effect that the idea of any free labor in the 18th and 19th centuries is more of a myth than a reality. I ended saying that those writing about the issues of labor in factories in the

[PEN-L:686] Re: Time's Re...

1995-10-06 Thread MScoleman
In response to Jim Devine's comments, I just want to point out that it was not just young women working for wages in the factories in the 1830s. Smaller factories on the coast of Massachusetts tended to hire the many widows and children. According to my own estimations (from a series of sources)

[PEN-L:685] Re: NLRB budg...

1995-10-06 Thread MScoleman
I think Ellen Danin raises some important points. Just to address one, the lack of union support for the NLRB. I think there are two problems: 1. Most union member's vision of what the NLRB is supposed to be comes from their union leadership -- and this view tends to be overwhelmingly negative,

[PEN-L:671] Re: Time's Re...

1995-10-06 Thread MScoleman
Just a few more points on the relation between slave labor, free labor and industry. We have this myth of freedom for whites in this country which simply is not true. In fact, almost NO labor in this country was free in any legal or economic sense until well into the nineteenth century

[PEN-L:662] Re: NLRB budget c...

1995-10-05 Thread MScoleman
While I certainly abhor any further cuts in the NLRB, Eric's sentiment that further cuts would lead to open war on labor and non-compliance by businesses with labor law is already a reality. About sixteen years ago I filed NLRB charges against my employer and it took about elev

[PEN-L:645] Re: comparative m...

1995-10-05 Thread MScoleman
I did not realize that Britain does not have a minimum wage. Are there any studies out there comparing countries with and without minimum wages? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:606] Fwd: Re: Cato Institute on We...

1995-09-30 Thread MScoleman
Dear pen-lers: The following message from femecon answers the Cato study very well. As always, studies like this must be seen in context. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTE

[PEN-L:605] Re: Increased...

1995-09-30 Thread MScoleman
Just to jump in on a tiny piece of this discussion; I think efficiency is really not an objective terms, even though it is used as an objective term. Efficiency is really socially defined and takes on different meanings in context. For example: >From a capitalist view point; efficiency means ge

[PEN-L:604] Re: Minimum w...

1995-09-30 Thread MScoleman
Dear Paul; I am sure Rudy's data from Wachtel is probably far more accurate than my memory -- though I clearly remember earning $1.15 through high school. Also, the minimum wage did not cover many workers (maids, waiters, waitresses, bartenders ). The laws may not have covered the part tim

[PEN-L:582] Re: Request f...

1995-09-28 Thread MScoleman
Sprint has taken the most anti-union stance of all the newcomers to the long distance market. Apparently they bought a union company in mexico, locked out the union workers, hired scabs, and the place is now non-union (no, I don't know the name of the company or any other particulars). The only

[PEN-L:579] Re: HELP!!

1995-09-28 Thread MScoleman
One response is that all social welfare programs could be cut and budget would still not be balanced. The budget will not be balanced till military spending is cut. The other is that the budget gap is pure fiction. All long and short term debt are summarized for the current year. So, it would

[PEN-L:578] Re: Minimum wage-...

1995-09-28 Thread MScoleman
>From 1962 to 1966 I worked at a minimum wage job in a library after school (high school) for $1.15 per hour. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:511] Re: Response to M...

1995-09-23 Thread MScoleman
Nancy Breen was right, I was confusing medicare and medicaid. maggie

[PEN-L:500] re: medicaid

1995-09-22 Thread MScoleman
It seems that every t.v. piece which covers medicaid these days talks about the damage to older Americans and their families which might result from the decrease or eradication of medicaid. In fact, I even saw a republican campaign ad slot which plays on exactly this (very legitimate) fear. My q

[PEN-L:455] Re: The effec...

1995-09-17 Thread MScoleman
There is local loop competition already. Local phone service is run on the same principle as cable television. Also, large businesses have set up their own internal telephone communications (the local loop) for years. Local Bells are very frightened that this is the wave of the future, which is

[PEN-L:448] Re: The effects o...

1995-09-14 Thread MScoleman
What's going on with NYNEX (I work for NYNEX, I'm a switching equipment technician -- or switchman if you feel more comfortable with the standard sexist designation) is that they pushed thousands of managers out the doors in the last 2-3 years and suddenly realized that they were seriously shorth

[PEN-L:431] Re: R&D cuts

1995-09-12 Thread MScoleman
Could it be that the concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands means that the rich need less young to pass the wealth on to? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:370] Re: STATS: Cu...

1995-09-06 Thread MScoleman
I think Patrick Mason and I might be disagreeing over semantics. I did not say that the statistics are bogus per se, what I meant is that many marriages in the past were bogus even though they were recorded as marriage. There are now more people admittedly unmarried. In the past, many young wom

[PEN-L:369] Re: US is number ...

1995-09-06 Thread MScoleman
What is particularly interesting about the U.S. being almost the least union organized and the worst in terms of workers rights is that, in terms of marginalist economics, this means that the U.S. market is more 'free' than other markets. What we have here is a real life experiment in free market

[PEN-L:351] Re: feminist ...

1995-09-05 Thread MScoleman
What piece of Jennifer Nelson's did the original quote for this topic come from? I checked my volume of "Feminist Economics" and there was nothing by her in the first edition. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:311] Re: STATS: Cu...

1995-09-03 Thread MScoleman
Jtreachy says that all women do not know who the father of their children is. I did not mean that women know who the father of their children is -- I meant that women know their OWN children regardless of who the father is and that legitimacy is a value which applies to fatherhood -- i.e., mommy

[PEN-L:310] Re: STATS: Cu...

1995-09-03 Thread MScoleman
OOPS, I pushed the wrong button and my last post was only partly completed, so, here goes again. Carla Orcutt asks what terms we should use in reference to children if not legitimate and illegitimate since I posed the idea that legitimacy was an issue of fatherhood imposed on women at a time when

[PEN-L:309] Re: STATS: Cu...

1995-09-03 Thread MScoleman
Carla Orcutt raises some interesting questions in response to my posting -- "How should we think about children then if their legal relationship to a father should not be the issue? What term seems appropriate and not negative?" Since between out of wedlock births, divorce, desertion, and widow

[PEN-L:291] Re: STATS: Cuttin...

1995-09-02 Thread MScoleman
While I certainly agree that cutting welfare does not increase the incidence of children born within matrimony as recognized by the state, I have to say that the spectacular rise in illegitimacy rates is suspect, only because I think that the earlier legitimacy statistics were probably s

[PEN-L:290] Re: bank mergers

1995-09-01 Thread MScoleman
Not being particularly knowledgeable in Money and or Banking, I have a couple of questions -- which I hope someone will answer either on the net or privately: 1. With these types of mergers creating megabanks, is there an increased possibility of a complete collapse of the banking system if, say

[PEN-L:289] Re: bank mergers

1995-09-01 Thread MScoleman
. Is New York more bankrupts than many other United States cities these days, for instance, Washington D.C.? Haven't several small or mid sized cities declared bankruptcy in the last few years? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:173] Re: More History of Thought

1995-08-19 Thread MScoleman
I just received a message about a list which is specifically for scholars working within the History of Thought discipline. There is a moderated list run by the History of Economics Society. When joining people are encouraged to introduce themselves and their work. Write to: [EMAIL PROTECTE

[PEN-L:172] Re: AI's role...

1995-08-19 Thread MScoleman
Isn't it true that most communication is not verbal but physical ? When people talk to each other, they say more with their body language than with their words in many cases -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:167] Re: History of Thought

1995-08-18 Thread MScoleman
Several people sent me notes asking for the information to subscribe to a history of thought list -- but no one sent me information for a specifically history of thought list. However, several related lists can be gotten from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] And they are: cybermind, foucault, marxism, postco

[PEN-L:153] Fwd: THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY of ...

1995-08-16 Thread MScoleman
I found this on femecon-l and thought there might be some interest in it on pen-l. maggie [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin Quinn) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 95-08-16 13:02:39 EDT --More confirmation

[PEN-L:152] Re: History of thought

1995-08-16 Thread MScoleman
A friend of mine is looking for a history of thought network and would also like the information to join a net called 'marxism'. Can anyone send me email addresses for these things to pass along? [EMAIL PROTECTED] maggie

[PEN-L:151] Re: idiots at...

1995-08-16 Thread MScoleman
Ah yes, ignorance is bliss until you get pregnant. Besides, with less knowledge, we can make more stuff up! Just think, Newt would be able to get away with more newtisms. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:123] Re: West Coast Ha...

1995-08-09 Thread MScoleman
In response to Cindy's query, there hasn't been anything in the NY News which I've seen. In 1989, CWA and IBEW in throughout the entire northeast struck against NYNEX for five months -- August through December. In New York State alone, this was 40,000 union members on strike. My paper clipping

[PEN-L:113] Re: bureauracy

1995-08-05 Thread MScoleman
I'd like to address two items raised by Bill Briggs: 1. Competition leads to efficiency. 2. Competition is natural. 1. Competition does not lead to efficiency -- rational organization leads to efficiency. For instance, what is efficient about paying a CEO $250,000 a year, and the w

[PEN-L:95] re: waterworld

1995-08-02 Thread MScoleman
I have not seen water world yet, but I did see dances with wolves and total recall. I think what happens, especially with conservative white men, is that there is a contradiction between their view of their role in the world and objective world conditions. The ecological destruction causing glob

[PEN-L:64] Re: internet costs

1995-07-29 Thread MScoleman
Actually, there is a technical explanation as to why internet costs are always local. There are --- broadly grouped -- two types of carrier which literally carry calls from one point to another: local and long distance. It is very possible to call long distances never going over a long distance

[PEN-L:63] re: Our cont...

1995-07-29 Thread MScoleman
This reply is about 8 days late, I said I thought forcing Purdue to provide clean, safe working conditions would be major expropriation. Doug asked; 'the chicken manufacturer or the university'? Interesting question. I had in mind the chicken factory, but the university uses grad students as al

[PEN-L:5950] Re: "our contrac...

1995-07-20 Thread MScoleman
The issue of technology is not as simplistic as I think many people present it. I think to make any blanket statements, like technology increases skills, deskills, costs jobs, creates jobs is wrong. Essentially, technology does all of the above depending on the circumstances. maggie colema

[PEN-L:5949] re: Our cont...

1995-07-20 Thread MScoleman
Doug, I think I under stand major expropriation, but what is "intense compression?" Of course my wish list -- $10 hour min w., living wages for non-green card holders, and day care is not realistic -- but then, tell me, how many slogans and bumper stickers ARE realistic? These are the things whi

[PEN-L:5936] re: Our cont...

1995-07-20 Thread MScoleman
There should be more concrete demands than just quality jobs. Something should be included about having minimum wage cover ALL workers (it does not -- it excludes migrants, hotel and restaurant employees, piece rate workers, and maids). The other thing that would improve quality more

[PEN-L:5914] Re: Right or Left

1995-07-19 Thread MScoleman
I would disagree that Lenin, Mao, or Stalin were totalitarians. First of all, the regimes they over threw were far more totalitarian than any socialist government. Second of all, the word 'totalitarian' only has real meaning when defined in opposition to democracy -- and it is usually

[PEN-L:5868] Re: productivity

1995-07-16 Thread MScoleman
It might have been a rhetorical question, but doug henwood asks 'Wasn't growth the greatest good of capitalism for centuries?' (I paraphrased a little there.) According to many nineteenth century american political economists, population growth was one of the leading indicators of growing nation

[PEN-L:5729] Re: pop density

1995-06-27 Thread MScoleman
I also do not have a cite, but I do believe that large numbers of Puerto Rican women were sterilized without their knowledge during the 1950s and 1960s -- which translates into against their will. I was told this by a woman I used to work with whose mother received tubal ligation right after

[PEN-L:5687] Re: 1995-06-23 S...

1995-06-25 Thread MScoleman
Clinton's press release is the usual suspect melange' of fact and fiction. First of all, we already have guest worker programs, all those restaurants in New York who pay for illegal immigrants to come in and work for 'off the books' or cash wages which do not maintain workers in even minimal

[PEN-L:5686] Re: query early marx

1995-06-25 Thread MScoleman
Dear pen-lers; It is my understanding that some of Marx's pre-Kapital writings contained discussion on relative wages, specifically wage as a portion of productivity advances in capital -- NOT wages as either nominal (money) or real (commodity purchases). Does anyone know where I could look

[PEN-L:5664] Re: pop density

1995-06-23 Thread MScoleman
One could also point out that the population of Africa is being decimated by the AIDS epidemic. maggie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5645] Fwd:cancer & foundation funds

1995-06-22 Thread MScoleman
I wrote the following for femecon-l, but it also applies to the issues raised by gina neff about who funds what. maggie - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 95-06-22 18:37:29 EDT In the July 3, 1

[PEN-L:5560] Re: AFL-CIO Uphe...

1995-06-15 Thread MScoleman
I have been a member of the CWA (Communications Workers of America) for roughly 17 years, and sadly, our very own Morton Bahr is one of the only major union leaders supporting Lane Kirkland. Since I know Bahr personally, it ain't any big surprise. While, like many union types who ha

[PEN-L:5544] Re: query women in prison

1995-06-15 Thread MScoleman
can anyone send me a reference for the percentage of prisoners which are female in the 20th century? I would prefer something for Massachusetts or Boston, but US wide or any north eastern city will do. I am finding that circa 1830-40, the prison population in Boston was 37-45% female in any give

[PEN-L:5436] Re: whither ...

1995-06-10 Thread MScoleman
Doug forgot to add, in his list of two sided keyneses: the heterosexual or the homosexual. I think the budget debate is important in that the gap represents the inability of the existing government in a capitalist country to hold things together, and examining where the budget gap has come

[PEN-L:5323] Re: Next Rec...

1995-06-06 Thread MScoleman
Just one observation from an old bag: one of the biggest jokes about balancing the budget is the method used to determine the gap. There is no long/short term debt used in figuring out what the gov't owes at any one time. Every mortgage, every penny owned on every loan is figured to b

[PEN-L:5315] Re: taxonomy

1995-06-06 Thread MScoleman
Since I certainly never worked on the "Field Guide" it is probably presumptive of me to answer the questions posed by D. Henwood with that disclaimer added: I believe that part of the problem is the form the data comes in. When collecting economic information, the census and other burea

[PEN-L:5292] Re: Next Rec...

1995-06-05 Thread MScoleman
In answer to Jerry's question, *what strategies can be used to get out of a current/future recession*, I have to say that it depends on who the strategy is aimed at. Personally, I think almost all strategies developed by our federal government tend to be aimed at getting corporate profits ou

[PEN-L:5290] Re: Next Recession

1995-06-05 Thread MScoleman
Who says we ever climbed out of the last recession? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5280] Re: consulta...

1995-06-03 Thread MScoleman
I realize this discussion is on federal spending, but the paying of huge sums to consultants in lieu of payroll is common among private corporations as well. A friend of mine finished law school at night and passed the bar . During this time she was 'upgraded' from a non-management, union positi

[PEN-L:5223] Re: Foreign Aid/...

1995-05-26 Thread MScoleman
I would like to agree with M. Hill that blanket disapproval of foreign aid is a very poor policy. Part of the problem with disapproving aid for governments 'we' think are 'undemocratic' is that the terms 'we' and 'undemocratic' are so poorly defined. For example, Marcos in the Phillipines was ab

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