Re: Should Saddam Hussein be sentenced to death ?

2003-12-21 Thread bgramlich
But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy


2003-12-05 Thread bgramlich
I'm writing an article for my campus newspaper and I need some help finding information on how the Hussein regime came into power. Can anyone point me to some available we sources? THANK YOU SO MUCH! Benjamin Gramlich

Re: Fiction: Rich and poor

2003-11-21 Thread bgramlich
In the broadway musical Urinetown the protagonist is a working class man fighting to overthrow the evil company that regulates the only toilets in the area. Then again he does get thrown off of a building before the story is over. But not without first inspiring the CEO's daughter to do what's

Re: Step into a classroom [was the Clinton years]

2003-11-16 Thread bgramlich
The question is how to create a political party -- including but not at all limited to electoral vehicles -- that is truly an effective political expression of the already left-wing sentiments of American workers. That is just to say that party already exists, in the sense that the leaders

Re: Step into a classroom [was the Clinton years]

2003-11-16 Thread bgramlich
Louis Proyect wrote: The question is not coming up with truly progressive candidates. In many ways, Al Sharpton is to the left of Ralph Nader. The real issue is independence from the ruling class. Yes, but isn't this independence most efficiently acheived by wresting the existing

Re: the Clinton years

2003-11-16 Thread bgramlich
I honestly am not aware enough of Pollin's economic ideas to judge them, although I am not surprised to discover that he is some kind of left-Keynsian. What are the tenets of Keynsian economics? Benjamin

Re: Step into a classroom [was the Clinton years]

2003-11-16 Thread bgramlich
Louis: Wresting the existing infrastructure? To do this would require seizing the assets of Goldman-Sachs, Exxon, General Motors, etc. since this is ultimately what allows the two parties to rule this country. And why not? They've got the guns on their side, so it'd be better to fight a

Re: New anti-war slogan

2003-11-16 Thread bgramlich
but it suggests that a hand-out is a bad thing. How about a dollar for Bush is a dollar for war? Hand-outs are a bad thing. At least at the micro level.

Re: New anti-war slogan

2003-11-16 Thread bgramlich
Hand-outs don't enable people for self-suffiency. Those who are capable of self-sufficiency ought to be. I work in a psychiatrice emergency room at the county hospital in Minneapolis, MN. Many of the patients who come through here expect us to give them handouts--bus fare, food, money for

Re: New anti-war slogan

2003-11-16 Thread bgramlich
I guess my interactions with crank addicts and homeless people who abuse the county resources at the hospital where I work has left me a little disillusioned. Writing self-sufficient was incorrect because as was stated nobody ever really is self-sufficient. I struggle with this idea of

Re: the Clinton years

2003-11-15 Thread bgramlich
Joanna writes: That is why, perhaps, art is the first weapon. Can you suggest any good socialist art? I've heard of a socialist realism movement in literature, but haven't found any specific authors. There are very few films that I know of that have a pro-worker, anti-capitalist bent, and

Re: is this a great country or what?

2003-11-14 Thread bgramlich
Moore can be Christian, but he can't foist his religion on the taxpayers. He's not foisting his religion on taxpayers, he's displaying a monument. As far as I know, he's not requiring anyone to agree with him. I once heard Senator McGovern speak. As a Christian, he didn't want the


2003-10-31 Thread bgramlich
Can anybody suggest a non-ideological, as well as an ideoligcally Marxist primary economics text for me? Benjamin

Re: With the blessing of the church

2003-09-20 Thread bgramlich
The Anti-Defamation League said the movie had been seen by Rabbi Eugene Korn, its director of inter-faith affairs. We are deeply concerned that the film ... will fuel the hatred, bigotry and anti-Semitism that many responsible churches have worked hard to repudiate. He said it contained many

Take Back the Media

2003-08-02 Thread bgramlich
I just visited for the first time, and among other things it raises one question for me. Instead of taking back the media, shouldn't we be taking it over? Was the media ever the voice of the people? To take it back implies that it once was yours, did the common man ever

Secret History of the Magna Carta

2003-07-17 Thread bgramlich
Would whoever posted the link to the Secret History of the Magna Carta please repost it. Thank You, Benjamin

Re: Secret History of the Magna Carta

2003-07-17 Thread bgramlich

Supreme Court Decision

2003-07-01 Thread bgramlich
What was the name of the recent supreme court decision regarding homosexuality?