Harvey and J.B. Foster

1998-04-21 Thread jlgulick
Could anyone out there tell me where I will find the recent debate between David Harvey and John Bellamy Foster on the character of the enviromental crisis ? I thought it was in a recent _MR_ but my search led me nowhere. Thanks in advance, John Gulick

[PEN-L:12084] Re: Diana and Pathological Markets

1997-09-01 Thread jlgulick
I absolutely refuse to use the used-and-abused word "tragedy" to describe Diana's untimely death. To call it a "tragedy" raises it to a level of historical significance which only validates the tabloid and mainstream press' morbid veneration of that completely disgusting institution, celebrified

[PEN-L:11945] UPS/IBT provocateur

1997-08-24 Thread jlgulick
Pen-L'ers, Now that the UPS strike is over and the IBT has more or less "won" (although as one person here astutely remarked, the proof in the pudding rests with whether or not militant rank-and-filers are hired back and harassed), I wanted to throw out a few provocative remarks/questions

[PEN-L:11631] Re: The Beats

1997-08-06 Thread jlgulick
Jim, I usually agree with or at least enjoy what you write, but I could not let aspects of your blindsiding rant go undisturbed. Historically, anarchists have done very little for anybody or any just causes; often they have served repressive powers-that-be as wreckers obsessed with their own

[PEN-L:3311] Buchanan redux

1996-03-11 Thread jlgulick
I know one treads on dangerous ground when one uses the denotation "fascism" in a pejorative way, but after reflecting on the subject for a while and gathering some fragmentary information, I don't see why it is inaccurate to label Buchanan at least a "proto-fascist." Many on the left label

[PEN-L:2829] Re: quotes from Pat Buchanan

1996-02-08 Thread jlgulick
Other than bemoaning the lack of national loyalty of U.S. TNC's as a recruiting device for the "anxious classes," does Buchanan actually have a _plan_ to rein in capital mobility ? To the best of my (admittedly limited) knowledge, Buchanan has concrete plans for sealing off U.S. borders,

[PEN-L:5659] recession question

1995-06-23 Thread jlgulick
In the U.S., consumer spending on household durables like furniture and appliances has been slowing for a number of months, and manufacturers are cutting back production and laying off workers. At the same time, office and factory automation system producers are doing a booming business.

deep doo-doo ?

1994-03-09 Thread jlgulick
Someone sent a post recently wondering if self-dubbed progressive economists had anything of worth to contribute to a concrete discussion about the current conjuncture of U.S. capitalism. I'm not an economist, but in the spirit of the question posed, and from my vantage point as a resident of

re: college tuitions

1994-03-03 Thread jlgulick
Someone asked why college tuitions are skyrocketing much greater than the rate of inflation. My understanding is that it has something to do with boards of trustees, etc., undertaking massive capital improvement drives (i.e. building high-tech bioengineering and other hard science labs) in order

interest rates

1994-02-24 Thread jlgulick
Jim Devine wrote: Behind this were the limits set by class society: interest rates couldn't rise so far as to swallow more than the total mass of surplus-value (except perhaps in a transitory liquidity crisis) and couldn't fall below zero (except maybe in the very short run). I don't know

interest rates

1994-02-24 Thread jlgulick
Jim Devine wrote: Behind this were the limits set by class society: interest rates couldn't rise so far as to swallow more than the total mass of surplus-value (except perhaps in a transitory liquidity crisis) and couldn't fall below zero (except maybe in the very short run). I don't know

re: Karl on Krisis

1994-02-21 Thread jlgulick
While fidelity to the gospel should not be the measure of the truth of any statement regarding crisis, I too find the notion of permanent crisis to be somewhat ridiculous. There's the Luxemburg variety, which asserts that capitalism survives only by dumping unrealized surplus on regions external

re: Karl on Krisis

1994-02-21 Thread jlgulick
While fidelity to the gospel should not be the measure of the truth of any statement regarding crisis, I too find the notion of permanent crisis to be somewhat ridiculous. There's the Luxemburg variety, which asserts that capitalism survives only by dumping unrealized surplus on regions external

thought for the day

1994-02-13 Thread jlgulick
Marxist geographer Neil Smith paraphrasing the early 20th century geographer Isaiah Bowman: "...one can build a city of 100,000 at the South Pole and provide electric lights and opera. Civilization can stand the cost ... we can also build a mountain range in the Sahara high enough to evoke

thought for the day

1994-02-13 Thread jlgulick
Marxist geographer Neil Smith paraphrasing the early 20th century geographer Isaiah Bowman: "...one can build a city of 100,000 at the South Pole and provide electric lights and opera. Civilization can stand the cost ... we can also build a mountain range in the Sahara high enough to evoke

economic geography request

1994-02-05 Thread jlgulick
I am doing research for a professor who is exploring the meaning of globalization. His favored technique of exposition is to reveal how the terms that govern mainstream discourse contain hidden contradictions and are hence ideological. Instead of bashing the reader over the head with a

economic geography request

1994-02-05 Thread jlgulick
I am doing research for a professor who is exploring the meaning of globalization. His favored technique of exposition is to reveal how the terms that govern mainstream discourse contain hidden contradictions and are hence ideological. Instead of bashing the reader over the head with a

re: CA tex (that's tax) initiative

1994-01-05 Thread jlgulick
Small firms can't practice creative accounting techniques which shift tax obligations if they have only one site of operation, right ? My understanding is that a lot of the business flight from CA to Utah, Idaho, Arizona, etc. has been small, single-unit firms engaged in highly polluting

re: CA tax inititaive

1994-01-05 Thread jlgulick
Small firms can't practice creative accounting techniques which shift tax obligations if they have only one site of operation, right ? My understanding is that a lot of the business flight from CA to Utah, Idaho, Arizona, etc. has been small, single-unit firms engaged in highly polluting