Uranium mining versus aboriginal rights in Australia

1998-01-09 Thread Louis Proyect
icians, to get involved in environment groups like the Wilderness Society, Australian Conservation Foundation and Friends of the Earth and do whatever they can do. "If the traditional owners cannot stop the mine in the Federal Court, the only way to stop it is by people physically blockadi

Engels on speedy Kaffirs

1998-01-09 Thread Louis Proyect
by Oxford University Press. This web presentation is Copyright by the Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Louis Proyect

Re: M-I: The Sokal Affair, round two

1998-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
e and take courses given by Marxists, preferably those who organized Vietnam antiwar demonstrations.. Louis Proyect

Re: prostitution

1998-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
trip for you. Please e-mail Susan Kench with your needs. Louis Proyect

The Sokal Affair, round two

1998-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
ll do most of the work that Alan's side wants out of "the truth" perfectly well. Louis Proyect: Odd, I thought the debate was over the appropriateness of "sciences" or "local knowledge" versus universal scientific standards. Meera Nanda's debunking of reactionary Hindu nation

Indian Struggles in Canada and Alaska

1998-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
1) HISTORIC INJUSTICES ADDRESSED IN CANADA January 8, 1998 Indigenous Tribes in Canada Receive Formal Apology By ANTHONY DePALMA OTTAWA -- For the first time, the Canadian government has formally apologized to its 1.3 million indigenous people for 150 years of paternalistic assistance

Struggle At Wounded Knee

1998-01-06 Thread Louis Proyect
ve done was to work with AIM in its just struggle. Instead the Maoists decided to denounce AIM as a bunch of romantic primitives who didn't understand the need for progress. This scandalous debate is the subject of my next post. Louis Proyect (The material in the post drawn from Dee Brown's "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" and Peter Mathiessen's "In The Spirit of Crazy Horse")

Land-rights in Australia

1998-01-06 Thread Louis Proyect
Lou et al, This is of course an extremely important thread. Much of it has great relevance for Australia around the question of Land Rights for Indigenous Australians. The Right here have argued that the near extinction of Australia's Aborigines was primarily the work of germs and viruses and

How Indians Became Sick and Died

1998-01-05 Thread Louis Proyect
as Sherburne F. Cook once said, 'totalitarian' diseases: virtually all the Indians were afflicted by them." Louis Proyect

Re: Mythologising Native Americans

1998-01-05 Thread Louis Proyect
cts. This is besides the point. The poor villagers who will lose everything need champions for their cause. The choice for these villagers is not between subsistence farming and a co-op three blocks from Zabars. It is between subsistence farming and begging on the streets. Louis Proyect

Re: M-I: Mythologising Native Americans

1998-01-05 Thread Louis Proyect
American Indians and energy reserves 4) American Indians and ecology 5) A critique of Jerry Mander 6) Mariategui's Marxism 7) A Communist Manifesto for the next millenium Louis Proyect

Re: Mythologising native Americans

1998-01-05 Thread Louis Proyect
Minnesota to Washington State, etc. that genuine socialist politics is grounded in. Your support of equal rights, etc. sounds like the sort of cheap campaign pledges made by a typical bourgeois candidate. Louis Proyect

Re: M-I: Mythologising Native Americans

1998-01-06 Thread Louis Proyect
my own goal of coming up with a synthesis of communalism and communism. I agree with Michael Perelman. It is useful that LM provoked the discussion. Now it is up to serious people to finish it. Louis Proyect

Russell Means, the RCP and Jean Baudrillard

1998-01-10 Thread Louis Proyect
need to "revolutionize the means of production." This is obviously the subject of these articles. In my next post, I will address the topic of American Indians and energy reserves. It should be clear that Marxists have a responsibility to defend the right of American Indians to defend themselves from the incursions of uranium mining companies. The stakes are quite high, not only from the viewpoint of American Indian survival but from the broader perspective of ecology. Louis Proyect

Re: M-I: Russell Means, the RCP and Jean Baudrillard

1998-01-11 Thread Louis Proyect
Heartfield: Louis Proyect is right to say that post-modernism and indigenism have the same outlook, because both are an expression of the anti-enlightenment thinking. From this reactionary standpoint it is right to say that Marxism and Capitalism share the same prejudice towards progress

White Jazz

1998-01-18 Thread Louis Proyect
tion battle. These artistic dichotomies have deep roots in the racial contradictions of American society. A new music would engage with these contradictions and move to a higher level, but this can only occur when society itself provides the inspiration. It will be obvious when that moment is at hand. Louis Proyect

Re: White Jazz

1998-01-19 Thread Louis Proyect
volution into the sterile world of classical music and left his roots long behind him in the juke joints of Texas. Louis Proyect The flip side of the loss of the traditional jazz aesthetic is a situation in which sound and music saturates a whole new set of consumer spaces: multimedia computers

Energy Tribes

1998-01-19 Thread Louis Proyect
merican Indian beliefs about ecology, which are essential to understanding a way out of the madness of a capitalist system run amok. Louis Proyect (sources for this post include Marjane Ambler's book and the Black Mesa Web Site at http://indy4.fdl.cc.mn.us/~isk/maps/az/navhopi.html)

Unemployment in China

1998-01-20 Thread Louis Proyect
January 20, 1998 On the Road to Capitalism, China Hits a Nasty Curve: Joblessness By ERIK ECKHOLM HARBIN, China -- The chant of the bean-curd peddler swirled through the alleys of the derelict Daowai district of Harbin, but on this 5-below-zero morning there were no takers. The cold weather

Fertilizer runoff kills marine life

1998-01-20 Thread Louis Proyect
January 20, 1998 A 'Dead Zone' Grows in the Gulf of Mexico By CAROL KAESUK YOON It can stretch for 7,000 square miles off the coast of Louisiana, a vast expanse of ocean devoid of the region's usual rich bounty of fish and shrimp, its bottom littered with the remains of crabs and worms unable

Full translation of Castro speech

1998-01-22 Thread Louis Proyect
Posted at 7:40 p.m. EST Wednesday, January 21, 1998 Translation of Castro's speech The official translation of Cuban President Fidel Castro's statement of welcome to Pope John Paul II: Holy Father, The land you have just kissed is honored by your presence. You will not find here the peaceful

Re: Full translation of Castro speech

1998-01-22 Thread Louis Proyect
perceived a shift then it is incumbent upon the rest of us to pay more careful attention. Specifically, this means understanding the Cuba trip on its own terms rather than seeing it as a repeat of the trip to Poland. Louis Proyect At 03:48 PM 1/22/98 -0800, you wrote: Before you give the Pope too

Re: Full translation of Castro speech

1998-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect
were opened to foreign companies. Louis Proyect

American Indians, the fur trade, and Cuba

1998-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect
art and William Smith Colleges.) Louis Proyect: I am struck by the analogies between American Indian survival strategies and what is happening in Cuba today. Communalist societies based on hunting and gathering, and modern socialist societies, both have to function in an ocean of capitalist

What the Pope said at the World Food Summit

1998-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect
REUTER INFORMATION CENTER - Wednesday 13 November 1996 Pope, opening World Food Summit, deplores gap between rich and poor Copyright © 1996 Nando.net Copyright © 1996 Reuter Information Service ROME (Nov 13, 1996 09:01 a.m. EST) - Pope John Paul called on world leaders on Wednesday to bridge

Re: Fidel religion, capital embargo

1998-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect
vana last year to promote class solidarity against "globalization." Nothing has changed since 1959. We in the USA must press the ruling class to accept Cuba as an independent socialist nation entitled to the same respect as any other nation. This is all that Fidel Castro has ever asked and this is all we need to do. Louis Proyect

Heritage Foundation: Castro regime not willing to create afree market

1998-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect
demise and potential replacement by a politically pluralist, more open society. (From "Backgrounder #1010" titled "WHY THE CUBAN TRADE EMBARGO SHOULD BE MAINTAINED", By John P. Sweeney, November 10, 1994. It is on the Heritage Foundation Web Page, www.heritage.org) Louis Proyect

Re: Fidel religion, capital embargo

1998-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect
to elementary-school name-calling. I wasn't calling you a name. I was simply commenting on your "on one hand, and the other hand" posture. This sort of punditry rather turns my stomach and I didn't know how to put it into diplomatic language. Sorry for the bluntness, but its nothing person

Re: Please Re-Post: Full translation of Castro speech

1998-01-24 Thread Louis Proyect
The official translation of Cuban President Fidel Castro's statement of welcome to Pope John Paul II: Holy Father, The land you have just kissed is honored by your presence. You will not find here the peaceful and generous native people who inhabited this island when the first Europeans

Re: The situation in Cuba

1998-01-24 Thread Louis Proyect
capitalism is not really worth my time. The speech that Castro made when the Pope arrived could not be made by somebody who favored capitalism. Louis Proyect

Re: The situation in Cuba

1998-01-24 Thread Louis Proyect
socialism can work. I am much more interested in, for example, trying to figure out whether in retrospect the Sandinistas made a wise decision when they channeled so much investment into large-scale state-owned farms. Signing off on the Cuba thread, Louis Proyect

Disappearing fish

1998-01-25 Thread Louis Proyect
January 25, 1998 Troubled Waters An oceanographer delivers a warning on the dangers facing the world's seas. By THURSTON CLARKE Can you imagine trying to impress friends and business associates by ordering, say, breast of eagle in tarragon sauce, or tournedos of panda? But you would

Re: Pope Scolds Capitalist Neoliberalism Embargo

1998-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect
e current situation in Cuba today, but I feel obligated to correct misunderstandings about what Marx wrote. Louis Proyect

Re: The situation in Cuba

1998-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect
eftists should fight against, not try to dispense spurious advice that nobody is in a position to act upon. Louis Proyect

Re: Ecology and the American Indian

1998-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect
and allowed valuable parts of the animal to go to waste, how can we even begin to compare our society to their's? This of course is the goal of Hutchinson and other apologists for capitalism, to legitimize the waste that our system has institutionalized. Louis Proyect

Re: Selective responses (second try)

1998-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect
ass movement and did not make a fetish of armed actions. The other big mistake that Castro made was to give political credit to Allende, whose horrible class-collaborationist policies helped drown the workers movement in blood. Louis Proyect

Interesting Atlantic Monthly article on Cuba

1998-01-27 Thread Louis Proyect
Cuba's Entrepreneurial Socialism by Joy Gordon MAKING sense of Cuba's economy is not easy. There's a joke I heard when I was in Havana recently: The CIA sends an agent down to live in Cuba and report back on the state of the economy. He returns six months later, babbling, and is carted off to

Satyajit Ray's last movie: an Indian among Indians

1998-01-27 Thread Louis Proyect
In his last film titled "The Stranger" by the great Indian director, Satyajit Ray, a long-lost uncle comes to visit his neice's family for a few days. This uncle has travelled widely through out the world being infected by "wander lust". He has visited the European continent, then the U.S. where

Mike Leigh's Goose-Pimples

1998-01-27 Thread Louis Proyect
95. The director is Scott Elliot, and Kevin Price's set and Tom Cochan's original music are first-rate. Performances are uniformly excellent, most especially Alexi-Malle's who was the subject of a lengthy NY Times profile. It noted that he was extraordinarily capable of expressing a wide range of emotions despite the fact that his character was not allowed to speak English. For ticket information, call 212-279-4200. Louis Proyect

Harry Cleaver on the Mayans

1998-01-27 Thread Louis Proyect
ting our needs and elaborating our desires. It means inventing new politics that welcome differences but provide processes of interaction which minimize antagonism. (From a longer paper by Harry Cleaver available at www.eco.utexas.edu/Homepages/Faculty/Cleaver/hmchtmlpapers.html) Louis Proyect

Re: correction

1998-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect
d to enter Communism. Louis Proyect

Re: M-I: Re: Ecology and the American Indians

1998-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect
re Goriot": "Behind every great fortune there is a great theft." Louis Proyect

Ecology and the American Indians

1998-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect
t dreaming? God, I'm glad I'm making a honest living as a computer programmer.) Louis Proyect

A Melville lecture on the South Sea islands

1998-02-04 Thread Louis Proyect
ch has culminated in almshouses, prisons, and hospitals." Louis Proyect

The Emerald Forest

1998-02-07 Thread Louis Proyect
for how urgent it is to defend the human rights of the remaining tribes. While it is too late to turn back the clock, it is not too late to fight for the survival of this important part of our human race right now. Louis Proyect

Reflections on the death of a cult leader

1998-02-08 Thread Louis Proyect
haracterized the 1930s, a revolutionary organization will not just be a good idea but something with enormous magnetic powers. We are simply in a preparatory period right now and the only thing we can do is weed out the theoretical and organization dead wood of the past. For all of Sam Marcy's dedication to the working class and to socialism, the group he left behind him belongs to this dogmatic and sectarian past. Louis Proyect

Re: primitive communism

1998-02-09 Thread Louis Proyect
tes came, but I suspect that large scale warmaking was a function of being drawn into the white man's squabbles. French vs English; English vs. American; North vs. South, etc. Louis Proyect

Re: primitive communism

1998-02-09 Thread Louis Proyect
to alert the left about the issues so they will rally on behalf of Indian claims. There's some guy in NY who's supposed to have a radio show on this week about land-claims... Louis Proyect

Re: Peter Drucker

1998-02-16 Thread Louis Proyect
Check out the Baffler "Commodity your Dissent" collection. (W.W. Norton) There's an article "Apostles of the New Enterpreneur: Business Books and the Management Crisis" by Bill Boisvert in it. He rips Tom Peters apart. Louis Proyect

Ecology and value free Marxism

1998-02-21 Thread Louis Proyect
structure of knowledge, it is absolutely essential that we not be diverted into side paths that avoid this central issue. If we are to construct an alternative world-system to the one that is today in grievous crisis, we must treat simultaneously and inextricably the issues of the true and the good." Louis Proyect

Boucher's entire article

1998-02-22 Thread Louis Proyect
A VISION OF ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE is becoming increasingly prominent in leftist thought. The idea of the end of the world -- not just as a metaphor, but quite possibly as a real event -- is becoming common in the writing of Marxists, usually linked to an implicit forecast of ecological

Re: Ecology and value free Marxism

1998-02-22 Thread Louis Proyect
Sneering at the concerns that some people have over polluted water is not what builds a socialist movement. Socialists have to figure out ways to tie these struggles together and not apply such litmus tests. Louis Proyect

Re: literary question

1998-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
This is the epigraph to "Pere Goriot". Louis P. At 09:34 PM 2/22/98 -0800, you wrote: Where did Balzac write: "Behind every fortune lies a grand crime."? Thanks. -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University Chico, CA 95929 Tel. 530-898-5321 E-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Synthesis of First and Second Contradictions of Capital

1998-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
February 23, 1998 Drought in Borneo Feeds Fear of New Asian Fires By SETH MYDANS SAMARINDA, Indonesia -- The eastern coast of Borneo, dry after a year of drought, is bursting into flame again, raising fears that a wave of choking smoke could soon blanket Southeast Asia as it did last fall.

Re: boucher, epi and coal

1998-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
ribe to Counterpunch, edited by Ken Silverstein and Alex Cockburn. Louis Proyect At 03:10 PM 2/23/98 -0800, you wrote: Max brings up an interesting challenge. I disagree with him, but I do not have enough factual evidence to clinch my case. I am sure that the poor are hurt more by pollution

Re: The Sins of Harvey (was Re: Boucher's entire article)

1998-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
radicals and the corporate oriented mainstream groups like the Sierra Club. What is missing from the mix is socialism. There is not much of a socialist presence in the movement. I am not for banning Harvey. I am for fighting sectarianism. Louis Proyect

Boucher's background

1998-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
a few years ago attacking O'Connor and John Bellamy Foster. Louis Proyect

Re: Boucher's entire article

1998-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
ave been reading selections over the past couple of weeks and plan to go through it systematically when I have the time. It has not gotten much notice in the left press and it is important to have a discussion over it. It represents an important contribution to the green-red dialectic and can not be ignored. Louis Proyect

More comments on Boucher's article

1998-02-22 Thread Louis Proyect
These are comments by Mark Jones that appeared on the m-i list, where I posted the entire Boucher article. (For anybody at all interested in Marxism and ecology, the fall '96 issue of Science and Society is a must. Perhaps Dave Laibman can provide details on how to get a copy.) Louis P.

State of the World

1998-02-20 Thread Louis Proyect
e developments, or else face irrelevancy. With all the problems facing Marxism since the collapse of the Soviet Union, it would make sense to not squander opportunities when they arise. Our class enemy is infinitely more aggressive and opportunistic after all. Louis Proyect

Re: primitive communism

1998-02-09 Thread Louis Proyect
the space of the first two options. But Jim and Paul DeMain will have much more information on this, I'm sure. Louis Proyect

RE: [Fwd: Rachel #584: Major Causes of Ill health]

1998-02-09 Thread Louis Proyect
ematic genocide from Asia to Africa to the New World. Additionally, Watts explains how not just the science and history of epidemics but how they were interpreted by elites--and how this interpretation resulted in very material consequences for those they ruled and conquered." Louis Proyect

Re: 2 night thoughts on current events

1998-02-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Why don't you remind us of what the URL is? For somebody so turned on to computers and socialism, it is incredible that you left this out. (Insert smiley face here.) Louis Proyect At 09:25 AM 2/7/98 +, you wrote: On my website on Computers and Socialism I've periodically (but not recently

The racism of 18th century social science

1998-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect
is whether this heritage should be accepted in an uncritical manner. In our critique of the postmodernists and Vandana Shiva, it is imperative that we not end up in the enemy camp. If the only yardstick of progress is advances in the mode of production, then Marxism will inevitably fail to distinguish itself from the bourgeoisie which has developed this to a science. Louis Proyect

Marxism and stages

1998-02-04 Thread Louis Proyect
nnot see it and even grows rebellious, that is the basest ingratitude to its benefactors, the exploiters. Louis Proyect

Jerry Mander's In the Absense of the Sacred: a critique

1998-02-02 Thread Louis Proyect
st of these, I will review the mistakes and the corrections made by the Sandinistas in Nicaragua vis-a-vis the Miskitu Indians. As part of this, I will examine Russell Means' role in the contra war. Following that I will examine the political philosophy of Juan Carlos Mariategui, a Peruvian Communist who tried to synthesize Incan communalism--embodied by the "ayllus"-- and 20th century Marxism. Louis Proyect

We cannibals must help these Christians

1998-02-01 Thread Louis Proyect
sential reading. At a certain level, they tell us something that the social scientists can never tell us and that is who we really are. Louis Proyect

Andre Gunder Frank, 3 of 3

1998-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect
NO EUROPEAN EXCEPTIONALISM We must take exception to this alleged European "exceptionalism" on several related grounds: -- 1. As already noted above, the theses of AfroAsian "Orientalism" and European "exceptionalism" empirically and descriptively MIS-represent how Asian economies performed

Re: correction-Blaut-A.G.Frank

1998-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect
ry naughty of you, if not even perverse. Louis Proyect

Ecology and the American Indians8B6149B6008@admin1.csd.unbsj.ca

1998-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect
panish-introduced diseases ran wild: measles, smallpox, typhoid, and influenza epidemics occurred and re-occurred, while syphillis and turboculosis became, as Sherburne F. Cook once said, 'totalitarian' diseases: virtually all the Indians were afflicted by them." Louis Proyect

Andre Gunder Frank, 2 of 3

1998-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect
THE ASIATIC MODE OF PRODUCTION Perry Anderson (1974:548) asked that the Asiatic Mode of Production [AMP] "be given the decent burial that it deserves." That is very decent of him, since the AMP hardly deserves even that. We need not go into the controversial and controverted history of this

Andre Gunder Frank, 1 of 3

1998-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect
This just showed up on the Communist-Manifesto mailing-list. I haven't had a chance to read it, but it should provoke some discussion related to recent threads on the role of capitalism, etc. It is pretty radical stuff. Part 2 tomorrow and 3 the next day. Louis Proyect

Re: Ecology and the American Indian

1998-01-27 Thread Louis Proyect
ous amounts of variation that cannot be ignored. The people in the US are still relatively privileged, even if the privileges are fading. The only tendency I see here is cliched thought. Louis Proyect

Re: Ecology and the American Indian

1998-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect
some kind of book form. Louis Proyect

Re: Pope Scolds Capitalist Neoliberalism Embargo

1998-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect
subsistence of those people, pushing them to pursue non-existent employment -- thus making the problem visible. I have no idea what this sentence is supposed to mean. Try harder next time, unless you are relying on obfuscation to make dubious political points. Louis Proyect

Re: Ecology and the American Indian

1998-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect
been just as significant. These questions are dealt with in the scholarly "Pleistocene Extinctions: The Search for A Cause", edited by Paul Martin and H.E. Wright Jr. (Yale Univ., 1967). Where does Barkely get his information from? Louis Proyect

Ecology and the American Indian

1998-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect
ctories by the business class. His co-thinker Kirkpatrick Sale agrees with him and was a supporter of Ted Kaszynski. He begins each lecture by smashing a personal computer. I will offer my own ideas on how Indian ecological and religious beliefs can be reconciled with modern society. It does not include smashing computers, otherwise I would not have a way to be communicating my ideas with you good people out there. I will propose that the First Nation, the American Indians, can also benefit from the use of such technology. Louis Proyect

Re: Pope Scolds Capitalist Neoliberalism Embargo

1998-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect
Union and elsewhere. The notion that capitalism is beneficial is false and owes much to a vulgar reading of Marxism that the Second International and the analytical Marxists have helped to propagate. Louis Proyect

Discussing Thorstein Veblen

1998-01-24 Thread Louis Proyect
on of only a billion or so but not for a world of 6 billion and growing. And even "administrative methods" short of Buchenwald will not put a stop to that growth or reverse it in less than a century or so. ?????????? Carrol Louis Proyect replies: These are t

Thorstein Veblen on the fur trade and American Indians

1998-01-24 Thread Louis Proyect
"American Indian Environments", edited by Christopher Vecsey and Robert W. Venables, Syracuse University, 1980. Highly recommended.) Louis Proyect

Re: Fidel religion, capital embargo

1998-01-24 Thread Louis Proyect
just don't understand them. Give me something like the old Sid Caesar show or the "Honeymooners" any day of the week. Louis Proyect

Re: Tad Szulc on Castro and the Pope

1998-01-24 Thread Louis Proyect
ead actors promoting their next rotten flick. You might as well watch "Entertainment Tonight." Louis Proyect

Tad Szulc on Castro and the Pope

1998-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect
A Sunny Day in Rome In the view of one who knows them both, Pope John Paul II and Fidel Castro have long fascinated each other. By Tad Szulc 12/2/96 Newsweek/International John Paul II has fascinated and attracted Fidel Castro since he was elected pope more than 18 years ago. And the Cuban

Re: request

1998-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect
is written for a working-class audience. The workers have appeared more as objects in the other books, rather than subjects. When the Barnard strikers were out on the picket line last year, this is just the kind of book that I would have loved to have passed around. Best wishes for the success of this effo

Cuba's political/economic trajectory

1998-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect
that the current leadership would fight it until death. Louis Proyect THIS PEOPLE, THIS PARTY WILL NEVER SURRENDER THEIR UNITY Revolutionary ideas will live on as long as there are revolutionaries, patriots and noble hearts, as long as there are people who carry within themselves the finest human virtues

Re: Full translation of Castro speech

1998-01-22 Thread Louis Proyect
socialism will be strengthened. That's a fact. Louis Proyect

Re: Ellipsis in Fidel speech?

1998-01-22 Thread Louis Proyect
. The ellipsis was there in the original. Louis Proyect

Re: Full translation of Castro speech

1998-01-22 Thread Louis Proyect
olitically akin to the Sandinistas, during the high point of the revolution. In other words, for social justice but opposed to dogmatism and repression. Louis Proyect

East Asian economies will be more like US's

1998-01-17 Thread Louis Proyect
[Note that this interesting NY Times article names the system "capitalism." This is some kind of first. LP] January 17, 1998 Crisis Pushing Asian Capitalism Closer to U.S.-Style Free Market By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF SEOUL, South Korea -- Sitting in his office just off the factory floor, a week's

The Ecological Indian

2000-05-23 Thread Louis Proyect
ll University PhD Candidate Department of City and Regional Planning Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org)

Marx's life and theory (fwd)

2000-05-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Jim Devine: Also, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas argued that the active participation and enthusiasm of the people could substitute for the narrowly-defined forces of production. Not true. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org)

Re: Re: Marx's life and theory (fwd)

2000-05-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Guatemala is that the Sandinistas armed the people, a decidedly Marxist and Leninist approach. They failed for reasons similar to those of the Paris Commune or the P9 strike in the 1980s. Poor relationship of forces. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org)

Re: CFP: MARXISM 2000 -- extended deadline 15 July

2000-05-23 Thread Louis Proyect
with it? I have yet to see an academic conference announced in Lingua Franca that does not go overboard in the same way. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org)

Re: green permits and taxes

1998-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Again, I have a feeling that this taxes versus permits debate as we have been debating it has a "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic" air about it. None of this really deals with more deeply rooted ecological questions that get buried in that nice fuzzy rubric of "measuring social

Images of American Radicalism

1998-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect
e you can learn how to handle grievances. --A photo of Dave Dellinger and my friend David McReynolds from an anti-nuclear demo in 1980. David's is wearing shades and looks like a beat poet. Louis Proyect

Re: Marxism-International exchange on David Harvey

1998-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect
list manner." For pete's sake, Dennis, that's the sort of useless hot air we hear from Trotskyists on the Marxism lists, isn't it? Louis Proyect

Re: Marxism-International exchange on David Harvey

1998-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect
sional type material, but it is a political engagement with Harvey's work, not fishing through his garbage pail for scandal. Louis Proyect

Re: Marxism-International exchange on David Harvey

1998-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect
At 05:39 PM 4/29/98 -0700, you wrote: Louis, I for one find personal criticisms of David Harvey to be useless. I'll bet he has character flaws, since everyone else does (including that old hairy German guy who wrote so much). The question is: what are the theoretical and/or empirical holes in his

Marxism-International exchange on David Harvey

1998-04-29 Thread Louis Proyect
james m blaut wrote: Louis P: Read on. Give us a new post on each chapter of David Harvey's book as you finish reading it. Let's see if your ideas change as you proceed. En lucha Jim B P.S. Tail the workers. Down with theory. This is silly. It was precisely the workers who asked for

David Harvey's anomie, part 2

1998-04-29 Thread Louis Proyect
nable growth and eco-limits, the sort of issues posed by Marx himself in V. 3 of Capital. When you combine this with poor Harvey's inability to understand the class priority of defending the Rover workers unambiguously, one can only conclude that there is a deep malaise in academic Marxism. Louis Proyect

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