Re: why does perl critic not like @_

2014-08-19 Thread anthony . okusanya
Perl critic is simply trying to ensure that you code follows Perl Best Bractices I use perltidy and perlcritic on all my perl code to keep it need and readable. to your question though according to Damian Conway's book (perl best practices) which is what perlcritic uses by default as a guide,

Re: AD / ldap update

2011-09-22 Thread anthony . okusanya
Conor I believe MS AD requires a secure connection. your connection is missing ldaps as shown below my $ad = Net::LDAP-new(ldaps://$PDC) || die Could not connect!; Below is from one of my AD scripts that works my $obj_ldap = Net::LDAP-new(ldaps://$ldap_server) or die $@; my $mesg =

Perl Module for Remote Execution on Windows (psexec replacement)

2010-02-17 Thread anthony . okusanya
Perl Guru's I am looking for a perl module that has some remote execute functions defined I currently use psexec or WMI for most remote executions but wondering if there is a faster option using a perl module Thanks for you attention Tony B. Okusanya U.S. BANCORP made the

Perl IIS

2009-06-04 Thread anthony . okusanya
Greetings Perl experts I am trying to convert a ton of standalone tools written in perl to be web based these tools are mostly windows administration tools. Just looking for some advice on using perl on IIS. I have use the CGI module to create dynamic pages but Im not sure how to handle

RE: what is the most robust and accurate way to determine the BOOT volume?

2009-03-30 Thread anthony . okusanya
On a Windows system at the command prompt if you type in the command SET This will display a list of environment variables available on the system and accessible via $ENV{'%variable%'} %SystemDrive% == $ENV{'SystemDrive'} %SystemRoot% == $ENV{'SystemRoot'} This is standard across windows platform

Re: running a perl configure script in windows

2008-10-10 Thread anthony . okusanya
Anisa how are you running your script ? if its from the command line you need to specify the location of your perl script to the perl interpreter ex: if your script is C:\myScripts\ you will need to enter the following at the comand line perl C:\myScript\ alternatively if

Re: Win32::TieRegistry question

2008-09-26 Thread anthony . okusanya
From: Michael Ellery [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 'perl-win32-users' Date: 09/26/2008 01:23 PM Subject: Win32::TieRegistry question Win32-ers, Does anyone know off-hand what TieRegistry should do with a statment like this: $Registry-{'LMachine/Software/Bar'}

Help with DBI and SQL Server

2008-08-18 Thread anthony . okusanya
Hello all I am trying to use a perl script to pull information from a SQL 2000 database The problem I am having is with authentication using an Active directory account. The script works just fine if I use an account defined in SQL. below is my sample script use DBI; my