Re: UTF-8 encoding errors

2007-03-08 Thread Ron Davies
op up rarely. I am writing now from my office, not my client's site, so I'll have to send you the files tomorrow. But just to give you a better sense of what I'm looking at, here's the attached document, which a Perl-knowledgeable colleague has already checked over for obvio

UTF-8 encoding errors

2007-03-07 Thread Ron Davies
yone have any ideas about what's going on here? I have various data files and outputs if anybody wants to take a closer look. Thanks very much. Ron Ron Davies Av. Baden-Powell 1 Bte 2, 1200 Brussels, Belgium Email: ron(at) Tel:+32 (0)2 770 33 51 GSM:+32 (0)484 502 393

NACO normalization and Unicode

2005-10-23 Thread Ron Davies
Has anyone implemented the character normalization for UTF8-encoded heading strings as described in the character normalization table that makes up Appendix A of the NACO Normalization rules[1] ? TIA. Ron [1] Ron Davies Information and

RE: Corrupt MARC records

2005-05-11 Thread Ron Davies
ield lengths and offsets, just wondering if anybody had ever seen this occur in the wild. I never have. Thanks again for your help and the confirmation that this kind of correction is a reasonable thing to do. Ron Ron Davies Information and documentation systems consultant Av. Baden-Powell 1 Bte

Corrupt MARC records

2005-05-07 Thread Ron Davies
ntify the offending field, manually deleting the field, and the re-entering it again. I wondered if any of you had run into similar problems, or if you had any thoughts on how to tackle this particular issue. Thanks in advance, Ron Ron Davies Information and documentation systems consultant Av. Ba

RE: MARC::Record and UTF-8

2005-01-07 Thread Ron Davies
At 14:13 7/01/2005, Houghton,Andrew wrote: This is not a Perl solution, but if you are just looking to convert MARC-8 records to UTF-8 record you can use Terry Reese's MarcEdit program. Under its MARC Tools section it allows you to do batch conversions. Thanks, Andy. It has been a while since I l

Re: MARC::Record and UTF-8

2005-01-06 Thread Ron Davies
ng or development of a UTF-8 capability for MARC::Record. Is the problem listed in ( the only known issue? Ron Ron Davies Information and documentation systems consultant Av. Baden-Powell 1 Bte 2, 1200 Brussels, Belgium Email: ron(at)rondavies.b

Re: MARC::Record insert function

2003-11-06 Thread Ron Davies
rmitted in the MARC standard for a long time, and applaud the fact that MARC::Record allows for it, but has anyone actually seen one used? In some later revision of UNIMARC or one of the national standards based on UNIMARC perhaps? I'd be curious to know about specific cases people have