[perl #124057] [SEGV] Proxy class attribute interaction segfaults

2018-03-14 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
When I run this example now (Windows and Linux) I get: P6opaque: no such attribute '$!encoded-string' on type Codeword in a Proxy when trying to get a value instead of a segfault. If I tweak the code as below to use subs instead of methods for the Proxy hooks it runs fine. The P6opaque error

[perl #130892] t\spec\S32-io\IO-Socket-INET.t hangs

2018-03-04 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
>From your description of running the test with nmake I find it reasonable to >assume you are testing on windows. Winsock seems to have a 1 second delay for >“connection refused” errors which is triggered (2000 times) by a test added >with PR 227: https://github.com/perl6/roast/pull/227. I

[perl #125183] [BUG] Crash on no strict and multi-dimensional hash

2017-12-11 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Recommend merging with RT 125398 - "no strict temp does not autcreate hashes and hash elements" Also seems fixed by e5b49ce and could be expected to share same cause of "...the underlying issue is that the default value of container descriptors created automatically with “no strict” are Mu

[perl #130982] [PERF] "for $a..$b -> $i { ... }" loops are sometimes much slower than c-style loops

2017-11-20 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
What about a native perl6 range loop? Couldn't there be some way for Perl 6 / Rakudo to generate code competitive on a small range with the "native-loop" example? perl6 -e ' { my int ($a, $one, $three) = (42, 1, 3); for ^10_000_000 { $a += $one + $a%$three }; say

[perl #131991] [REGEX] Longest Alternation followed by an Alternation fails

2017-08-29 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Closing on request: https://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-08-29#i_15087239 I have never closed anybody else's ticket before so let me know if I am doing anything wrong.

[perl #131991] [REGEX] Longest Alternation followed by an Alternation fails

2017-08-29 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Looks to me like possible dup of RT 130562 https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=130562 See also doc issue: https://github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1141

[perl #126558] [BUG] Grammar parse failure should probably return Nil not Any

2017-08-28 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Request for test cases now roast issue: https://github.com/perl6/roast/issues/297 Planning to close this ticket soon if no objection.

[perl #126558] [BUG] Grammar parse failure should probably return Nil not Any

2017-08-21 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Noticed that RT #131919 is new and may apply to 6.d and would like to take a few days to review further.

[perl #126558] [BUG] Grammar parse failure should probably return Nil not Any

2017-08-21 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Hopefully it's just a doc issue but: https://docs.perl6.org/routine/parse still says: >> Returns a Match object on success, and Nil on failure.

[perl #113878] Return types don't mix with default values

2012-09-09 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
On Thu Jun 28 01:11:14 2012, gerd.r.de...@googlemail.com wrote: not_gerd rn: sub ($ = 42 -- Int) { ... } p6eval niecza v19-4-g12b71c7: ( no output ) p6eval ..rakudo 88a9d6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Missing block␤at /tmp/rjG5cSGHkE:1␤» I ran into this with a named subroutine but noticed there that

[perl #102876] [BUG] package A { our %h; %h{'A'} = 2 } Method 'at_key' not found - package A { our %h = ('A' = 2) } Method 'STORE' not found

2012-07-23 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
A bit more on this ticket after an IRC discussion: http:// irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-07-22#i_5837367 19:26 UncleFester6r: our @a; say @a.perl; our %h; say %h.perl 19:26 p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«Any␤Any␤» As moritz++ suggests later in the discussion the evaluation of @a.perl and

[perl #113660] [BUG] rakudo build fails when building NQPCORE.setting.pir starting with rakudo git tag 0fde4a1e375a26da8d7b511aafdb6174e934b757

2012-07-21 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
flussence++ found a workaround by turning off parrot garbage collection in the failing steps. For example add -G to the line below in nqp/tools/build/Makefile.in $(PARROT) -library=$(STAGE0) $(STAGE0)/$(NQP_PBC) \ --target=pir --output=$(STAGE1)/$(CORE_SETTING_PIR) \

[perl #102876] [BUG] package A { our %h; %h{'A'} = 2 } Method 'at_key' not found - package A { our %h = ('A' = 2) } Method 'STORE' not found

2012-07-16 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
works now. marking testneeded. 18:41 diakopter rakudo: package A { our %h; %h{'A'} = 2 } 18:41 p6eval rakudo 024843: ( no output ) The first example works but the second still does not AFAICT - our %h = ('A' = 2) Method 'STORE' not found. I pointed out another related problem on IRC

[perl #113660] [BUG] rakudo build fails when building NQPCORE.setting.pir starting with rakudo git tag 0fde4a1e375a26da8d7b511aafdb6174e934b757

2012-06-21 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
So jnthn asked on IRC for someone to get the NQP commit that causes the build to break and I think I got it I set rakudo to build from rakudo commit 0fde4a1e375a26da8d7b511aafdb6174e934b757 and did Perl Configure.pl -- gen-parrot and watched the build failed as described. Then I started from

[perl #113660] [BUG] rakudo build fails when building NQPCORE.setting.pir starting with rakudo git tag 0fde4a1e375a26da8d7b511aafdb6174e934b757

2012-06-21 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
On Thu Jun 21 15:33:36 2012, jonat...@jnthn.net wrote: Please can I get platform details (32-bit or 64-bit, OS, compiler) from anybody who has this issue? 32 bit Ubuntu 8.04 with gcc 4.2.4 20:09:57 ron-laptop:~/rakudo/nqp$ getconf LONG_BIT 32 20:15:21 ron-laptop:~/rakudo/nqp$ cat /etc/issue

[perl #90158] [BUG] my @x = (1); @x ||= (); say ~@x; dies with max recursion depth exceeded.

2011-12-01 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Just tried this today and it appears to me to be fixed. Will close in next day or so if no objection. Ron

[perl #65120] [PATCH] Consistent semantics for slurp and lines subs

2011-09-11 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Thanks for the patch ... unfortunately, this patch no longer cleanly applies. Can you rebase and re-submit? I'll leave the ticket open for a little while. Regards. I don't know how long this has been true, but at this point $*IO.slurp and $fh.slurp work and that seems good enough. Propose

[perl #96424] NULL PMC on unmatched or non existent named capture

2011-08-07 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Seems at least partially fixed in nom but still may be related concerns like nom: my $m = '34' ~~ /digit+|alpha+/; say $malpha.perl; say Nil.perl; my $x = $malpha // 4; say 'x is ', $x nom: OUTPUT«()␤Nil␤x is ␤» See http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2011-08-07#i_4239512

[perl #93976] [BUG] Num does not initialize to NaN

2011-07-03 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Completing reject of ticket and ccing so as to give those on the mailing list a chance to look at the ticket and review a suggestion I made on my prior comment which was not ccd.

[perl #78214] [PATCH] Allow more windows environments with git to work correctly with build process

2010-11-29 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
One of the patches here, the one for root.in, is actually a one line patch to a Parrot file. After this ticket is open, unless there are objections, I will open a Parrot trac ticket and cross reference the two patch tickets. The Parrot ticket was created and the related patch has been

[perl #58524] = doesn't read from $*IN in Rakudo

2009-05-01 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Shouldn't that be just =$*IN ? Times have changed and not anymore. $ ./perl6 -e 'say =$*IN' prefix:= has been superseeded by $handle.lines and $handle.get $*IN.lines seems to work and yes I am hoping someone will fix the spelling of superseded in src/classes/IO.pir. $ ./perl6 -e 'say ='

[perl #61662] implicit binding of matches to $_

2009-05-01 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Added tests to t/spec/S05-metasyntax/regex.t. Tests based on the original examples now pass. An additional, related, test for proper setting of match object with a similar implicit topic match does not pass yet.

[perl #58646] [TODO] convert 'new Failure' to '!FAIL'

2009-05-01 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Using find/grep to find calls to new 'Failure' in the current (non- generated) rakudo code base I came up with the short list below. They all seem to represent legitimate cases of wanting to allocate a Failure object to return an undef type value like an index search that fails to find its

[perl #63042] Fwd: Failed spectests

2009-05-01 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Thank you for testing Rakudo and running the spectest suite. Rakudo is under development and it is sort of expected that for brief periods of time some tests may be broken. When reporting a rakudo bug please bear in mind that we hope to get enough information about the problem to track down

[perl #64742] [PATCH] Simplification from resolution of RT 53926

2009-04-29 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
On Tue Apr 28 11:06:06 2009, pmichaud wrote: On Wed Apr 15 03:27:17 2009, ronaldxs wrote: ... but rakudo with patch passes spectest. Note that as a (Perl 6) method, EXPR still needs to have a :slurpy :named parameter to catch any additional named arguments. (All methods in Perl 6 have a

[perl #60946] [BUG] cannot override isa() if PIR uses isa opcode

2009-04-29 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
From IRC discussion on 4/29 13:54 pmichaud at the moment I think I'm going to declare RT #60946 (sic.) not a bug and let it slide for now. We don't currently make any guarantees that Rakudo objects play nicely with Parrot 'isa' opcodes. 13:54 PhatEddy The ticket seems to ask whether parrot

[perl #62530] Assinging a $/ to a scalar and then accessing its extened .keys method produces a Null PMC error

2009-04-28 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Tests for this problem now added to t/spec/S05-match/capturing- contexts.t now pass. Recommend closing.

[perl #57336] Using attribute variables outside of methods causes strange errors in rakudo

2009-04-28 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Well it's now more than half a year later and the current behavior is: PhatEddy rakudo: say $.a 17:22 p6eval rakudo 6f1649: OUTPUT«Lexical 'self' not found␤current instr.: '_block14' pc 51 (EVAL_17:34)␤» It seems to me that if you try to access an attribute with no applicable class or

[perl #63094] Possible Bug (Windows Only)

2009-04-25 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
I retested the example with a current Bratislava rakudo built with ActivePerl/Mingw gcc under Windows Vista and it ran fine. Could the author update their Perl 6 to a current rakudo and retest? If the persistence of the problem can't be confirmed, the problem seems unlikely enough that

[perl #61918] classes don't get a default .perl method

2009-04-17 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
I think this ticket should be merged with 62002. BTW - It's partially solved. There seems to be a default .perl method - it just doesn't dump attributes yet.

[perl #64062] split should return captured delimiters

2009-04-08 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Please find attached new, revised, hopefully more spec conformant, patches. One of the two patches includes new tests with some appropriate revisions demonstrating the ability to address Mr. Duff’s concerns. Specifically: split_test( 'abc::def::ghi::'.split(/(\:)/, all = True, 3),

[perl #64062] split should return captured delimiters

2009-04-06 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
An irc discussion (http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2009-04- 06#i_1042505) related to this ticket yielded some new insights. The premise of the ticket differs some from the p6 synopsis/spec (http://svn.pugscode.org/pugs/docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting- library/Str.pod), seeming closer to the p5

[perl #57790] [PATCH] nicer error message for 12345[1] (number scalar indexed with .[])

2009-04-05 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
The attached patch should generate the desired error message. If someone wants a test for this, just let me know which test file the test belongs in and I will be happy to post an appropriate test for that file. --- a/src/classes/Positional.pir +++ b/src/classes/Positional.pir @@ -105,9

[perl #64366] Bool.succ does null PMC

2009-04-04 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
On Wed Apr 01 22:00:57 2009, wayland wrote: wayland76 rakudo: my Bool $t; $t = Bool::True; print $t.succ I don't know what it should do, but not Null PMC. I would think it would do somthing like: moritz_ rakudo: my $x = Bool::True; say ++$x p6eval rakudo 881ed3: OUTPUT«1␤» and the

[perl #64062] split should return captured delimiters

2009-03-27 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
Please find attached a patch to implement requested functionality. Passes split-simple.t tests and includes a patch that updates those tests and adds one more that verifies correct performance with a return limit count. Index: t/spec/S32-str/split-simple.t

[perl #64062] split should return captured delimiters

2009-03-27 Thread Ron Schmidt via RT
That's not right, is it? Or I don't understand what perl 6 does with the capturing parens that's different from perl 5. In perl 5 (and what I would expect from perl 6), @split would contain the following strings at the following array indices: ... Your concern seems to be with the added