Hi Karen,
Brown scavenger beetles usually indicate increased relative humidity or damp
areas. They might be after mold – very microscopic mold. Besides checking
pipes, take a look at other potential leaks. Check walls, the roof etc. I once
tracked down a major building problem – stone blocks
Dear Karen,
pipes that are flushed unregularly might have become leaky.
To find the leakiing pipe or pipes (water/heating) you can check the construction plans of the bulidning and follow the pipes below the floor or in the walls.
You also could measure the microclimates of the adjoining are
Thanks very much for the second opinion, Genevieve! For now I will hope this
one wandered in throught the loading dock and keep an eye out for more.
Mike Quigley
Assistant Curator
Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum and Arctic Studies Center
Bowdoin College
9500 College Station
Brunswick, M