Re: [GENERAL] PQfformat question and retrieving bytea data in C

2012-08-30 Thread Albe Laurenz
Jason Armstrong wrote: I have updated my C library to return the binary data correctly. I note the restriction on not being able to retrieve different columns in different formats. Actually, PostgreSQL supports that if you use the line protocol to talk to the server (see the description of

Re: [GENERAL] Understanding autocommit

2012-08-22 Thread Albe Laurenz
Chris Angelico wrote: I'm looking at these two pages: According to the first page, autocommit is off by default for embedded SQL programs. Does this

Re: [GENERAL] .Net/C# - How to use Entity Framework Code First with Npgsql?

2012-08-21 Thread Albe Laurenz
Hermano Cabral wrote: Does anyone know if its possible to use entity framework code first with the npgsql connector? I know devart's connector does the job, but I'm low on funds for this project and their stuff is not cheap. Yes, Npgsql supports Entity Framework. For questions concerning

Re: [GENERAL] Best practice non privilege postgres-user

2012-08-17 Thread Albe Laurenz
Frank Lanitz wrote: I'm looking for some kind of best practice for a non-privilege postgres user. As not all operations can be done within psql you might need access to postgres- on command line from time to time. Currently this is done via root-privvileges and su - postgres directly on

Re: [GENERAL] More probs with BLOBs

2012-08-16 Thread Albe Laurenz
Neanderthelle Jones wrote: We are getting a strange thing happening if the lo_export(attr, path) destination is a fifo. First, in the normal case, there is output to the file but also feedback to stdout (or somewhere, appearing on the VT screen) of the number 1. --- 1

Re: [GENERAL] Migrating Postgresql 8.0 to 8.3

2012-08-13 Thread Albe Laurenz
quickinfo wrote: I would like to migrate postgresql 8.0 to 8.3. Please suggest me the best way of restoring my backup. In which format should I take the backup and how should I restore the data. Does it require to write any sql script. will it create any problems in migrating 8.0 to 8.3.

Re: [GENERAL] Function to dump function ddl

2012-08-10 Thread Albe Laurenz
Douglas Little wrote: In deploying new versions of function source, I want to export the current definition to a file. After looking around it seems that I needed to create my own function. I got the function to work, but am having a slight problem with the execution of the exported file.

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres and Upstart

2012-08-10 Thread Albe Laurenz
Chris Angelico wrote: I'm looking for a reliable way to be sure that Postgres has finished its initialization and is ready to rumble. The normal way to test this is a connection attempt. You could also look into the server logs for the appropriate message, but that seems more fragile and

Re: [GENERAL] Interval 1 month is equals to interval 30 days - WHY?

2012-08-08 Thread Albe Laurenz
Dmitry Koterov wrote: I've just discovered a very strange thing: SELECT '1 mon'::interval = '30 days'::interval -- TRUE??? This returns TRUE (also affected when I create an unique index using an interval column). Why? I know that Postgres stores monthes, days and seconds in interval

Re: [GENERAL] Interval 1 month is equals to interval 30 days - WHY?

2012-08-08 Thread Albe Laurenz
Dmitry Koterov wrote: I've just discovered a very strange thing: SELECT '1 mon'::interval = '30 days'::interval -- TRUE??? Intervals are internally stored in three fields: months, days and microseconds. A year has 12 months. PostgreSQL converts intervals into microseconds before

Re: [GENERAL] Interval 1 month is equals to interval 30 days - WHY?

2012-08-08 Thread Albe Laurenz
Craig Ringer wrote: Of course this is not always correct. But what should the result of INTERVAL '1 month' = INTERVAL '30 days' be? FALSE would be just as wrong. NULL? In all honesty, it's a reasonable fit for NULL in its uncertain/unknowable personality, because two intervals that

Re: [GENERAL] How does connect privilege works?

2012-08-07 Thread Albe Laurenz
Shridhar Daithankar wrote: I am trying to setup a cluster for trac databases and want to isolate each db, by assigning a specific user to a DB. I followed the documentation but as shown in the following example, limiting access by connect does not seem to be working. What am I missing?

Re: [GENERAL] warnings about invalid search_path

2012-08-07 Thread Albe Laurenz
Samba wrote: I'm seeing some weired errors in the postgres logs after upgrading to postgres-9.1(.3) about the schema added by default to search patch WARNING: invalid value for parameter search_path: system_data DETAIL: schema system_data does not exist We do have a user named

Re: [GENERAL] Problem setting environmental variables for postgresql or plpythonu

2012-07-20 Thread Albe Laurenz
Mark Wynter wrote: I''m hoping someone can help me out. I'm wanting to run GRASS GIS from within a plpythonu function block. But to run GRASS GIS externally, the following environmental variables need to be available to the Postgresql server... [...] So far I've added these variables to

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL index issue

2012-07-12 Thread Albe Laurenz
mperformer wrote: I have a question regarding PostgreSQL 9.1 indexing. I am having a table and want to create a index for a column and I want to store the data with time zone for that column. The questions are: 1. Can I create a index for a column which store time stamp with time zone. If

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Slony-I Replication

2012-07-02 Thread Albe Laurenz
Iqbal Aroussi wrote: I'm trying to setup a master-slave replication with PostgreSQL 9.1 / Slony-I, this is first time I'm doing it and I'm kind of lost :( Is there any tutorial explaining the steps how to do it with FreeBSD ? I'm using FreeBSD db1 9.0-RELEASE / postgresql-server-9.1.4 /

Re: [GENERAL] is there any query so that I may find the list of columns those have rules?

2012-07-02 Thread Albe Laurenz
AI Rumman wrote: I am getting the following error: ALTER TABLE base_table ALTER COLUMN base_table_field1 TYPE numeric(10,6); ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view master_view depends on column base_table_field1 I know that I have a view

Re: [GENERAL] Regarding parallel running of 9.1 and 9.2beta2

2012-06-29 Thread Albe Laurenz
Atri Sharma wrote: I am running PostgreSQL 9.1 currently and I want to run 9.2beta2 simultaneously with it.Is it possible? I downloaded the 9.2beta2 sources,untared them and ran ./configure,make and make install without uninstalling 9.1. Now,when I am running pg_ctl start,I am getting the

Re: [GENERAL] log_min_duration_statement modification for non superusers?

2012-06-28 Thread Albe Laurenz
Paul McGarry wrote: I have a situation where I'd like to lower the log_min_duration_statement for a particular connection . The DB is used for several reporting type queries which may reasonably take several seconds so the log_min_duration_statement in the DB is set accordingly. However

Re: [GENERAL] dblink causing import errors

2012-06-26 Thread Albe Laurenz
Christoph Zwerschke wrote: Our developers like the dblink modules, so I have installed it into the template1 database. They also like to import old database dumps after creating new databases with dbcreate. But then they get irritated by the error messages saying that the dblink functions

Re: [GENERAL] Please make it easy to drop a database that is in use

2012-06-21 Thread Albe Laurenz
Evan Martin wrote: Like I said in my original post, I understand the workaround. I just think that: 1) The workaround requires extra work for each developer (or at least each client application) using PostgreSQL, while a fix in PostgreSQL would solve this once and for all. For a developer

Re: [GENERAL] Fine-grained replication?

2012-06-19 Thread Albe Laurenz
Paul Jones wrote: Is anyone aware of other non-trigger-based, fine-grained replication tools for PostgreSQL along the lines of the XReader or pgreplay I'm not sure what you want, because pgreplay is certainly not

Re: [GENERAL] full text index / search

2012-06-18 Thread Albe Laurenz
Philipp Kraus wrote: I have created a table with a text field under PG 9.1, that should store source codes. I would like to search in this text field with regular expressions. I think I need a full-text-index, do I? How can I create this index, do I need some additional extensions? The PG

Re: [GENERAL] parsing SQLERRM ?

2012-06-15 Thread Albe Laurenz wrote: (version == 9.1) In my PL/pgSQL stored functions, I want to be able to distinguish which FK-constraint caused the [foreign_key_violation] exception. . . . BEGIN delete from MY_COOL_TABLE where id = 123 ; EXCEPTION WHEN foreign_key_violation

Re: [GENERAL] Is there a way to ask PostgreSQL for the name of the computer it's running on?

2012-06-14 Thread Albe Laurenz
Rob Richardson wrote: My customer has 3 computers. The PostgreSQL service could be running on either of two of them. There is currently no way in our system to determine which one it is running on. The third computer sometimes needs to know which of the other two computers is active. It

Re: [GENERAL] How to create c language in postgresql database. Thanks.

2012-06-14 Thread Albe Laurenz
leaf_yxj wrote: Thanks for your answers. I really appreciate it. Although I don't understand the whole things you guys mentioned to me. I think maybe I should do it by myself. I need to do a test. If there is any good guide/white paper, please give me a link for me to study. I think the

Re: [GENERAL] Daisy chaining replication slaves ?

2012-06-14 Thread Albe Laurenz
Rob Cowell wrote: I'm just wondering if there is a way to slave from a slave server? I have a Postgres9.1.3 master serving up data quite happily to the web applications, and I have also set up a slave via streaming replication. I've now been asked by my manager to set up a secondary slave,

Re: [GENERAL] Recovery continually requests new WAL files

2012-06-13 Thread Albe Laurenz
Alex Good wrote: I have a simple setup with one master and one backup server. I have an issue where I have performed a backup and copied it to the data directory for the slave, written a recovery.conf and copied in the backup_label file and then started the server, it happily restores

Re: [GENERAL] Recovery continually requests new WAL files

2012-06-13 Thread Albe Laurenz
Alex Good wrote: What I expected to see was the server requesting each WAL file up until the one which was archived during pg_stop_backup and then the server would consider itself to be recovered. Clearly I have misunderstood something here. These two servers are actually sat behind pgpool

Re: [GENERAL] Recovery continually requests new WAL files

2012-06-13 Thread Albe Laurenz
Alex Good wrote: Although pgpool is involved this isn't actually about pgpool, I've been running through the recovery process manually to try and understand what needs to be done in order to get onlinve recovery working with pgpool. Pgpool isn't actually running at the moment. Oh, I see.

Re: [GENERAL] Partitioning Advice

2012-06-06 Thread Albe Laurenz
Ben Carbery wrote: I have a postgres server I need to move onto a new OS (RHEL6) on a new VM and am looking for advice on how to partition the disks to gain some performance improvement. In the current environment I am given a single VHDD which I have not partitioned at all. The SAN

Re: [GENERAL] db alias

2012-06-06 Thread Albe Laurenz
Dave Gauthier wrote: Is there a way to alias a db name for purposes of redirecting connections? For example, you have 2 DBs, DBX and DBY. The users always connect to a DB alias called USEDB. USEDB points to DBX today, changed to point to DBY tomorrow, transparent to the users. That can

Re: [GENERAL] acessibility for tables

2012-06-06 Thread Albe Laurenz
Kraus Philipp wrote: I new on this mailing list and I need a little bit help for an idea to create different accesses to a database with Postgres 9.1. I'm using this PG version at the time and I have created a database with a scheme storage. Within this schema are some tables, datatypes and

Re: [GENERAL] acessibility for tables

2012-06-06 Thread Albe Laurenz
Willy-Bas Loos wrote: I did something like that some years ago. Albe, are rules out of grace? Sort of, for many people: They are difficult to get right and usually not better than triggers. Ever since there were INSTEAD OF

Re: [GENERAL] Is there a way to start postgresql v907 as non daemon process

2012-05-25 Thread Albe Laurenz
Karthik wrote: I have observed by default posgresql 8.x onwards starts as daemon process. Is there a way to avoid it. I want it to run as normal process. The parent of the server process should be the process that starts the server instead of being PID 1 ( init ). Till 7.4.2 ( Which was the

Re: [GENERAL] odd intermittent query hanging issue

2012-05-21 Thread Albe Laurenz
Aaron Burnett wrote: I run a handful of queries overnight when traffic is at it's lowest on our system. One particular query will run perfectly fine (around 5 seconds0) for several weeks, then suddenly decide to hang indefinitely and never finish. It needs to be killed manually after several

Re: [GENERAL] Concerning about Unicode-aware string handling

2012-05-21 Thread Albe Laurenz
Vincas Dargis wrote: We have problems (currently using 8.4, but also in latest 9.1.3) in our application with Unicode word symbols in Lithuanian ('ąčęėįšųūž'), Russian and of course potentially other languages. For example, regex_replace('acząčž', E'\\W', '', 'g') removes ąčž. lower() and

Re: [GENERAL] Replication recovery?

2012-05-18 Thread Albe Laurenz
John Mudd wrote: Sorry if this is a dumb question. Feel free to just point me to a doc. Sure, here: I've read a little about Postgres replication and the concept of a master and one or more slaves. If one db is down then

Re: [GENERAL] archive_command and streaming replication

2012-05-18 Thread Albe Laurenz
Scott Briggs wrote: So if you do need to use wal files to catch up a slave, what would that process be? If you caught up with wal files, how would streaming replication know what positon to start at? And how would you tell streaming replication the new position after catching up with wal

Re: [GENERAL] archive_command and streaming replication

2012-05-16 Thread Albe Laurenz
Scott Briggs wrote: Hi, can someone please explain the purpose of archive_command on both the master and slave when it comes to streaming replication? From what I understand so far, what really matters is how many pg_xlog files are kept when it comes to reestablishing replication when it

Re: [GENERAL] vacuum, vacuum full and problems releasing disk space

2012-05-16 Thread Albe Laurenz
Horaci Macias wrote: after tuning the autovacuum settings I can now see the tables vaccumed and the number of dead tuples dropping whenever an autovacuum happens, which makes sense. Great. What I don't see though is the size of the tables ever decreasing, but I'm not sure I should see this.

Re: [GENERAL] Cannot find installers for 9.2 Beta

2012-05-15 Thread Albe Laurenz
Basil Bourque wrote: Today's announcement of 9.2 beta said installers were available... - Get PostgreSQL 9.2 beta, including binaries and installers for Windows, Linux and Mac from our download page: - But I cannot find any installers at all for the beta.

Re: [GENERAL] Sequence scan if OR Condition in where statement

2012-05-11 Thread Albe Laurenz
Prashant Bharucha wrote: Could you please help me , index is not using if have OR condition in where statement ? Always have sequence scan. You need to provide more details, see to get an idea. Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Sent via pgsql-general

Re: [GENERAL] config file question between versions 7.4 - 9.1

2012-05-10 Thread Albe Laurenz
Randy Johnson wrote: in the config file for 7.4 we have an entry: shared_buffers = 1000 # min 16, at least max_connections*2, 8KB each in 9.1 the default is: shared_buffers = 32MB max connections is the default 100 Do I need to make any adjustments or can I leave it at the

Re: [GENERAL] vacuum, vacuum full and problems releasing disk space

2012-05-10 Thread Albe Laurenz
Horaci Macias wrote: I'm running postgres 9.1 and having disk space problems. My application captures information 24x7 and stores it into the database. This includes several bytea and can be ~5M entries a day, so the size can be an issue after several days. My application also cleans up

Re: [GENERAL] Difference between speed of 2 functions: SQL+STABLE and PLPGSQL+EXECUTE

2012-05-07 Thread Albe Laurenz
Dmitry Koterov wrote: But it's quite strange that SQL+STABLE function does not recalculate the plan each time it is called. Because when I use a bunch of SQL+STABLE functions in e.g. a sub-select of a complex query, I see in the plan of this complex queries that function calls are expanded. It

Re: [GENERAL] spanish locale question

2012-05-04 Thread Albe Laurenz
Tulio wrote: Let me expand the collate situation. I´m from Perú and I have turned everything in postgresql.conf as 'es_PE.UTF-8' even the default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.spanish'. Even my Ubuntu 12.04 works in English I have es_PE locale too. if I do SELECT * FROM pru order by

Re: [GENERAL] Significance of Postgres (version 9.1.1) Compilation parameters - Performance

2012-05-02 Thread Albe Laurenz
Jayashankar K B wrote: Could anyone explain me the significance of the following compile time parameters ? 1. --disable-integer-datetimes 2. --disable-float4-byval 3. --disable-float8-byval Do they have any effect on performance of postgres w.r.t speed of database

Re: [GENERAL] problems after restoring from a pg_basebackup

2012-04-30 Thread Albe Laurenz
Lonni J Friedman wrote: I'm running postgresql-9.1.3 on a Linux-x86_64 (Fedora16, if it matters) system. I noticed the existence of pg_basebackup starting in 9.1, and figured I'd try it out and see if it would simplify our backup management processes. $ pg_basebackup -P -v -D /tmp/backup

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql log indicate too many execute S_2:COMMIT

2012-04-30 Thread Albe Laurenz
leo xu wrote: I test postgresql database performance recently,i set log_min_duration_statement=1000; i monitor pg_log file,i find too many execue S_2:commit 11:38:46.340 CSTLOG: duration: 1050.679 ms execute S_2: COMMIT

Re: [GENERAL] Question on notifications

2012-04-30 Thread Albe Laurenz
Alexander Reichstadt wrote: Thanks, I had checked the example before but couldn't make sense out of it in terms of wrapping it in Objective-C. I left it in C now and it works fine. The trigger I am using now looks like this: CREATE FUNCTION notify_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$

Re: [GENERAL] Question on notifications

2012-04-30 Thread Albe Laurenz
Alexander Reichstadt wrote: From the documentation I was able to build a trigger firing upon deletion of a record a function that delivers tablename_operation as a notification one needs to subscribe to. So in terminal I can say LISTEN persons_delete and instantly will receive

Re: [GENERAL] R-tree parallel index creation

2012-04-27 Thread Albe Laurenz
Pavel Iacovlev wrote: Anyone know if this features is supported in PostgreSQL: R-tree index creation can be subdivided into smaller tasks that can be performed in parallel ? The PostgreSQL backend does not parallelize anything, including index builds. Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Sent via

Re: [GENERAL] Difference between speed of 2 functions: SQL+STABLE and PLPGSQL+EXECUTE

2012-04-27 Thread Albe Laurenz
Dmitry Koterov wrote: For example, I have 2 functions like these: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION first(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, ...) RETURNS ... AS $body$ ...any SQL which uses $1, $2 etc. arguments, plus LIMIT $3... $body$ LANGUAGE 'sql' STABLE and CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION

Re: [GENERAL] Money in numeric field

2012-04-20 Thread Albe Laurenz
Martín Marqués wrote: I have a question involving money data stored in a numeric(9,2) field, and posible errors with there manipulation. in short, the table has these columns: store: int amount: int2 cost: numeric(9,2) What I need to find is the total amount of money spent in a

Re: [GENERAL] spanish locale question

2012-04-19 Thread Albe Laurenz
jbiskofski wrote: I have a lc_collate problem. Im in Mexico and I need the following three lastnames to be sorted this way : álvarez ( accent on first a ) chavez cota Using the default locale on my mac ( en_US ) I end up with : chavez cota álvarez So I switched to

Re: [GENERAL] aggregate arrays

2012-04-13 Thread Albe Laurenz
Dmitry E. Oboukhov wrote: example: a query returns a column that contains arrays: select * FROM (VALUES (ARRAY[1,2,3,3,4], 1), (ARRAY[1,2,2,3,4], 2)) t; column1 | column2 -+- {1,2,3,3,4} | 1 {1,2,2,3,4} | 2 (2 rows) and then we want aggregate

Re: [GENERAL] what happens when concurrent index create

2012-04-04 Thread Albe Laurenz
leo xu wrote: i read documents,i find it that concurrent index create don't lock write.but need scan table explain is following as: It scans the table once to initially build the index, then makes a second pass to look for things added after the first pass. please explain 1.

Re: [GENERAL] Unable to createlang

2012-04-04 Thread Albe Laurenz
Tom Harkaway wrote: The command I am using is: createlang -U postgres plperl hf-hvpa The message I get back is: createlang: language installation failed: ERROR: could not load library /opt/postgres/lib/postgresql/ cannot open shared object file: No such

Re: [GENERAL] Re: double check the role has what's kind of the privilege? And the same for the objects. Thanks.

2012-04-02 Thread Albe Laurenz
leaf_yxj wrote: My bosses ask me to list 1)all the users and the roles associated with the users. This will list all roles in the cluster, whether they can login (are users) or not, and the array of all roles they are directly or indirectly members of: WITH RECURSIVE is_member_of(member,

Re: [GENERAL] Re: double check the role has what's kind of the privilege? And the same for the objects. Thanks.

2012-03-30 Thread Albe Laurenz
leaf_yxj wrote: My bosses ask me to list all the users and all the privilege which the superuser granted to the users. Then they can double check that I did right thing or not? Unlike Oracle, PostgreSQL does not have a concept of grantor, so it is not possible to find out which privileges

Re: [GENERAL] octet_length operator: what encoding?

2012-03-30 Thread Albe Laurenz
Chris Angelico wrote: We have a number of varchar fields and I'm looking to see what the greatest data length in any is, after UTF-8 encoding. The two-argument length function appears (I think) to take a byte array, so it's the opposite of what I'm looking for (give it a UTF-8 encoded string

Re: [GENERAL] Re: double check the role has what's kind of the privilege? And the same for the objects. Thanks.

2012-03-30 Thread Albe Laurenz
Tom Lane wrote: My bosses ask me to list all the users and all the privilege which the superuser granted to the users. Then they can double check that I did right thing or not? Unlike Oracle, PostgreSQL does not have a concept of grantor, so it is not possible to find out which

Re: [GENERAL] system catalog privilege and create privilege ??? how to control them?? thanks

2012-03-29 Thread Albe Laurenz
leaf_yxj wrote: For oracle, the normal user can't see all the system catalog. but for postgresql, it looks like all the user can see the system catalog. Should we limit the user read privilege to system catalog? You can try that, but things may break in unexpected ways. For example, psql's

Re: [GENERAL] Query regarding submission on To Do item for psql client psql : Allow processing of multiple -f (file) options

2012-03-29 Thread Albe Laurenz
Vikash3 S wrote: Would like to submit patch on this TO Do list item which deals with psql client, psql : Allow processing of multiple -f (file) options . The code base which I am working on is from postgres 9.1.3 release. But when I diff the code base from git repository, the changes are far


2012-03-29 Thread Albe Laurenz
Arvind Singh wrote: I have queries regarding columns in Postgres CSV Log. Following is a sample Logline 2012-03-28 19:25:47.968 IST,postgres,stock_apals,2388,localhost:1898,4f731863.954,6,SET, 2012- 03-28 19:25:47

Re: [GENERAL] More PG Log

2012-03-29 Thread Albe Laurenz
Arvind Singh wrote: Query 1 --- do we have a standard list of following Log Codes - Command_tag ex. IDLE, SELECT .. See the source code for your version:;a=blob;f=src/backend/

Re: [GENERAL] Multiple Slave Failover with PITR

2012-03-28 Thread Albe Laurenz
Ken Brush wrote: I notice that the documentation at: Doesn't contain steps in a Multiple Slave setup for re-establishing them after a slave has become the new master. Based on the documentation, here are the most fail-proof steps

Re: [GENERAL] Facing error while restoring the database

2012-03-27 Thread Albe Laurenz
Akshay Joshi wrote: I am facing issue while restoring the database. I have taken the backup of my database using pg_dump and then create new database and try to restore it using pg_restore. I am using PostgreSQL 9.0. I have created one small test case to reproduce the issue, attached is the sql

Re: [GENERAL] Parsing PG log usings CSV format

2012-03-23 Thread Albe Laurenz
Arvind Singh wrote: i have sorted out the problem on The columns that are not quoted are guaranteed not to contain a comma. Good. But i have another query, the structure of PG Log CSV as mentioned in manual and as below has 24 columns

Re: [GENERAL] Slow information_schema.views

2012-03-22 Thread Albe Laurenz
Oliver Kohll - Mailing Lists wrote: I'm doing some SELECTs from information_schema.views to find views with dependencies on other views, i.e. SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.views WHERE view_definition ILIKE '%myviewname%'; and each is taking about 1/2 a second, which is getting

Re: [GENERAL] Cannot store special chars using c lib

2012-03-22 Thread Albe Laurenz
Alexander Reichstadt wrote: I need to be able to store special chars, German Umlaute, in my tables. This works when using pgPHPAdmin to store the same value to the same field. But when using the c-library it doesn't, fields stored are garbled. I checked using \l to see what encoding the

Re: [GENERAL] Help in Parsing PG log usings CSV format

2012-03-22 Thread Albe Laurenz
Arvind Singh wrote: Help needed in parsing PostgreSQL CSV Log [...] **However the main problem that is, the Log format is not readable** A Sample Log data line 2012-03-21 11:59:20.640 IST,postgres,stock_apals,3276,localhost:1639,4f697540.ccc,10,idle ,2012-03-21 11:59:20


2012-03-21 Thread Albe Laurenz
Geek Matter wrote: Skype. And pgsql has some great replication solutions that actually work any other large sites use postgresql? i need to make right descission coz my decision will affect business that is related with $

Re: [GENERAL] Conditionnal validation for transaction

2012-03-20 Thread Albe Laurenz
Florent THOMAS wrote: 1 - Is there a way to have conditions for committing transactions like in oracle : action-62 PostgreSQL follows the SQL standard which does not allow anything like that. Later versions do allow

Re: [GENERAL] WHERE IN (subselect) versus WHERE IN (1,2,3,)

2012-03-19 Thread Albe Laurenz
Kevin Goess wrote: We have a table contexts with 1.6 million rows, and a table articles with 1.4 million rows, where an article is a particular kind of context. We want to select from a join on those two tables like this SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contexts JOIN articles ON

Re: [GENERAL] how to measure wal_buffer usage

2012-03-16 Thread Albe Laurenz
Lonni J Friedman wrote: After reading this interesting article on shared_buffers and wal_buffers: it got me wondering if my settings were ideal. Is there some way to measure wal_buffer usage in real time, so that I

Re: [GENERAL] how to measure wal_buffer usage

2012-03-16 Thread Albe Laurenz
Lonni J Friedman wrote: After reading this interesting article on shared_buffers and wal_buffers: it got me wondering if my settings were ideal.  Is there some way to measure wal_buffer usage in real time, so that I

Re: [GENERAL] Backups

2012-03-15 Thread Albe Laurenz
Richard Harley wrote: Very simple question - does pg_dump/dumpall hit the server in terms of database performance? We currently do nightly backups and I want to move to hourly backups but not at the expense of hogging all the resources for 5 mins. Pg_dumpall is currently producing a 1GB

Re: [GENERAL] Frontend/Backend protocol question.

2012-03-14 Thread Albe Laurenz
Dmitriy Igrishin wrote: According to is not actually necessary for the frontend to wait for ReadyForQuery before issuing another command. But is it necessary for frontend to wait for ReadyForQuery before sending Describe

Re: [GENERAL] Call for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2012: Project ideas?

2012-03-12 Thread Albe Laurenz
Selena Deckelmann wrote: On Thursday, March 8, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Stefan Keller wrote: I do have a student who is interested in participating at the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2012 Now I have the burden to look for a cool project... Any ideas? Also those who are on this thread, we are

Re: [GENERAL] invalid memory alloc request size + Could not open file pg_clog/XXXX

2012-03-01 Thread Albe Laurenz
scheu_postgresql wrote: In my Postgresql 8.4.0 server, since this morning some tables are unavailable, see example below : -- pg_dump MY_DB bkp_MY_DB.dmp pg_dump: SQL command failed pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size 18446744073709551613 pg_dump:

Re: [GENERAL] Yearly date comparison?

2012-02-29 Thread Albe Laurenz
Nick wrote: What is the best way to find an event with a yearly occurrence? CREATE TABLE events ( start_date DATE, end_date DATE, recurring TEXT ); INSERT INTO events (start_date, end_date, recurring) VALUES ('2010-02-28','2010-03-01','yearly'); SELECT * FROM events WHERE

Re: [GENERAL] explain and index scan

2012-02-27 Thread Albe Laurenz
Andreas wrote: PostgreSQL 9.1.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc-4.4.real (Debian 4.4.5-8) 4.4.5, 32-bit id | integer | not null Vorgabewert nextval('a_id_seq'::regclass) a | integer | not null b | integer | not null Indexe: a_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) a_a_key UNIQUE

Re: [GENERAL] COPY TO File: Using dynamic file name in stored procedure

2012-02-24 Thread Albe Laurenz
Carlos Oliva wrote: What would it be the correct format for using a variable in a stored procedure that uses COPY TO? I have the current stored procedure: CREATE FUNCTION Table_To_File(text) RETURNS void AS $delimeter$ COPY (SELECT * FROM table_to_xml('table', true, false, '')) TO '$1'

Re: [GENERAL] Comment on extension issues with pg_dump after upgrading to 9.1.2

2012-02-23 Thread Albe Laurenz
Timothy Garnett wrote: We recently upgraded to 9.1.2 from 9.0.3 and ran into some issues with the process we've been using to dump and restore databases. We typically use a super user (but not the postgres user) to dump and restore databases, but in moving the 9.1.2 we've run into trouble with

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql as main database

2012-02-23 Thread Albe Laurenz
Twaha Daudi wrote: I would like to make Postgresql 8.4 as main database for running three(software) and possible exchanging data.Is it possible? if yes what is the implication in terms of performance? Please give us more information: - What is three(software)? - Can you specify how and with

Re: [GENERAL] How to enable thread safety on postgresql 8.3.6

2012-02-23 Thread Albe Laurenz
ultrayoYO wrote: I need to enable option --enable-thread-safety after install completed. Do you have any way for this case. Because I try to remove and reinstall by enable thread safety. But not update feature --enable-thread-safety Postgresql config still value config in the first install.

Re: [GENERAL] ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES target_role doesn't work with group roles

2012-02-22 Thread Albe Laurenz
Keith Fiske wrote: Situation: I have two roles, alice bob. Both are members of the dev_user group role. I have a schema called 'reports' that both of these users would like to be able to manage. I thought I could use the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES option

Re: [GENERAL] Drop big index

2012-02-16 Thread Albe Laurenz
Vojtech Rylko wrote: I need to drop some b-tree indexes because they are not used anymore. Size of indexes vary between 700 MB and 7 GB. I tried common DROP INDEX... but this query performed so long and blocked table so I had to interrupt it. Is there any way how to drop large indexes in

[GENERAL] RE: [GENERAL] conexão no windows 7

2012-02-16 Thread Albe Laurenz
vossistemas wrote: Instalei o Postgresql 8.3 no windows 7 como servidor. Em uma estação com xp estou tentando me conectar e ocorre a seguinte mensagem: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host, user Vilson, database postgres, SSL off . No servidor com windows 7 está configurado:

Re: [GENERAL] High checkpoint_segments

2012-02-15 Thread Albe Laurenz
Jay Levitt wrote: We need to do a few bulk updates as Rails migrations. We're a typical read-mostly web site, so at the moment, our checkpoint settings and WAL are all default (3 segments, 5 min, 16MB), and updating a million rows takes 10 minutes due to all the checkpointing. We have no

Re: [GENERAL] Database denormalization

2012-02-14 Thread Albe Laurenz
JG wrote: To specify further, the question is, can I count on PostgreSQL to denormalize the database when it would be better for the performance, or should I always denormalize the database and all the querys myself. PostgreSQL does not do such things automatically. You'll have to do so

Re: [GENERAL] 9.1.1 crash

2012-02-13 Thread Albe Laurenz
Mike Blackwell wrote: The following are the relevant log entries from a recent crash of v9.1.1 running on an older RHEL Linux box. This is the first crash we've experienced in a lot of years of running Pg. Any assistance in how to determine what might have caused this is welcome.

Re: [GENERAL] Large Objects and and Vacuum

2012-01-03 Thread Albe Laurenz
Simon Windsor wrote: [pg_largeobject keeps growing] The data only has to be kept for a few days, and generally the system is performing well, but as stated in the email, regular use of vacuumlo, vacuum and autovacuum leaves the OS disc space slowly shrinking. As a last resort this week, I'm

Re: [GENERAL] asynchronous api questions

2012-01-03 Thread Albe Laurenz
Nulik Nol wrote: I have 2 questions regarding the asynchronous C api (I am using vers. 8.4): 1) To make a connection in non-blocking manner the api provides PGconn *PQconnectStart(const char *conninfo) function. The parameters are passed in 'conninfo' variable which is a string so I have to

Re: [GENERAL] Large Objects and and Vacuum

2012-01-02 Thread Albe Laurenz
Please don't send HTML mail to this list. Simon Windsor wrote: I am struggling with the volume and number of XML files a new application is storing. The table pg_largeobjects is growing fast, and despite the efforts of vacuumlo, vacuum and auto-vacuum it keeps on growing in size. Have you

Re: [GENERAL] Locking Tables Backup Inquiry

2011-12-15 Thread Albe Laurenz
Carlos Mennens wrote: 0 4 * * * /usr/bin/pg_dumpall  pg_dumpall.$DATE.sql that'll run at 4am every day. When I run the command in my shell (not in Cron), I'm prompted for my login password. Should I change the permissions in pg_hba.conf and enable INHERIT grants on my user? Should I place

Re: [GENERAL] Correct syntax to create partial index on a boolean column

2011-12-15 Thread Albe Laurenz
Mike Christensen wrote: For the boolean column Foo in Table1, if I want to index all values of TRUE, is this syntax correct? CREATE INDEX IDX_MyIndex ON Table1(Foo) WHERE Foo; Yes, that is correct. Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (

Re: [GENERAL] Philosophical question

2011-12-14 Thread Albe Laurenz
Andreas wrote: I asked elsewhere about the best way to store db credentials within a user-session of a web-app. It appeared that it was for everybody but me evident that instead of heaving a db-role+passwd for every user of an application it was better to have just 1 set of db-credentials

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