I got:
root@reactor:~# invoke-rc.d postgresql start
Starting PostgreSQL 9.1 database server: mainThe PostgreSQL server
failed to start. Please check the log output: 2011-08-11 12:12:42 EEST
LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2011-08-11
12:04:21 EEST 2011-08-11 12:12:42
CREATE TYPE varchararray AS (f varchar[]);
SELECT office_id, serial, commit_date, service_id,
array_agg(DISTINCT ROW(ARRAY(SELECT meter_id::varchar UNION ALL
SELECT organization_reading::varchar UNION ALL
SELECT reading::varchar))::varchararray)
FROM meter_readings
WHERE office_id
but I have to fold it in multi-dimensional, array like {{71629130,
15518, 0}, {2668722, 616, 0}} ?
but it's not possible to pass more then one argument to the array_agg
function :/
2010/1/12 A. Kretschmer :
> In response to Sergey Levchenko :
>> eps=# SELECT office_id, seria
eps=# SELECT office_id, serial, commit_date, service_id, meter_id,
organization_reading, reading FROM meter_readings WHERE office_id =
134 AND serial = 27 AND commit_date = '2010-01-11' AND commit_time =
'13:44:37' AND person_id = 300871;
office_id | serial | commit_date | service_id | meter_id |
Why I get: update or delete on table "people" violates foreign key
constraint "transactions_person_id_fkey" on table "transactions"
But before that query I run: SET CONSTRAINTS
transactions_person_id_fkey DEFERRED; before delete from people table
2009-12-09 20:01:51 EET LOG: statement: BEG
Hi All!
I have a table - transaction pool - with a lot of rows, but I use only
data for the latest month, or current year in my computations.
How can I split data to partitions like that if I can't use CHECK
constraints with non constant objects like, extract('month' from
CURRENT_DATE), extract('y
When I execute query, I've got error message.
test=> SELECT to_timestamp('00:00:05.601 SAMST Tue Jun 28 2005',
'HH24:MI:SS.MS TZ Dy Mon DD ');
ERROR: "TZ"/"tz" not supported
How can I convert '00:00:05.601 SAMST Tue Jun 28 2005' (varchar type)
to timestamp with time zone?
I can not get work ilike, ~*, ~~* with not ascii chars, but upper,
lower, order by - work good.
db encoding is UNICODE.
test=> SELECT 'Тест' ~~* 'тест';
test=> SELECT 'Тест'' ~* 'тест';
test=> SELECT 'Тест'' ILIKE 'тест';
bad that we can not modify lc_ctype and lc_collate from
postgresql.conf like lc_messages, lc_monetary, ...
I think that it will be good idea to add locale specific options to
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 12:17:14 -0500, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sergey Levchenko <[EMAI
I am not able to get work lower and upper functions on postgresql
v8.0.1 and 8.1b(current cvs copy). I use Debian SID i686 GNU/Linux.
Locale: ru_RU.KOI8-R
createdb -E UNICODE test
psql test
test=> SET client_encoding TO KOI8;
test=> SELECT t FROM t1;
(2 rows)
10 matches
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