[PHP] local (config) value not overriding master

2004-03-16 Thread Fredrik de Vibe
Hi On the system I'm working on atm, php is set up with a non-modifiable php.ini, but I can make php config changes in httpd.conf. The changes I make are reflected in the "local value" row in the output from phpinfo() while the values from php.ini are in the "master value" row. This seemed to be

Re: [PHP] how to format a date variable

2001-05-17 Thread Fredrik de Vibe
Carlos Fernando Scheidecker Antunes wrote: > If I issue the comand date(d."/".m."/".Y." ".H.":".i.":".s) > I get the Today's date and time formated accordingly. Don't you want to put the letters inside the quotes? > So what I need is to format variable $OrderDate to Day/Month/year Hour:Min:Sec.

[PHP] ftp_nlist not listing directories

2001-05-17 Thread Fredrik de Vibe
Hi I'm having problems using ftp_nlist() to list directories. I've scanned the internet and found that there's probably some incompability with the version of wu-ftp used on the server and ftp_nlist(). With version 2.6.1, this doesn't work, but with version 2.5.0 it does. Anybody know why this is