--- Begin Message ---
Here is the setup that I have used.
Please, adapt to your needs.
Table 'theTable' is supposed to contain columns fname, mname, lname
and ePass (encrypted password). The crypt() function produces a password
cannot be decrypted and really works well.
Of course, you need t
You should do date arithmetic using the Unix date format (number of
seconds since 1970).
I think these string format dates are not appropriate.
Merlin wrote:
Hi there,
I am trying to create a date which is 25 years back from today. The
purpose of this is to be able to query a mysql databas
use printf( "%02d", $a + 1 )
or something like that. Should work.
Labunski wrote:
I have small problem..
$a = 01;
echo $a+1;
//this will display 2, instead of 02.
How to get 02?
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In php.ini we have the ability to set sendmail_from only for Windows. It
is unfair, because it does not work
for Linux. When I broadcast, the From defaults to 'Apache' and people
have complained about that.
Another thing that is causing trouble is that uploaded file ownership
defaults to apache.
Sebastian Mendel,
I am using simple scripts to verify this file size issue:
The Html file that accepts the job is as follows:
Send this file:
The action php script is as follows:
" );
print( "Error message: $php_errormsg" );
I don't know how to see the error message, because when
Yes, I restarted httpd and ran phpinfo() to check if the parameter
values were being recognized by php.
Two different Linux servers respond differently to the same change in
That is why I suspect that my server has some basic setting that
overrides everything that I do for php.
I am ask
I set display_errors, startup_errors, track_errors On in php.ini,
restarted Apache and reran an upload session.
The only error message displayed upon attempt to upload a large file is
"This document contains no data"
The specified log file is empty.
I am using Apache 2.0, but could not find Limit
My problem: To upload large files.
Although /etc/php.ini on my Linux server specifies
upload_max_filesize = 8M
post_max_size = 8M
only files smaller than 512 kB are uploaded, while larger files fail
with message
"File contains no data"
Everything happens as if php.ini were being ignored, although
This is a similar question, but under Linux.
No matter how I change the upload_max_filesize in /etc/php.ini, the file
uploading script refuses to accept files larger than 512 kB.
If I run the phpinfo() function, the new value for upload_max_size (20M)
appears there, but I get the message "File c
9 matches
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